Doubling Up


Jan 11, 2005
Due to a new supply of income with my first job, and going without an upgrade in around seven months, i have a decent amount of money to throw around at my computer. What got me back into this was seeing that my video card (leadtek 6800nu) at newegg for some $160 refurbed and im questioning whether or not just to pick it up and get some SLi action going on. However, ive become quite addicted to autocad with my drafting class and using several things at once (aim/xfire/winamp/etc) while playing games and a dual core cpu came to mind. Also with games like BF2 who hog memory, upgrading to two gigs of memory seems like a almost essential upgrade. I'd most likely be able to spend $300-400 max, so getting all of this is not an option. My question is, what do i double up on?
If you sell ur current A64 3000+, then you should be able to get another gig of ram plus a new processor. You can either get the 3800+ for less money, or the opteron 170 if fund allows
Even with BF2 the addition of another gig of ram doesnt really do that much, I'm sure it will in the future but if you look at all the benchmark tests the extra ram improves games only a little.

The chip however will help a lot, especially if you like to multi-task. Get a dual core opteron if you can
sounds good. how much is my 3000 winchestor worth now? ive oc'ed mine to around 2.4-2.5 so that hopefully should help the price.