Dotcom Says Joe Biden Behind Megaupload Shutdown

So many people get the notion that only Republicans do this kind of stuff for whatever reason. Well, welcome to the real world, where politicians from both parties do this kind of stuff. This is precisely why people need to question what they're taught about political ideologies and not believe a word the politicians say, but instead look at their actions. Biden may be a buffoon, but hand an idiot a gun and he's dangerous. Hand a politician a pen and he's more dangerous than an idiot with a gun could ever hope to be.

I think everyone should be able to agree on this, regardless of ideology: No politician should ever be above the law in principle or in practice. If the people have to live by it, they should have to live by it too.

Agreed in all respects except that I'd qualify it by saying that compared to corrupt copyright enforcement, the typical Republican favors for business are far more destructive and I would also argue that Biden isn't a buffoon, at least not in the way you're implying.
not everything posted on the Internets is real biden has no real power he cant pee with out permission
not everything posted on the Internets is real biden has no real power he cant pee with out permission

This is simply not true. Biden is the VP. If you think he has no power, you need to pay attention to the unions.

He's their bedfellow. They love him because he'd push legislation that would separate your arms from your body if it generated some revenue for big labor.:eek:

Not to mention, he's allowed to say whatever he wants. You must have missed the probably 2-3 dozen mouthfuls of ignorance he's spewed.

A hilarious, insightful reminder:
This is simply not true. Biden is the VP. If you think he has no power, you need to pay attention to the unions.

He's their bedfellow. They love him because he'd push legislation that would separate your arms from your body if it generated some revenue for big labor.:eek:

Not to mention, he's allowed to say whatever he wants. You must have missed the probably 2-3 dozen mouthfuls of ignorance he's spewed.

A hilarious, insightful reminder:

did anyone bother to fact check his claim? all you need the white house appointment log. its so stupidly easy to get. no none fact checked?!? hmm ok then fatty is just having projectile diarrhea of the mouth trying to get something to stick to the wall.
did anyone bother to fact check his claim? all you need the white house appointment log. its so stupidly easy to get. no none fact checked?!? hmm ok then fatty is just having projectile diarrhea of the mouth trying to get something to stick to the wall.

There is no need to fact check Biden. Everyone, no matter your political views, knows he's full of nonsense.
On one hand I see most peoples point of view on this but on the other hand, Kim Schmitz deserves to live under the jail. He is a convicted credit card and bank account/identity theif that got caught stealing money from other people's accounts.

i never said i did.

but i know one thing for sure.

i know most of you hicks dont either.

Wait...I didn't know nerds could be hicks. I thought being a nerd meant a certain level of intelligence and education, something hicks lack....I see now why you make fun of nerds. trololol lol lololol
did anyone bother to fact check his claim? all you need the white house appointment log. its so stupidly easy to get. no none fact checked?!? hmm ok then fatty is just having projectile diarrhea of the mouth trying to get something to stick to the wall.

Had you read the original story, you have noticed they did check that appiontment log you're talking about. ;)
Biden is the VP. If you think he has no power, you need to pay attention to the unions.

Indeed. For the same reason people harped on Cheney's ties to Haliburton. It's not always who you are, it's who you know.

not everything posted on the Internets is real biden has no real power he cant pee with out permission

If Biden has no real power as the VP, then why were so many people afraid of Dick Cheney, calling him Darth Vader, etc? The VP is one step away from the President. He gets briefed on all the same things. If anything should ever happen to the President, say, if he were to choke on a pretzel or become hospitalized by a flying shoe to the head or the wife throws him down in a cage match... whatever the reason, then the VP becomes President. I'd say that's a hell of a lot of power.
:DHe may not have done anything wrong (ever even) however his MegaUpload (AKA TeraDownload) business has been illegally distributing other peoples intellectual property. It now has to pay its dues. He has to pay his dues for his involvement. What goes around, comes around. As you sow, so shall you reap, and he shall wear the mark of his gluttony. (There are pics to prove it)

then how about youtube should that be shut down too becouse its the same thing
or how about google et all? Dropbox? Amazon cloud?
they had the tools in place required by law and no NZ laws were broken the US cant just impose its will on other sovereign countries if you dont like it thats to bad
maybe NZ and AUS should impose there gun laws on any one from the US that enters and put them on trial
Indeed. For the same reason people harped on Cheney's ties to Haliburton. It's not always who you are, it's who you know.

Or more specifically perhaps, who you know that spins up entirely new divisions to service government contracts that you hand them with no bid/competition process, then moves their corporate home to Abu Dhabi to avoid the tax liability from all of this fraud, waste, and abuse of the government purse.

But no, I'm not bitter or anything. :D
Indeed. For the same reason people harped on Cheney's ties to Haliburton. It's not always who you are, it's who you know.

Or more specifically perhaps, who you know that spins up entirely new divisions to service government contracts that you hand them with no bid/competition process, then moves their corporate home to Abu Dhabi to avoid the tax liability from all of this fraud, waste, and abuse of the government purse.

But no, I'm not bitter or anything. :D
Had you read the original story, you have noticed they did check that appiontment log you're talking about. ;)

Why read the original article when you can just ignore facts and spew falsehoods and dubiousness. It is the internet after all. :)
In this case I still think Kim fatcom is a worthy target. Guy's a scumbag , he's not a fucking hero "pirate" of the Caribbean , he's not doing what he does for any other reason than profit. We all know Megaupload was a prime source of trading pirated content with ease. While the FBI is loaded full of dumb fucks and lots of overly powerful officials , I still want Kim fatcom behind a jail cell. I do also however want legit content to be returned to there due owners and I do mean ALL of it. Even if that takes a lot of time to do some poor fucks uploaded important/irreplaceable data on Megaupload (that of course baffles me) so it should be returned.

Piracy is one thing but the way he profiteers from it is wrong. I don't also care who's involved , if the FBI is going after him than yea there are likely some high level sources involved .. ITS CALLED A GOVERNMENT for god sakes. Who gives a shit if Biden is involved? Biden is a fucking moron anyway , its an election year so he'll bow down to political pressure readily to make sure he holds key funding that the Obama/Biden campaign will need to win.
In this case I still think Kim fatcom is a worthy target. Guy's a scumbag , he's not a fucking hero "pirate" of the Caribbean , he's not doing what he does for any other reason than profit. We all know Megaupload was a prime source of trading pirated content with ease. While the FBI is loaded full of dumb fucks and lots of overly powerful officials , I still want Kim fatcom behind a jail cell. I do also however want legit content to be returned to there due owners and I do mean ALL of it. Even if that takes a lot of time to do some poor fucks uploaded important/irreplaceable data on Megaupload (that of course baffles me) so it should be returned.

Piracy is one thing but the way he profiteers from it is wrong. I don't also care who's involved , if the FBI is going after him than yea there are likely some high level sources involved .. ITS CALLED A GOVERNMENT for god sakes. Who gives a shit if Biden is involved? Biden is a fucking moron anyway , its an election year so he'll bow down to political pressure readily to make sure he holds key funding that the Obama/Biden campaign will need to win.

right.... you do know there will HEAVY colateral damage if he goes down right
like Youtube, dropbox, itunes, and any other "cloud" storage service you can think of
and thats just the start of it
i really dont want to live in that world thank you

yes Kim Dotcom is a dick but again he BROKE NO LAWS all the same tools that every other web site has in place were there or did you forget that

if site can be head accountable for how people use it do you know whats going to happen?
maybe you should go read 1984 again if you ever did

we have laws in place for this already imo the DMCA went to far as it was
but i dont like the idea of going back to early 90's internet thanks
oh and he made money from ads like any other web site
and they payed for that space on his site you want to go after some one go after them
maybe we should take all the gun makers to court too after all guns are used to hold up banks and kill people there making money on killing people same thing right?
Elios... Kim Dotcom Schmitz is a con-artist that has cost YOU money in one way or another by his illegal activities. Just google the mans conviction record. This will have no different impact on youtube, itunes or any other cloud app than the PirateBay lawsuits had.
maybe we should take all the gun makers to court too after all guns are used to hold up banks and kill people there making money on killing people same thing right?

They already tried this in Chicago and other large metro areas. The courts threw every single lawsuit out, and rightly so. It's not the product maker's fault if someone uses their product in an illegal manner. The problem is that politicians seem to buy the RIAA and MPAA crap that somehow this principle does not apply in the digital domain. It is not illegal to host a file upload/download service. It should also not be required for that service to act as the police. Smith and Wesson doesn't police people that use their revolvers, so why should Megaupload be expected to police its users? I'm no supporter of piracy, but to invoke yet another metaphor this is like shutting down a highway* because criminals were found to be driving on it. Presumption of guilt is becoming the flocking rule anymore, and that's got to go.

*Privately built and maintained highway for those nitpickers that will throw in the public money stuff and completely miss the point.
They already tried this in Chicago and other large metro areas. The courts threw every single lawsuit out, and rightly so. It's not the product maker's fault if someone uses their product in an illegal manner. The problem is that politicians seem to buy the RIAA and MPAA crap that somehow this principle does not apply in the digital domain. It is not illegal to host a file upload/download service. It should also not be required for that service to act as the police. Smith and Wesson doesn't police people that use their revolvers, so why should Megaupload be expected to police its users? I'm no supporter of piracy, but to invoke yet another metaphor this is like shutting down a highway* because criminals were found to be driving on it. Presumption of guilt is becoming the flocking rule anymore, and that's got to go.

*Privately built and maintained highway for those nitpickers that will throw in the public money stuff and completely miss the point.

im on your side here but yes im pointing out how stupid going after Kim Dotcom is no matter how much i dont like him
how people use his product is no issue and Megaupload did put in place a DMCA takedown system just like youtube has
and lots of content was taken down
people like Godmachine and BBA need to take a step back see were this leads us and its not a good place
Elios... Kim Dotcom Schmitz is a con-artist that has cost YOU money in one way or another by his illegal activities. Just google the mans conviction record. This will have no different impact on youtube, itunes or any other cloud app than the PirateBay lawsuits had.

im not sure about that.... the **AA have wanted to get Google and Youtube for years
Megaupload was no diffrent from Youtube

now if he broke other laws im sure the NZ gov't can deal with that and no point to extradite him to the US and have our tax dollars pay for his say a club fed on trumped of charges none of which were illegal in NZ btw

this is just the **AA and throwing there weight around at an easy target that no one can feel sorry for to set a bad precedent they can use other websites down the road

again if you dont like him thats fine but why are we going after him now
why didnt the CEO and board of say Enron end up in court? or the banks?
imo they hurt far more people then Kim Dotcom did
I can't take a person with a BMI over 24 seriously.

Go run some laps Kim, then tell me you're being persecuted by the highest echelons of international government. Maybe it is a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top? Who knows? All we can know for sure is that guy is pretty fat.
I can't take a person with a BMI over 24 seriously.

Go run some laps Kim, then tell me you're being persecuted by the highest echelons of international government. Maybe it is a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top? Who knows? All we can know for sure is that guy is pretty fat.

and this is why they picked Megaupload kick the ugly guy that no one likes
they learned from suing grandma what PR nightmare that is
I can't take a person with a BMI over 24 seriously.

Go run some laps Kim, then tell me you're being persecuted by the highest echelons of international government. Maybe it is a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top? Who knows? All we can know for sure is that guy is pretty fat.

This is totally agreeable! The only thing we can prove is that Kim is disappointingly flabby and instead of worrying about what he claims someone in some government did with someone else, we should be focusing more on the stuff we can ponder. :D
Nobody is defending Kim Dotcom for his past actions.

What we are arguing about is how illegal it was for our government to raid him and his offices. We had no legal bounds to do so. Unless we some how conveyed the New Zealand government under the table.

That why some of us feel bad for the guy.

And stop talking about how fat he looks. Look at yourself. Yeah exactly, not that great either. WGAF.
And stop talking about how fat he looks. Look at yourself. Yeah exactly, not that great either. WGAF.

It's perfectly relevant. For the same reason I won't have a Steam account until Gabe Newell loses weight, I can't support this guy until he starts exercising regularly and eating more leafy greens. I can turn a blind eye to copyright infringement as long as the person doing it has an athletic build, but this is just disgusting.
Look at yourself.

I just did and I was like o.o!
And then it was like o_O!
And then it was like O.O!
And then I decided to have a coffee break...|_|>
And then I concluded that I love myself and I'm too perfect for the rest of the world.

That was fun! Let's do it again sometime! ;)
I can't take a person with a BMI over 24 seriously.

Go run some laps Kim, then tell me you're being persecuted by the highest echelons of international government. Maybe it is a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top? Who knows? All we can know for sure is that guy is pretty fat.

Hamish: The most intolerant Progressive on the internet.
My heart doesn't bleed for lard asses. If it did, they'd be jealous because of their constricted arteries and they don't need that kind of pressure.
My heart doesn't bleed for lard asses. If it did, they'd be jealous because of their constricted arteries and they don't need that kind of pressure.

Let me guess, you think the only reason why people are fat is because they are lazy and eat nothing but McDonalds and candy...right?

Let me guess, you think the only reason why people are fat is because they are lazy and eat nothing but McDonalds and candy...right?


Don't dig into his reasoning, I don't want to know.

Just another internet dude that dislikes anything he doesn't personally believe in. Ironically, just like those he is in absolute political opposition with. :D
This is simply not true. Biden is the VP. If you think he has no power, you need to pay attention to the unions.

He's their bedfellow. They love him because he'd push legislation that would separate your arms from your body if it generated some revenue for big labor.:eek:

Not to mention, he's allowed to say whatever he wants. You must have missed the probably 2-3 dozen mouthfuls of ignorance he's spewed.

A hilarious, insightful reminder:

Democrat in bed with big labor. You dont say!

Republicans in bed with big oil. You dont say!

Both in bed with the banks. You dont say!

Woo Hoo... They should make NZ the 51st state :) Nice striking distance to SE Asia in case something happens.