Doom3 sucks! Want a refund! :(

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Apr 2, 2003
Well this game plain sucks.

Going to get my money back.

I have seen games run better and look better than doom3.

Just because it requires high end hardware does not mean it is any good.
I cannot believe some people spent a lot of money in upgrade just to play this game.

Anybody can make a game a resource hog.
As a programmer myself, I know that bad code will use a lot of resources while well tuned code will use less resources.

Using the system in my sig (with 9700pro being OCed at 380:340) @ 800x600-medium quality-no AA is not only choppy, but also looks like crap.

Bah... last time I will listen to the hype from fanatics! :(
Not everyone is going to love any game. I for one thoroughly enjoy it, and it runs pretty well on my computer at 1024/768 on all medium. 2500+ barton, geforce 4 ti4400, 1500megs of ram
spectrumbx said:
Well this game plain sucks.

Going to get my money back.

I have seen games run better and look better than doom3.

Just because it requires high end hardware does not mean it is any good.
I cannot believe some people spent a lot of money in upgrade just to play this game.

Anybody can make a game a resource hog.
As a programmer myself, I know that bad code will use a lot of resources while well tuned code will use less resources.

Using the system in my sig (with 9700pro being OCed at 380:340) @ 800x600-medium quality-no AA is not only choppy, but also looks like crap.

Bah... last time I will listen to the hype from fanatics! :(

So.... what game looks better than D3? And not to light old fires, but doesn't D3 run pretty bad on most old ATi hardware?

EDIT: I notice you are running a dual display setup, I heard that effects D3's performance-- try turning off the second display.
You say it sucks, but gave no reason other than it doesn't run well on your computer. Boo Hoo !
spectrumbx said:
Well this game plain sucks.

Going to get my money back.

I have seen games run better and look better than doom3.

Just because it requires high end hardware does not mean it is any good.
I cannot believe some people spent a lot of money in upgrade just to play this game.

Anybody can make a game a resource hog.
As a programmer myself, I know that bad code will use a lot of resources while well tuned code will use less resources.

Using the system in my sig (with 9700pro being OCed at 380:340) @ 800x600-medium quality-no AA is not only choppy, but also looks like crap.

Bah... last time I will listen to the hype from fanatics! :(

Your thread sucks, I want a refund. Lol bad code, looks like you suck at making computers you stupid hack.
spectrumbx said:
Well this game plain sucks.

Going to get my money back.

I have seen games run better and look better than doom3.

Just because it requires high end hardware does not mean it is any good.
I cannot believe some people spent a lot of money in upgrade just to play this game.

Anybody can make a game a resource hog.
As a programmer myself, I know that bad code will use a lot of resources while well tuned code will use less resources.

Using the system in my sig (with 9700pro being OCed at 380:340) @ 800x600-medium quality-no AA is not only choppy, but also looks like crap.

Bah... last time I will listen to the hype from fanatics! :(

Don't review a game if it doesn't work with your hardware or if it is choppy. Finish the game first.
Maybe you should try and find out WHY it's running poorly?

Why not list your system specs to give us a clue as to why it's running bad?
Yeah, sounds like there's issue with your computer. It runs fine for me at 800 x 600 medium quality and I only have a 9500pro at stock speeds.
Don't blame the game because your system isn't cut out to run the game at the highest possible settings. You have no right to complain.

Also: Refund on opened software? HAHAHAHA! :rolleyes:
As a programmer myself, I know that bad code will use a lot of resources while well tuned code will use less resources.

LOL bad code. Lets see some of your codes, and we'll be the judge of whether you're better than Carmack or not. LOLOL!
I won't even bother to comment on some of the above posts.

Guess what? I got my money back. :)

I guess for some of you it is hard to admit that the darn thing sucks after you have spent so much money just to play it. Or, it could simply be that we have different expectations and taste.
Xtasy0 said:
he's a consumer he spent his money, he has every right to complain.

yes he does, but he doesnt seem to have made an effort in order for the game to run in his system
um..I only have a ti4200, and I run it at 800x600 with medium settings and it plays very smooth, I could probably up it to 1024.....sounds like your system has something wrong with it..
.Wiggles. said:
hes a coder yet he sounds like hes a 5 yr old

Not a coder, J2EE software architect for you.
Visit the Bank of America website to get a glimpse of what I do. :)
Camaro68 said:
um..I only have a ti4200, and I run it at 800x600 with medium settings and it plays very smooth, I could probably up it to 1024.....sounds like your system has something wrong with it..

Very possible, except that other games like MOHAA/Spearhead run very well @ 1280x1024 and max settings.
spectrumbx said:
Very possible, except that other games like MOHAA/Spearhead run very well @ 1280x1024 and max settings.

you clearly must have done something wrong/ or something wrong with your pc

my brother has a 9700 pro and the game run smoothly @ 1024X7680 with 8x af

he is currently playing the game @ 1280X1024 with no aa and only 8x af
and the game still plays smoothly with an occasional slow down which is rare
Cigolon said:
no ones fault but your own.

I'm not on either side of the fence, but why is it his fault? Maybe (just maybe) he lives paycheck to paycheck and can't upgrade to a mega-computer. You just don't know his circumstances.
I'm a analyst/programmer myself with 15 years experience on PC's, mid-range and mainframes. In those years I've had 3 new PC's each 2x better & faster then the last.
Even though these are network clients, if I had the first machine now it would run like
a donkey's ass. The company I work for just spent 1 million on a bigger badder machine. Should I tell my boss its due to bad coding ?? :D

Using your logic, programs should have great features and efficient code with the SAME
old hardware ?

Not sure where you learned programming but maybe you need to reread Moore's law and apply it to todays programming reality ?

Doom 3 is now the de facto standard game engine. If your system is not cutting it upgrade. To wax a game like this based on hardware requirements is like saying a VW will beat a Porsche if it only tries.
Ok, I would like to point out that even though you say you are some kind of programmer so you know that good code doesnt use alot of resources like bad code does. Now while this may be true for a desktop financial app or a web app that makes bad use of resources, or a coder that forgets to use free(), I am completely AMAZED at what id has managed to accomplish with Doom3. You can talk all you want about "being a programmer and knowing bad programming when you see it" but Doom3 is ANYTHING and EVERYTHING but bad programming. The fact that rending 3D graphics is the most resource expensive thing that a computer can do (Aside from pure mathematical operations) aside, Doom3 is impressive in the fact that it can perform as well as look amazing on such a broad range of hardware. This shows that the game is FAR from bad programming, nay, it is quite the opposite.
I for one am glad that you got your money back for the game, now you dont have any right to complain anymore. If they hadnt let you have your money back then you could have, but now the only thing you have wasted is time, and since you had enough of that to come onto a forum to tell us that you returned a game you didnt like, i dont think that is an issue either.
Good Day sir!
Something is wrong with your system. I can play @ 1024x768 @ High Quality, Forced 8X AF no problems, and I have less RAM.

And for the record, the Doom3 engine is simply one of the best coded engines for its time ever.

- User Customizable Shaders
- Scales all the way from GeForce4 MX440-class (essentially GeForce 2 era technology) up to X800 / 6800 technology, and looks good on just about everything
- Amazing lighting effects

How can you complain, really?
cuemasterfl said:
I'm not on either side of the fence, but why is it his fault? Maybe (just maybe) he lives paycheck to paycheck and can't upgrade to a mega-computer. You just don't know his circumstances.

I wasn't implying his computer. i was implying the fact that listening to hype is no ones fault but his own. so theres really no one to blame except the guy who got the game.

Rizen said:
one of the best coded engines for its time ever.
kinda funny to say best coded for its time, ever. just made me laugh.
spectrumbx said:
I guess for some of you it is hard to admit that the darn thing sucks after you have spent so much money just to play it. Or, it could simply be that we have different expectations and taste.

Well hell, if you're capable of this insight, then what's with the lame thread?
kuyaglen said:
What store accepts open box software returns?

Id like to know this too. I only know that EB lets you trade in for store credit or another game if you hate a game.
At Best Buy you can get some of the less informed Customer Service people return open software if you just bought it in the last day or so and say that you were told it would work on your computer and it doesn't...the keyword is TOLD by a sales person. We keep yelling at them for returning it especially since the cd key is now probably useless.
kuyaglen said:
What store accepts open box software returns?

The 'I downloaded it, didn't like it because I have a shitfaced computer and am too incompetant to tweak it, to the recycling bin with thee" store.
msny said:
I'm a analyst/programmer myself with 15 years experience on PC's, mid-range and mainframes. In those years I've had 3 new PC's each 2x better & faster then the last.
Even though these are network clients, if I had the first machine now it would run like
a donkey's ass. The company I work for just spent 1 million on a bigger badder machine. Should I tell my boss its due to bad coding ?? :D

Using your logic, programs should have great features and efficient code with the SAME
old hardware ?

Not sure where you learned programming but maybe you need to reread Moore's law and apply it to todays programming reality ?

Doom 3 is now the de facto standard game engine. If your system is not cutting it upgrade. To wax a game like this based on hardware requirements is like saying a VW will beat a Porsche if it only tries.

Good points for the most part except for one thing: the game was choppy and the quality was poor at the settings I mentioned (800x600 with no AA).

What type of innovation is that?
What is the value in low frame rate combined with poor image quality? Not to mention the lame gameplay (from what I was able to experience).

Now, I am an occasional gamer and I take a very long time to upgrade my systems. I have much more interesting things to buy with my money than every lastest hardware.
My system is for application development first, gaming last.

Simply put: if it takes a $1000 hardware upgrade for me to play doom, then it is worthless to me. :rolleyes:
spectrumbx said:
Good points for the most part except for one thing: the game was choppy and the quality was poor at the settings I mentioned (800x600 with no AA).

What type of innovation is that?
What is the value in low frame rate combined with poor image quality? Not to mention the lame gameplay (from what I was able to experience).

Now, I am an occasional gamer and I take a very long time to upgrade my systems. I have much more interesting things to buy with my money than every lastest hardware.
My system is for application development first, gaming last.

Simply put: if it takes a $1000 hardware upgrade for me to play doom, then it is worthless to me. :rolleyes:

Well then shouldn't the title be "My system sucks!!! I had to return Doom3" instead?
kuyaglen said:
What store accepts open box software returns?

Best Buy
They have a satisfaction guaranty. You simply have to make valid arguement for your disatisfaction.

The Batman said:
The 'I downloaded it, didn't like it because I have a shitfaced computer and am too incompetant to tweak it, to the recycling bin with thee" store.

Yeah, remember what I do for a living?
spectrumbx said:
Simply put: if it takes a $1000 hardware upgrade for me to play doom, then it is worthless to me. :rolleyes:

you should stop making such senseless remarks, you didnt bother to tweak your system

heh, I have another system less powefull than yours and still run the game smoothly
Strange, I always thought java was a huge resource hog... regardless of the program.
I'm running at 800x600x2AA high quality and though the timedemo fps reports 22 I'm getting nice smooth gameplay that has yet to stutter (GFX5600).
Dude, you really need to listen to people's advice. The only thing on your system that might not be getting decent results is the CPU, and that isn't off by too much.

You might try checking your setup (i.e. the dual monitor + D3 not playing well advice), or you might be in nedd of a whopping $100 processor upgrade.

You might be a java architect, but if you walk aorund work like this, I'm sure your sysadmins would like to beat your head in with a crowbar.
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