Down a quad


Mar 7, 2007
Down a quad for the next week or so, a friend's system bit the dust so I let him borrow one of mine... oh well, it'll give some people a chance to close the gap :D

Down a quad for the next week or so, a friend's system bit the dust so I let him borrow one of mine... oh well, it'll give some people a chance to close the gap :D

Man, sorry to hear that...:( Any chance he can get a replacement sooner?

Well.... at least you are a good friend ;)

It's not going to fold when it's with your friend?

wow, you were pretty close in my rear view mirror. gives me some time to pull ahead! sad to hear though. 3rd on getting it to fold while he's paying for power.

Heh, thanks guys ;) It's not folding while he has it unfortunately, the DeinoMPI service refused to start properly (I don't run Windows normally, so that's never been an issue for me :p ), and he needed the system right away. In other words, I had no time to tinker, so it isn't folding for the next week.

Don't worry though Connundrum, I'll pick up another boxen when I get my new job, and get back on your tail :) You know, for motivation... :D
