"Dot" on the screen? (Don't look as dead pixel)


Sep 15, 2009
I have bough an Macbook Pro with LED LCD, and 2 weeks after pursharce appears a black dot on the screen, but lookin closer don't looks like dead pixel...

Apple have a "pixels policy" that needs "many" dead pixels do be covered.

Does anyone know what is really this?


pic 1

pic 2[

pic 3

pic 4

pic 5

Looking VERY closer:


I have ran anti stuck pixels programs durign 4 days (overnight) and get no result...

Does anyone know what is this?
Looks like a piece of dust or something; definitely not a bad pixel. Do you have a glass or matte screen?
Glass screen.

Of course I have tryed to clean, but this stays on the screen :(
It's most likely stuck in between the glass plate and the LCD panel. Have you attempted to get a replacement from Apple? In my experience and most of what I've read, they do try to make their customers happy. It is as small as one pixel, but since it was not there from new, to me that shows that your glass is not properly sealed and will only lead to more dust in the future. Certainly not normal or acceptable in my opinion.
I'm from Brazil, and what they sayid is that cant replace...

I can try to go to an near Technical Support, but is about 350milhes from the nearest one, and go all this for a "try" against what they sayid don't looks really good.

But it's not a dead pixel, right? Looking at a good distance it is about a pixel size, but near, with the camera don't looks like a dead pixel, and I think that isn't stuck too.
Looks like a printing defect or debris between layers, which isn't acceptable. If you received it in that condition, tell them the screen is damaged and needs to be replaced.
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If they won't replace or repair it at their cost, tell them you won't be purchasig Apple products anymore, and you will be passing your story along to anyone that will listen.

It looks like debris under the panel or coating.
Just to make sure it's not a stuck pixel, press on it gently with a stylus. To eliminate stuck pixels, this is the method used. You press the same dot with the stylus over and over till the dot goes away.

Caution: If you're convinced that it's debris, don't use the stylus at all.
There's a glossy glass in front of the LCD, so I cant press the screen... :(
That's almost definitely a bit of debris inside the screen. Relatively easy to remove, but doing it yourself would void your warranty.
That is a mighty powerful macro lens for you to get a close pic of the screen (for the sub-pixels pic).

The dirt or debris is mostly blocking a blue sub-pixel and partially blocking 2 other green sub-pixels. The dirt/debris probably is probably is between the diffuser layer and lcd panel. It may or may not be able to dislodge with a good shake or tapping.
In a red screen I still able to see the dot... why if the Red is not blocked?
Perhaps only on certain angles and not directly? Perhaps you'll be able to gauge where the offending dirt is (behind/in between/in-front the subpixels)
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I'm able to see the dot in all the angles, and sometimes it seems to be behind the glass, in front of the lcd... but not sure of that...
I'm able to see the dot in all the angles, and sometimes it seems to be behind the glass, in front of the lcd... but not sure of that...

You're thinking too much about it. Other users have reported trapped debris in the past. In my opinion, trapped debris is good grounds for getting a replacement.
It's debris, might as well be a dead pixel, get it replaced. If not, take apart the screen if you feel like you can do it with out breaking it, of course that will void the warranty (which you should be using to get a replacment).