Downgrading from GTX285 to 9400GT


Aug 12, 2009
Someone offered to buy my GTX285 for more than I paid so.. what the hell. I don't want to format so instead of a 5870 I'll stick with a temporary card for now. Since lately I've only been playing RTS on 1680x1050 and using Photoshop's GPU acceleration, will I miss anything by picking up a $60 9400GT? Is there a better choice?
1. $60 is too much or a 9400GT
2. For $75, you can probably get an 8800GT, or for $50 you can get a 9600GSO or 9600GT (used market)

Will you miss anything? Probably. You might need to turn down some options in your RTS games and I'm not sure about PS.
1. $60 is too much or a 9400GT
2. For $75, you can probably get an 8800GT, or for $50 you can get a 9600GSO or 9600GT (used market)

I agree with this.

Don't even bother with the 9400GT if you still want to game (unless its games 5 years old +)
What is he offering? Newegg prices are close to $400 now because of the low supply. I would say high demand, but the prices have gone so high that they've killed the demand.

Yes obviously, except for all the BSOD talk from those who recently jumped from Nvidia to AMD without a clean Windows install.
so he is willing to pay you around 100 bucks more than a brand new retail card even costs? theres probably a lot more to this story because I doubt some random person just decides to pay you that much money for that card. correct me if I am wrong but it sounds like you are just trying to take advantage of someone that doesnt know better.
i went from a gtx260 to a 4850 for testing purposes and haven't had a single problem.
yeah, for ati -> nvidia or nvidia -> ati, my sheer laziness (and the fact I re-image every 2-3months, anyways) just went like this (many times, too, lol)

Uninstall drivers.


Start up. (win7's stock drivers seem to play nicely with anything)

Shut down

Remove card

Install new card

Start up. (wait for win7/vista's own drivers to work, then)


Install actual drivers (favorite driver, latest driver, driver from cd, etc).

Worked every single time (about... 9 now, all in the past 4 months).
$470 for a GTX 285? Tell him I'll sell my ASUS GTX 285 for $450 shipped. :)
sounds like those email scams where they offer more then what you ask...
yeah, for ati -> nvidia or nvidia -> ati, my sheer laziness (and the fact I re-image every 2-3months, anyways) just went like this (many times, too, lol)

Uninstall drivers.


Start up. (win7's stock drivers seem to play nicely with anything)

Shut down

Remove card

Install new card

Start up. (wait for win7/vista's own drivers to work, then)


Install actual drivers (favorite driver, latest driver, driver from cd, etc).

Worked every single time (about... 9 now, all in the past 4 months).

This +1

Also, a 9400GT isn't worth a crap for gaming. It's essentially an 8500GT with a slightly faster GPU. That card isn't worth $30 and won't run modern games beyond 1024x768 at best. Even a 9500GT has trouble playing games from only 2 years ago at lower settings.

Seriously, get a 9800GT used or even a 9600GT/GSO, those can be had for about the same price and perform far better, even for a temporary card.