Downgrading Catalyst 13.1 Video Card Driver to Previous Version

Aug 5, 2005
Hey guys,

I'm running Windows 7 64 bit. I just recently upgraded to Catalyst 13.1 and would like to downgrade to the previous version. How would I do this? Can I use System Restore?

You can just uninstall. Use one of the available utilities to clean after the driver, and install a version of your choice.

Can I ask why, out of curiosity?
When I play movies on my PC they seem a lot darker now. Also when I go to Catalyst Color and Quality settings the whole control center goes black.
CCleaner does not clean drivers out.

AMD has their very own Catalyst remover program: here

You could also just remove them via Programs & Features and install whichever old version you wanted, anyway.

What would be the correct procedure to do this?

Uninstall Current drivers, reboot PC, install older drivers? Would that work?
I uninstalled Catalyst in Control Panel. Would that be different than using AMD's uninstaller?

When I uninstalled Catalyst the screen looked the same as when it was installed, wouldn't everything on screen look bad until I reinstall the drivers?

I then rebooted the PC, installed the older drivers, rebooted the PC again and used CCleaner to repair any registry errors.

Did I do everything correct?
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When I play movies on my PC they seem a lot darker now. Also when I go to Catalyst Color and Quality settings the whole control center goes black.

Go to any corner on the border and drag the Control panel wider, the black will go away.
I'm on an AMD platform here.

I just use the uninstall manager under add remove programs then do a custom uninstall. I do that so it doesn't hit my usb filter driver or my AMD AHCI driver. When I update those I do so with the older driver present on my system.

I've not had any problems doing the above. I've switched around Cat 12.6 with Cat 12.11 Beta 11 for testing purposes a few times and now I'm on 13.1. No issues.

P.S. If it still looks like an AMD driver is installed after you uninstall the driver, windows may be auto installing another version or restoring the one you just removed when your OS loads. If windows has installed an AMD driver again after you've removed it, go under your device manager, select your graphics card and manually update it to the standard VGA driver then install the AMD driver you wish.
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