Doom3 Artifacts


Limp Gawd
Mar 1, 2004
I wasn't sure where exactly this should be posted so if this is not the correct forum, then move it please. Anyways, I can't overclock my 9800pro in doom3 because it artifacts, so I have to set it to stock. I've been playing with it at stock speeds and I've noticed some of what I think are artifacts, maybe it's something else and I'm just stupid. But what do you think this is?

That's what I thought originally , but that's weird looking do you know what that is?

it may be something to do with the geometry of the railing in the game and how the rendering engine handles odd angles like that. If that's the only spot you see it, I wouldn't be too concerned though...the rest of the image looks good.
nst6563 said:

it may be something to do with the geometry of the railing in the game and how the rendering engine handles odd angles like that. If that's the only spot you see it, I wouldn't be too concerned though...the rest of the image looks good.
Lol acne , that's not the only place I see it though. On several other levels I see it to. Oddly enough though it's all on railings, which I think is kind of bizzare. Oh well if it's not artifacts it doesn't really matter I guess.
I've seen the Exact same effect in, to the best of my knowledge, the Exact same spot. It also shows up in rarer instances in other areas, i.e. a Railing, or what I think is a seam where a texture joins or some Poly's. I was blaming on a Driver/Software issue and not Hardware as Underclocks etc.. had no effect.
Thx for the help guys. It's nice to know it's not artifacts and I'm not the only one experiencing it.
haha I accidentally started a standard game on my server and was playing at like 12fps. Those white dots were everywhere! :p Geforce2 is the best for doom3 im really surprised it actually ran the game
I had those dots as well. Actually, I used to get them on the planet at the start up screen. The trick that I found that worked was to underclock your card a bit. Keep backing it up a tad until you don't see it anymore.
Movieesa said:
I had those dots as well. Actually, I used to get them on the planet at the start up screen. The trick that I found that worked was to underclock your card a bit. Keep backing it up a tad until you don't see it anymore.
If they are not artifacts why would underclocking my card help? :confused:
I don't understand why overclocking your card would cause the dots in D3 when the card works fine in everything else...

I o/c'd the shit outta my card, and I don't have white dots on anything in any game....but then again...I'm not complaining either...the card I have needs all the speed I can give it. :p
nst6563 said:
I don't understand why overclocking your card would cause the dots in D3 when the card works fine in everything else...

I o/c'd the shit outta my card, and I don't have white dots on anything in any game....but then again...I'm not complaining either...the card I have needs all the speed I can give it. :p
What kind of cooling are you using? Also, I think only doom3 would cause it because it's very demanding and didn't carmack say it wouldn't run well with overclocked hardware?
v1p3r-386- said:
What kind of cooling are you using? Also, I think only doom3 would cause it because it's very demanding and didn't carmack say it wouldn't run well with overclocked hardware?

I'm using a modified P233-MMX heatsink (the old black or green ones that were like 3 inches long x 2.5 inches long and about 1 inch high) that I custom fitted to the 9600xt by dremeling to fit. Matched a 60mm delta fan (not the insanely loud ones either, this one is inaudible with the case closed) to it. the card stays at around 33-34c under full load even when playing Doom3.

I remember seeing him say that about the cards, but I just don't understand why Doom3 would stress the card any differently than say...Farcry or Halo? I would think that if the card ran fine in everything else, then it would run fine in Doom3 too. Guess some cases are different though.
nst6563 said:
I'm using a modified P233-MMX heatsink (the old black or green ones that were like 3 inches long x 2.5 inches long and about 1 inch high) that I custom fitted to the 9600xt by dremeling to fit. Matched a 60mm delta fan (not the insanely loud ones either, this one is inaudible with the case closed) to it. the card stays at around 33-34c under full load even when playing Doom3.

I remember seeing him say that about the cards, but I just don't understand why Doom3 would stress the card any differently than say...Farcry or Halo? I would think that if the card ran fine in everything else, then it would run fine in Doom3 too. Guess some cases are different though.
It might be my fairly cheap cooling. I'm using a vantec iceberg 4 fan w/ as5. And vantec ramsinks w/ cheap thermal tape. The odd thing is in all other games besides doom3 I can run w/ my card oc'd for hours w/ out artifacting. I guess from what other people have said though the dots in the pic in my original post aren't artifacts so..... Btw what program do you use to oc your card? I use powerstrip but I hate having to wait for it if you don't buy it.
I'm using Radlinker. I like it b/c I can set different settings for different games, and it will only o/c the card while running that game. It's free, no timeouts or anything.

I believe it actually comes with the Omega drivers too. Although, I just use the standard ATI ones (4.8 currently)
I am not sure, but I think that those might be normal map interpolation artifacts.
When they happened to me I had the VIdeo Card of whatever speed it ships with. I really suggest you underclock you card by 20 and see if it helps it out.