Doom3 with dhewm3


Feb 15, 2002
Thought I'd point out another game since it's Halloween'ish. I tried dhewm3 and have enjoyed the hell out of it (pun). On release, I remember complaining quite a bit about the flashlight and monster lockers, but they really don't seem so bad now and actually kinda fun. :p

For getting it up and running, I did bump into one issue on Debian Jessie. libvorbis_1.3.4-2 has a bug that's been fixed upstream, but it doesn't seem like it's going to come back through the normal update channels. So I got to read up on back porting and had quite the learning experience. It sounds like faster moving distributions shouldn't have the issue.
Nice, this is the first Doom 3 source port I've seen. Does it provide any noticeable benefits over the original version?
github page said:
Compared to the original DOOM 3, the changes of dhewm 3 worth mentioning are:

  • 64bit port
  • SDL for low level OS support, OpenGL and input handling
  • OpenAL for audio output, all OS specific audio backends are gone
  • OpenAL EFX for EAX reverb effects (read: EAX-like sound effects on all platforms/hardware)
  • Better support for widescreen (and arbitrary display resolutions)
  • A portable build system based on CMake
  • (Cross-)compilation with mingw-w64

It doesn't change gameplay, but it looks to make it work in a more consistent way across all platforms and fixes resolution/aspect ratio problems.

I'll definitely give it a try one of these days.