Dota 2 Is Now Open To All

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
It looks as though Dota 2 is now open to anyone with a Steam account. Here's the announcement from the Dota 2 blog:

For the past several months, access to Dota 2 has been granted through a queue system that gated entry into the community. We’ve used this system to gradually increase the size of our playerbase, as we ramped up our infrastructure and improved the experience for new players. As we have recently completed a set of server management upgrades as well as released a huge number of enhancements to the new user experience, we’re going to remove all restrictions to playing Dota 2.

Signups are no longer required to access the game, and we encourage everyone to join the 6.5 million active monthly users currently playing Dota 2. If you have a friend who hasn’t tried Dota 2 yet, be sure to take advantage of the new recruitment feature to get additional bonuses for both you and your friend.
Huh. I thought it already was open to everyone. Dota 2 is one of my favorite games and even though my friends don't like pvp, there's quite a bit of fun to be had playing against the bots.
Huh. I thought it already was open to everyone. Dota 2 is one of my favorite games and even though my friends don't like pvp, there's quite a bit of fun to be had playing against the bots.

it was still on an invite basis. except each person has like a bazillion invites. i must have sent out 10+ to most of my friends
Is this game worth playing for casuals?

NO. Im a VERY casual moba player. DOTA2 is full of assholes. If you are average, or just casual, you will probably get flamed right off the bat. At least LoL seems to be more casual friendly.
NO. Im a VERY casual moba player. DOTA2 is full of assholes. If you are average, or just casual, you will probably get flamed right off the bat. At least LoL seems to be more casual friendly.

Seems to me every MOBA game I tried is full of assholes
Is this game worth playing for casuals?

If you have some friends that would be interested, I'd say yes!

You don't have to play competitively against other people. Just playing with some friends vs. bots is plenty exciting and you skip all the anonymous "stuff" that's out there.

Really though, out of the 20 or so pvp matches I've played, I've only come across one jerk I've had to mute.
NO. Im a VERY casual moba player. DOTA2 is full of assholes. If you are average, or just casual, you will probably get flamed right off the bat. At least LoL seems to be more casual friendly.

I disagree, I've played both and I find that Dota is more chill.

The match making is pretty good and keeps you in a similar skill group, and while you can run in to trolls and angry nerds in just about any game I find that the community in Dota is more mature and friendly over all compared to LoL.

In league there is more smack talking (from my experience) and the most annoying thing of all is that if the other team gets any momentum then everyone gives up and starts concession votes and just stops trying.

I want to finish out the games in league but rarely can, and I can't tell you how many Dota games have looked murky, but the team pulls together and has an epic comeback (and those are some of the funnest games of all)

But you will have good and bad experiences w/ both.

tl;dr Try both, Try Dota 1st imo
Is this game worth playing for casuals?

LoL is more Casual friendly for sure. But I feel league has a lot of trolls. A LOT.

Dota is geared to be more competitive.

From my overall perspective, most of my friends play LoL. Even girls who don't usually play games lol.
I am certain the average age of LOL players is lower than the average age of DOTA 2 players.
Dota 2 is absolutely not casual friendly, between the unforgiving mechanics and the rather unfriendly community. But if you want a purely competitive experience and can put up with all of that, I suppose that you would like it.
Is this game worth playing for casuals?

I have played many MOBA's and none of them are really casual friendly until you pick up the core mechanics.

It can take a while to pick up the item lists and the hero qualities and the different build options but if you pick a few characters that you always play (start with a style you like) it helps. I would recommend some bot play as while they make fewer mistakes they wont chew you out needlessly.

Unfortunately like everything that involves the Internet it is full of people who believe they are gods gift to earth and anything contrary to their demands makes you less than a stick of poo. Thankfully you can report them (limited reports unfortunately) but that system does work if enough people vote against players from more than just one game.

If you have some friends to play with you will enjoy it much more. If you are starting solo from scratch stay off line for a while before venturing out there. The community to any on line game can make it hard to enjoy. I have met some really good and fun players and a lot of jerks. I mute most people pretty quickly so I can enjoy the round :)
Is this game worth playing for casuals?
Put it this way: I stopped playing League of Legends regularly because of the elitist jerks in the game.

And, I have barely played Dota 2 because of similar kinds of players.

These so-called "elitist jerks" expect noobie players to be goddamn experts the moment they register and start playing. You CANNOT expect any player to be an expert at MOBA games within 24 hours after joining.

In LoL, I'm only used to one character because it's the one character I've played since beta-- Caitlyn. You wouldn't believe the number of insults I get in one game telling me that character is stupidly weak. My next best character is Annie and then Sona. I only know how to handle top and bottom lanes, but I still get called a "noob" and a "retard" and so on, even if I have played LoL for over two years.

And, they expect me to be a fucking expert?

I play for fun, not to get insulted by other players nor do I play this like I'm part of some kind of gaming league competitively playing in the MLG winning cash prizes.






I make one mistake trying to take down a Champion going up in my territory or my timing was off.

Or, if you're going to pull an aneurysm because some fresh kid off the block joined your random match and doesn't know what the word "jungle" means with the character he/she chose.

I play for fun, and not trying to win some MLG level match so you can rank up your ladder and stroke your virtual e-peen!!!

So, are these type of games worth playing for casuals? Fuck no.

Should newbies risk starting MOBA games? NO, unless you've been playing since beta and have the acquired skills of an MLG star player from South Korea.

Elitist jerks and pricks in these type of games need to FUCKING SHUT UP and be nicer to newer players and teach them how to play, or they're going to turn newbie players away from these type of games.

Newbie players do not want to hear how much their "mother sucks balls" in the chat window because they decided to chase down Lee-Sin into the jungle.

How in the hell are they going to learn if players keep insulting them?!

"Do bot matches..." [insert expletive or Call of Duty type insult]

But, bot matches are not the equivalent of human versus human player matches. Not by a longshot.

TL;DR - Elitist pricks = Jerks = Scums of the earth = Ruining games for newbs out there.
The sad thing is technically with how the match making is supposed to work, and considering the player pool size, you are generally paired with people of similar skill level. So if someone says you suck the odds are they would consider themselves that way too :p

Is this game worth playing for casuals?

It depends on what you consider casual playing. Also it depends on the modes. From what I remember with DOTA 2 the Draft Modes and vs AI modes were much better in terms of player attitudes.

I think general there is an expectation of players familiarizing themselves against the AI before playing against people for this genre.
Put it this way: I stopped playing League of Legends regularly because of the elitist jerks in the game.

And, I have barely played Dota 2 because of similar kinds of players.

These so-called "elitist jerks" expect noobie players to be goddamn experts the moment they register and start playing. You CANNOT expect any player to be an expert at MOBA games within 24 hours after joining.

In LoL, I'm only used to one character because it's the one character I've played since beta-- Caitlyn. You wouldn't believe the number of insults I get in one game telling me that character is stupidly weak. My next best character is Annie and then Sona. I only know how to handle top and bottom lanes, but I still get called a "noob" and a "retard" and so on, even if I have played LoL for over two years.

And, they expect me to be a fucking expert?

I play for fun, not to get insulted by other players nor do I play this like I'm part of some kind of gaming league competitively playing in the MLG winning cash prizes.






I make one mistake trying to take down a Champion going up in my territory or my timing was off.

Or, if you're going to pull an aneurysm because some fresh kid off the block joined your random match and doesn't know what the word "jungle" means with the character he/she chose.

I play for fun, and not trying to win some MLG level match so you can rank up your ladder and stroke your virtual e-peen!!!

So, are these type of games worth playing for casuals? Fuck no.

Should newbies risk starting MOBA games? NO, unless you've been playing since beta and have the acquired skills of an MLG star player from South Korea.

Elitist jerks and pricks in these type of games need to FUCKING SHUT UP and be nicer to newer players and teach them how to play, or they're going to turn newbie players away from these type of games.

Newbie players do not want to hear how much their "mother sucks balls" in the chat window because they decided to chase down Lee-Sin into the jungle.

How in the hell are they going to learn if players keep insulting them?!

"Do bot matches..." [insert expletive or Call of Duty type insult]

But, bot matches are not the equivalent of human versus human player matches. Not by a longshot.

TL;DR - Elitist pricks = Jerks = Scums of the earth = Ruining games for newbs out there.

Oh spare me. No one expects you to be the best player ever but there is a difference between new, and bad. Welcome to the real world, people are rude and not everyone is a special snowflake. Anywhere you go will have jackasses in life, ignore the clueless ones and learn from the knowledgeable ones. Just don't expect other people to bow down to your demand of "just random playing derp" gameplay because you are angry and don't care. Hypocritical there ;). If you don't find something fun then don't do it. The rest of us aren't.
Anything that has PvP is not meant for casual gamers. That's how I see it.

It can be meant to be fun for them. The problem is people use casual as an excuse to suck, rather than to mean their play style or amount they play. There is a big difference between being new or sparingly playing, and just outright sucking.
Isn't this was open to everyone a while ago? Anyways, Dota 2 community is pretty mean to new players.
League of Legends is just as mean as the Dota 2 and Heroes of Newerth community. League of legends is pretty bad because there's no voice chat, much simpler mechanics (no creep denying for instance) and in order to play more than 10 heroes you either have to play 18 hours a day for 4 months straight or pay out the ass.
League of Legends is just as mean as the Dota 2 and Heroes of Newerth community. League of legends is pretty bad because there's no voice chat, much simpler mechanics (no creep denying for instance) and in order to play more than 10 heroes you either have to play 18 hours a day for 4 months straight or pay out the ass.

The hero system isn't that restricting. There are quite a few heroes you can buy just using the points earned by playing for relatively cost. Also there is a rotation for the 10 free heroes.

The bigger issue I think is the rune system. To a much lesser extent the mastery system.

Overall Dota 2's zero gameplay impact in terms of money spent and time spent is preferable though.
Put it this way: I stopped playing League of Legends regularly because of the elitist jerks in the game.

And, I have barely played Dota 2 because of similar kinds of players.

These so-called "elitist jerks" expect noobie players to be goddamn experts the moment they register and start playing. You CANNOT expect any player to be an expert at MOBA games within 24 hours after joining.

In LoL, I'm only used to one character because it's the one character I've played since beta-- Caitlyn. You wouldn't believe the number of insults I get in one game telling me that character is stupidly weak. My next best character is Annie and then Sona. I only know how to handle top and bottom lanes, but I still get called a "noob" and a "retard" and so on, even if I have played LoL for over two years.

And, they expect me to be a fucking expert?

I play for fun, not to get insulted by other players nor do I play this like I'm part of some kind of gaming league competitively playing in the MLG winning cash prizes.






I make one mistake trying to take down a Champion going up in my territory or my timing was off.

Or, if you're going to pull an aneurysm because some fresh kid off the block joined your random match and doesn't know what the word "jungle" means with the character he/she chose.

I play for fun, and not trying to win some MLG level match so you can rank up your ladder and stroke your virtual e-peen!!!

So, are these type of games worth playing for casuals? Fuck no.

Should newbies risk starting MOBA games? NO, unless you've been playing since beta and have the acquired skills of an MLG star player from South Korea.

Elitist jerks and pricks in these type of games need to FUCKING SHUT UP and be nicer to newer players and teach them how to play, or they're going to turn newbie players away from these type of games.

Newbie players do not want to hear how much their "mother sucks balls" in the chat window because they decided to chase down Lee-Sin into the jungle.

How in the hell are they going to learn if players keep insulting them?!

"Do bot matches..." [insert expletive or Call of Duty type insult]

But, bot matches are not the equivalent of human versus human player matches. Not by a longshot.

TL;DR - Elitist pricks = Jerks = Scums of the earth = Ruining games for newbs out there.

You seem pretty angry, not trying to be condescending. Grow a thicker skin if you live on the internet. Not everyone has lived in a bubble and had an easy life, a lot of people realized before first grade that lowly insults are worthless. Think of the MMO or FPS community. Tons of 'ragers' there too. Play any traditional sports like baseball, basketball, football or even golf? Jerks are endemic to the species.
In LoL, I'm only used to one character because it's the one character I've played since beta-- Caitlyn. You wouldn't believe the number of insults I get in one game telling me that character is stupidly weak. My next best character is Annie and then Sona.

Yo, Caitlin is pretty fucking awesome right now, Annie is literally god and Sona is beast.

Anything that has PvP is not meant for casual gamers. That's how I see it.

Anything that has PVP and affects other people if you're 'just having fun' is not meant for casual gamers. 1v1, go have fun.
Put it this way: I stopped playing League of Legends regularly because of the elitist jerks in the game.

And, I have barely played Dota 2 because of similar kinds of players.

These so-called "elitist jerks" expect noobie players to be goddamn experts the moment they register and start playing. You CANNOT expect any player to be an expert at MOBA games within 24 hours after joining.

In LoL, I'm only used to one character because it's the one character I've played since beta-- Caitlyn. You wouldn't believe the number of insults I get in one game telling me that character is stupidly weak. My next best character is Annie and then Sona. I only know how to handle top and bottom lanes, but I still get called a "noob" and a "retard" and so on, even if I have played LoL for over two years.

And, they expect me to be a fucking expert?

I play for fun, not to get insulted by other players nor do I play this like I'm part of some kind of gaming league competitively playing in the MLG winning cash prizes.






I make one mistake trying to take down a Champion going up in my territory or my timing was off.

Or, if you're going to pull an aneurysm because some fresh kid off the block joined your random match and doesn't know what the word "jungle" means with the character he/she chose.

I play for fun, and not trying to win some MLG level match so you can rank up your ladder and stroke your virtual e-peen!!!

So, are these type of games worth playing for casuals? Fuck no.

Should newbies risk starting MOBA games? NO, unless you've been playing since beta and have the acquired skills of an MLG star player from South Korea.

Elitist jerks and pricks in these type of games need to FUCKING SHUT UP and be nicer to newer players and teach them how to play, or they're going to turn newbie players away from these type of games.

Newbie players do not want to hear how much their "mother sucks balls" in the chat window because they decided to chase down Lee-Sin into the jungle.

How in the hell are they going to learn if players keep insulting them?!

"Do bot matches..." [insert expletive or Call of Duty type insult]

But, bot matches are not the equivalent of human versus human player matches. Not by a longshot.

TL;DR - Elitist pricks = Jerks = Scums of the earth = Ruining games for newbs out there.

I love playing against guys like you because the wonderful thing about that game is people play so much worse when they're upset. So naturally I'll try to start a conversation about fantasy football or the NSA and it completely throws the other team off. I look forward to Asian players the most, because they have no context to what I'm talking about, yet it doesn't stop them losing it. I've won more games just socializing and farming the jungle then I have trying to run all over the map ganking dudes.
Seems to me every MOBA game I tried is full of assholes

Its why you play with friends. I have over 1000 games in DOTA 2 but its only because I play with friends. If I didn't then I'd play something else or I wouldn't play DOTA at all.

Its why if someone asks me "DOTA or LoL", I tell them to play whatever their friends play. If its LoL then play that, even though I think DOTA is a much better game.
Dota 2 has one of the worst online communities ever

Play with friends and enjoy. The system for punishing bad mannered players is also very good, so much so that a year later and people are almost always nice and civil. I don't know if its because of the non-newbie MMR level I'm at or that the system beat the bad manner players into submission, but its really not so bad these days.
Play with friends and enjoy. The system for punishing bad mannered players is also very good, so much so that a year later and people are almost always nice and civil. I don't know if its because of the non-newbie MMR level I'm at or that the system beat the bad manner players into submission, but its really not so bad these days.

This might be a typical "YMMV" case but I have to disagree. I played mostly with friends over the course of a year and a lot of the abuse happened to not just come from anonymous strangers but these people as well. And if you ask me, the report system is one of the most abused aspects of the game as you are more likely to see merely bad players reported for feeding. My friends have done it several times before. I am guessing that your experience is better because not only you are in a high MMR bracket, but probably your friends are too so you don't have to experience the rage inducing moments of being dragged down by an inferior teammate. I apologize though if I am wrong.
This might be a typical "YMMV" case but I have to disagree. I played mostly with friends over the course of a year and a lot of the abuse happened to not just come from anonymous strangers but these people as well. And if you ask me, the report system is one of the most abused aspects of the game as you are more likely to see merely bad players reported for feeding. My friends have done it several times before. I am guessing that your experience is better because not only you are in a high MMR bracket, but probably your friends are too so you don't have to experience the rage inducing moments of being dragged down by an inferior teammate. I apologize though if I am wrong.

That sucks to hear. :(

A few of the people in our group enforce "good manner" standards. People get frustrated, that's totally cool, but if you're consistently an asshole then you're kicked out. Don't come back and play with us, there are other cool people who can fill your spot.

Having fun is important. Learning to lose with some dignity (because you WILL lose and it will suck) and learning from mistakes is also important. Even streamers who play at the top level and compete professionally at tournaments will lose a lane, throw a key teamfight, and lose the game for everyone.

Life is too short to deal with ragers all the time.

As for abuse of the report system, I haven't seen it. If I report its usually because of BM from the other team. I wasn't aware that abuse of the "intentional feeding" report was possible because I thought that there was automated scraping of replay files, but I might be wrong there.

Either way, if you meet someone on your team or on the other team who's cool, let them know. I've found other people to play with just by playing the game. Lots of people are jerks but there are lots of cool people out there too, and you might want to play with some of them again in the future.

This story posted on r/dota2 might also give you hope. :)

The trailer on Steam looked lame. More dragons and warrior chics with overcooked Torchlight FX. Its a kiddie game.