down alot lately


Jul 9, 2004
What's going on? I'm not complaining, (after all, it's free) just curious. What's been causing the downtimes? Excessive load on the servers? Do you guys need more servers or bandwidth?

You guys are awesome, and thanks for fixing whatever you fix!

God bless,

Gremlins in the database.... :p

We put the servers in the sun and cured the problem.....the mess was awful :D
Hey thanks for the tip.

/runs out to put PC in the sunlight
/stays indoors close to gaming desktop ALWAYS.

He he he. Didn't realize how much I enjoy these forum's until I can't get to them. Very interesting AND educational.

Thanks and keep up the great work!
for those of us who may be interested, does anyone know the technical problems that occured, I mean all I know is that there was a database error, but what was wrong, and how did you REALLY fix it, even though sunlight is great

for educational purposes of course
EricDawg said:
He he he. Didn't realize how much I enjoy these forum's until I can't get to them. Very interesting AND educational.
So true. I don't mind waiting for them though. Just glad we have em :)
I was just going to start a thread about this. My main concern is that it says, that
"an email has been sent to the site administrators"
"hit refresh to see if the problem persists..."

I just hope that it doesn't actually send an email every time that page is viewed, I probably hit refresh 3 times, every time I see that message. Imagine how many emails would be sent to the admins if it actually did??? Talk about a pain in the ass, it would take longer to delete the mail than it would to fix the actual problem.
I asked about that awhile ago, and Kyle said that thing has been disabled. It would really suck if emails were sent each time, hehe.
I thought about the email thing too, given that i probably came here 5-10 times while it was down
Good to know they don't get flooded, its got to be pain enough keeping this monster up
MySQL crashed, which is not that unual considering this database has 400,000 active users a month. When it crashed, we were all AFK for holiday.

I bet you have been down more than we have lately. ;)
Thanks Kyle :) Now i know! :D

Kyle Bennett said:
I bet you have been down more than we have lately.;)
Sry, i am not witty enough to know what you mean... Need more caffeine.
Me too (missing out that is) and allthough I've only recently started posting I'm a long time Lurker and have been living through 2-3 periods of serious abstinens symptoms here. Im not complaining and I think U are doing well just to keep this thing online at all.

The question is of course do U have what U need to run this thing (hardware/software) or would it improve if U had better stuff?

If we did a raffle U could probably quite easy save up to some awesome eq if U need it Id buy a couple of ticket anyway.
We will be moving to a new SAN here soon. All our IO will soon be on a 5800 Hitachi Freedom Storage with 1.1 Terabytes of space. I will use a 2Gbit fibre backplane and switching system.

Right now we are still on a single box that I built last year.

Dual 2800 XPs
3GB Ram
3 36BG RAID0 Data
2 36GB RAID0 Index
3 36GB RAID5 OS.

All U320.

Currently 2 Dually OPteron webservers.
ug... it keeps going up and down for me too... (I had to clock submit reply a few times before it came back up)
Well, I think I can count the number of times on my hand in the last seven years, that the bridge has gone unoccupied.