DOOM Will Have Advanced Video Features

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Most of you will remember that we were more than a bit surprised last week when we realized there was no tab or menu for advanced video features in the DOOM Open Beta (here). Well, Bethesda must've heard our cries because today they posted a detailed list of advanced features that will be in the retail game at launch.

  • Manually Lock Framerate (un-locked by default)
  • Lights Quality
  • Chromatic Aberration Toggle
  • Shading Quality
  • Post Process Quality
  • Particles Quality
  • Game F/X Quality
  • Decal Quality
  • Directional Occlusion
  • Reflections Quality
  • Depth of Field Toggle
  • Decal / Texture Filtering
  • Motion Blur Quality / Toggle
  • Sharpening Amount
  • Lens Flare Toggle
  • Lens Dirt Toggle
  • Texture Atlas Size
  • Show Performance Metrics
  • Resolution Scaling
  • UI Opacity
  • Film Grain
  • Rendering Mode
  • FOV Slider
  • Simple Reticle
  • Show First-person Hands Toggle
  • Use Compute Shaders
  • Vsync (support or triple buffering)
Not sure why people hate the new doom. I had fun with the beta and found myself playing it for 4 straight hours. I've been looking for some kind of new twitch shooter. I'm an Unreal kinda guy, but who knows when that will come out. I'm glad to see that they're add all these options for the PC version. Kinda sucked playing it at 16:9 on my 21:9 monitor.
Not sure why people hate the new doom. I had fun with the beta and found myself playing it for 4 straight hours.

Because PC gamers are the biggest group of crybaby bitches on the planet. We bitch and moan about every new game. I mean when was the last time we were happy about a game? Skyrim maybe? Most every new game that comes down the pike is hated and trashed a lot of times even before the game is released. I don't know what it is about us or why we do it.

I can't wait for this to come out personally. Doom and especially Final Doom changed gaming for me. It'll always have a place in my heart.
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Friend at id told me they were releasing a second open beta that will be pc only soon before retail launch with all the advanced features unlocked this time and the frame rate uncapped from 60,
I just hope they speed it up just a bit. It played just a little slow for a frantic twitch shooter.
Have they previewed single player mode yet ... my only interest in Doom is if there is a good single player campaign, since I don't play multiplayer games
Have they previewed single player mode yet ... my only interest in Doom is if there is a good single player campaign, since I don't play multiplayer games

They have. Quite a bit. Check the videos out on YouTube from E3
I'll pass on this game for the same reason I've passed on many other recent PC shooters -- no dedicated servers. Actually, to be more specific (a recent trend is claiming dedicated servers on the backend), console style matchmaking. It's complete garbage -- often slow, doesn't allow for communities to build based on location, and most importantly, kills off any alternative game mode unless the player base is gigantic.

To the poster flaming us for complaining all the time -- it's because every game that comes out consistently handicaps the experience due to console-oriented design and short sightedness. We should never accept steps taken backward as an industry. As CoD as an example, it's unacceptable that all recent games are lacking the customisation and features of the last true PC title (CoD4) - made like 10 years ago.
I'm an Unreal kinda guy, but who knows when that will come out. I'm glad to see that they're add all these options for the PC version. Kinda sucked playing it at 16:9 on my 21:9 monitor.

Have you had a chance to play Unreal Tournament yet? It's in the Pre-Alpha stages, but it's a blast. I played DOOM, but I am having more fun playing UT.
Unreal Tournament
Not sure why people hate the new doom. I had fun with the beta and found myself playing it for 4 straight hours. I've been looking for some kind of new twitch shooter. I'm an Unreal kinda guy, but who knows when that will come out. I'm glad to see that they're add all these options for the PC version. Kinda sucked playing it at 16:9 on my 21:9 monitor.
I tried the demo and barely made it through 2 games. The speed and mechanics just seemed slightly disconnected and slow to me. I'm a big Unreal fan, love a fast-paced first person shooter (particularly death match) - but unless I'm missing something obvious, this did not seem to fit that bill. Not that my PC wasn't capable either, just the overall game-play and mechanics felt sluggish, for lack of a better word.
I didn't see people saying that the multiplayer sucked, people said that the multiplayer wasn't really doom, and it is true. The weapon system were you can't do pickups, the melee and all those small details make it a Not Doom multiplayer, so that is what they don't like. This was understandable since the multiplayer was done by the Halo multiplayer dudes.
Most of you will remember that we were more than a bit surprised last week when we realized there was no tab or menu for advanced video features in the DOOM Open Beta (here). Well, Bethesda must've heard our cries because today they posted a detailed list of advanced features that will be in the retail game at launch.

  • Manually Lock Framerate (un-locked by default)
  • Lights Quality
  • Chromatic Aberration Toggle
  • Shading Quality
  • Post Process Quality
  • Particles Quality
  • Game F/X Quality
  • Decal Quality
  • Directional Occlusion
  • Reflections Quality
  • Depth of Field Toggle
  • Decal / Texture Filtering
  • Motion Blur Quality / Toggle
  • Sharpening Amount
  • Lens Flare Toggle
  • Lens Dirt Toggle
  • Texture Atlas Size
  • Show Performance Metrics
  • Resolution Scaling
  • UI Opacity
  • Film Grain
  • Rendering Mode
  • FOV Slider
  • Simple Reticle
  • Show First-person Hands Toggle
  • Use Compute Shaders
  • Vsync (support or triple buffering)
Oh, good. We will actually be able to turn off all the fake camera effects. I'm so tired of developers treating what is supposed to be human eyes as camera lenses.
Will we be able to turn on an option to skip past the unskippable cut scenes?

This is part of the reason glorious games like Half-Life (plus sequel) have such poor replay value: a quarter of the game is spent standing around watching people talk. It seems ID has picked-up on this poor decision, and has infected every title they've made in the last decade.