DOOM performance metrics (my 1st post here)

Loaded Glove

May 15, 2016
My 1st post here, hello everyone! Hope to learn, share and have some fun chats here.

I'm sure I could get more info by googling and such first before asking at a forum, but I'm usually pretty lousy at that and I also tried to no avail so far. Got some answers, but nothing concrete so I decided to explore a forum that came up in results for another question I googled.

I understand most of the metrics, but not the numbers shown in milliseconds. Best info I could find was something called "Frame time". Regardless of the settings I use, I notice my max and sometimes even average, are shown in red for my cpu. This info is relevant to me because I am 1 of the unlucky players experiencing random crashes to desktop with no errors, just instant exiting of the game, seemingly completely random.

My specs:
i7 4790k - 2x8gb ddr3 1600 - ASUS Z97-AR - MSi GTX 980 4gb - Samsung EVO 850 500gb - Corsair CX750M
Win7 HP 64bit - Nvidia 365.19

Nothing is OC'ed
Gaming at 1080 and have tried many combos of ingame settings with same results and some CTDs

Thanks in advance for any info and help!
I'm not sure what those measurements are either, but I'd suggest using MSI afterburner OSD to monitor your system during gameplay. I have not heard of anyone having CTD issues on Nvidia cards so it may be something overheating and Afterburner can assist you in getting to the bottom of that.

FYI you probably want to post in the PC gaming and hardware section in the future.

PC Gaming & Hardware
First of all, thank you for replying.

My temps are actually what I'd consider fairly good, below 70C max on gpu and 60C max on cpu.

The steam forums are swamped with threads and posts about the issue. I posted here instead of hardware because I figured the issue must be pretty big with this particular piece of software, as it were. Over at the Steam forums, there are tons of people crashing with every possible combo of hardware, software and settings. All crashing to the desktop with absolutely no errors, not even in the Window's event viewer. Heck not even warnings or anything relevant in the information section of event viewer. The program simply exits instantly, in all types of scenarios from nothing much going on to intense battles. It's so incredibly random for most people who are experiencing this issue.

Apologies if posting here was unacceptable.
First of all, thank you for replying.

My temps are actually what I'd consider fairly good, below 70C max on gpu and 60C max on cpu.

The steam forums are swamped with threads and posts about the issue. I posted here instead of hardware because I figured the issue must be pretty big with this particular piece of software, as it were. Over at the Steam forums, there are tons of people crashing with every possible combo of hardware, software and settings. All crashing to the desktop with absolutely no errors, not even in the Window's event viewer. Heck not even warnings or anything relevant in the information section of event viewer. The program simply exits instantly, in all types of scenarios from nothing much going on to intense battles. It's so incredibly random for most people who are experiencing this issue.

Apologies if posting here was unacceptable.

Wow didnt know it was so wide spread. Well in that case it may be something you have to wait for the devs to iron out, but in the mean time you can try rolling back to the previous Nvidia driver and see if that helps.

If you are using multiple monitors, try and disable all but your primary monitor when you play.
Using a single monitor and running the game at the monitor's native resolution of 1920 x 1080 60hz. I have run the game with and without vsync as well as running the game with both the latest driver as well as the previous version and have had CTD's regardless.

That said and on a lighter note, the game is super fun and people bashing it hasn't affected my opinion of it or made me wanna stop playing it. Maybe not the best shooter ever, but definitely a very good game. The worst thing about this issue is that besides the crashing, the game runs flawless on any settings I use all the way up to ultra with everything enabled and gets high frame rates. At this point I'm thinking I might be better off not holding my breath for the issue to get patched and instead be anxious and hopeful for the release of Vulcan.

Was typing and didn't see your next post before posting the above. Verified several times already and always do clean installs of drivers, like manually deleting the folders after uninstalling and then choosing the clean install option still.
Glad to hear you're still enjoying the game. Sounds like you've covered all your bases, afraid I'm out of suggestions for now.
Well you've been very nice and I certainly appreciate the replies. I always worry about getting hazed when I post for the first time at a forum. lol
Next thing I would try is regenerating the config file by deleting DoomConfig.cfg and changing your in-game options again. If you changed the launch options or made an autoexec.cfg I would clear those out, too, just to get the game back to default condition.
Thanks for replying Armenius!

I had tried those steps early on, but still got a couple more CTD's. Trying to remain hopeful for a patch since reports of this issue continue to pour in on the Steam forums.

The issue is so random and so widespread that there seem to be no particular common variables. Various versions of Windows, various drivers, Both AMD and Intel cpus, both AMD and Nvidia gpus, minimum spec rigs and uber high end rigs as well. Those running their equipment at stock speeds and those who have OC'ed. Most people report acceptable temps and still have the issue. I tried to think of at least 1 thing that almost any user would have in common and the only thing that came to mind is the default AHCI driver from microsoft that was released in 2006 and is still the default on all versions of Windows. lol
Thanks for replying Armenius!

I had tried those steps early on, but still got a couple more CTD's. Trying to remain hopeful for a patch since reports of this issue continue to pour in on the Steam forums.

The issue is so random and so widespread that there seem to be no particular common variables. Various versions of Windows, various drivers, Both AMD and Intel cpus, both AMD and Nvidia gpus, minimum spec rigs and uber high end rigs as well. Those running their equipment at stock speeds and those who have OC'ed. Most people report acceptable temps and still have the issue. I tried to think of at least 1 thing that almost any user would have in common and the only thing that came to mind is the default AHCI driver from microsoft that was released in 2006 and is still the default on all versions of Windows. lol
Every motherboard I have purchased since 2007 has come with its own AHCI driver on the CD. Maybe you should check your mobo manufacturer's website for a current version.
Often times, motherboard manufacturers drivers are slightly tweaked versions of the vendor drivers, tailored to suit and support extended features and functionality of the board. Other times they are simply whatever the most recent version of the drivers their own in house techs have tested and confirmed to be reliable or whatever the latest to receive WHQL. That and/or the installer package is simply the latest vendor drivers with their own UI slapped on top of it. Not mentioning this because I'm assuming you didn't know that info, but instead, for anyone reading this who may not know. All that being said, I have tried all 3 possibilities while running this install of Windows. That is to say, the default ms driver, the latest directly from Intel's site and latest directly from ASUS' site. Unfortunately, anything other than the default from ms had performance too poor or inconsistent for me to want to test it for very long and try to use anything other than the ms driver for extended use. For that reason, I have no idea how the other 2 drivers would behave running DOOM, but know that overall they perform rather poorly in general on my particular build. I mentioned the AHCI driver thing rather facetiously since it is pretty much confirmed in my mind to be a game bug, even present in other id titles like W:TOB. Many times people will chastise me saying it can't be a bug because they don't have issues. That just makes me smh because obviously they don't understand what the word bug means in the context of it being used to describe the behavior of software. My understanding has always been that a bug simply means inconsistent or unexpected behavior of the software on stable/working/compatible hardware. In other words, you could literally build 10 identical machines with all the same hardware, software and drivers, then test all of them with memtest, prime, 3dmark, furmark, etc to see that they are all stable and yet the software may perform differently on 1 or more of those machines. Exhibiting some pattern of behavior inconsistent with what the developer had intended.

Sorry for the wall of text, but since I'm new here, I wanted to show in some small way that I do have at least some knowledge and understanding and am not a pristine noob with my tech cherry still intact. lmao
It's a long shot, but I think you might be running into a power supply problem. You can see from my sig that I have the same supply and I have recently learned that it is less than stellar. I will be looking to replace it in the near future. I have not had any problems yet but I am running an I5 4690k @ 4GHz with lowish voltage requirements. If there is a way you could perhaps try another supply with higher quality and see if that fixes your issue. Normally a PS problem results in a complete hard restart of the PC but that isn't always the case. They can exhibit failure in more mild ways as well.

On the other hand, if you have no issues in any other games, I'm inclined to agree with you that there is some driver or game bug causing your issue. Though other games may not be loading your system as much as DOOM. If you can run 2 cores in prime and furmark at the same time and have no issues, then It's more than likely a game/driver bug and there is nothing you can do about it right now.

I have also noticed problems with Unity Games where if I run a Unity Game before playing other games I will likely get a CTD and have to restart my PC or the game will continue to CTD. This is 100% repeatable by running From The Depths or Kerbal Space Program and then trying to play WarThunder without restarting the PC in between. You could also try closing any Manufacturer provided software that is not a driver. Like if you are running a windows overclock program provided by your Board Manufacturer.
Thanks for replying BallerX!

While I find your suggestion to be quite plausible and something I'm willing to try, I'm less inclined to try at this particular moment due to the volume of reports of this issue at the forums. If a proper patch is never released that specifically addresses this issue of CTD, I may attempt to try a more powerful and probably single rail gold 80 cert psu... for good measure.

That being said, the general issue of crash to desktop without error is a very unique event which I am quite curious to learn more about, aside from it being an issue with DOOM for me currently. Basically I am curious about the event itself and what is actually going on with hardware and software that would cause a Windows PC to exhibit this particular behavior.

Oh and nothing in my rig is currently OC'ed and I have not attempted any OC'ing with this build as of yet.
Could this be your antivirus program or some other background app. Try disabling all unnecessary applications(taskbar stuff).
I almost always disable AV when playing games and try to keep background programs to a bare minimum. The reports of this issue continue to come in at the forums so at this point I'm fairly certain the issue is not on my end. Granted there are more people playing without this issue than with, but such is the nature of bugs and those having the issue have every manner of possible hardware/software config.

Just waiting for a patch or Vulcan support and still would like to know the answer to my OP... what the heck do those metrics in milliseconds mean? lol
I almost always disable AV when playing games and try to keep background programs to a bare minimum. The reports of this issue continue to come in at the forums so at this point I'm fairly certain the issue is not on my end. Granted there are more people playing without this issue than with, but such is the nature of bugs and those having the issue have every manner of possible hardware/software config.

Just waiting for a patch or Vulcan support and still would like to know the answer to my OP... what the heck do those metrics in milliseconds mean? lol

LOL I would like to know what they mean too.
After digging all around the web, I have come to the conclusion that this is not merely a game bug, but actually an engine bug that has plagued the idtech engine for years across many games based on the various iterations of the engine. As far as I can tell, they have never officially acknowledged or attempted to resolve this bug. In fairness to them and as not make it seem as though I'm trying to vilify them or make them out to be lazy, incompetent or uncaring, the issue is truly a puzzle since, without error messages of any kind, there is almost nothing to go on to be able to explore and troubleshoot this issue. It is further complicated by the fact that it can affect literally anyone with any configuration of hardware and software and there don't appear to be any common variables other than whatever particular game and the Windows OS. All of my hope is now placed in Vulcan. While I'm not in the camp that thinks this game is like the greatest ever or anything, either technically, artistically or in terms of gameplay, I can honestly say that overall it is 1 of the most fun games I have ever played. The pace, the weapons, the gore, the variety of ways to kill and variety of monsters to kill, is over the top awesome action gaming at it's best!
Just chiming in that DOOM crashes to desktop (like ALT+F4) whenever I change the resolution. just BAM: wallpaper. Funny enough it starts up with the changed resolution once I decide to run it, so not a total loss.