DP930SB and P95f+B questions


Aug 1, 2004
After testing out a couple of 12ms lcd monitors these last few weeks i've come to the conclusion that lcd is still a ways off being good for anything but surfing the net and office work. Because of this i've decided to pick up a new crt and i've narrowed it down to the two models mentioned in the subject. There's about $100 difference between the two, the specs are fairly close to each other and i've read a lot of mixed reviews on both. So it all comes down to this.

For those of you that have one of these monitors could you answer these questions:

1. What's the max refresh rate the monitor can handle at 1280x960?
2. At 1280x960@max refresh rate how is the picture quality and text sharpness?
3. At 1152x870@max refresh rate how is the picture quality and text sharpness?
4. At 1600x1200@max refresh rate how is the picture quality and text sharpness?

Extra question for P95f+B owners:

1. What's the max refresh rate at 1024x768 and 1152x870 and how does the picture quality hold up?
Just get the 930 if you can find it and get it fast. CDW has them. It is just a better monitor and worth the extra money
nervx said:
After testing out a couple of 12ms lcd monitors these last few weeks i've come to the conclusion that lcd is still a ways off being good for anything but surfing the net and office work. Because of this i've decided to pick up a new crt and i've narrowed it down to the two models mentioned in the subject. There's about $100 difference between the two, the specs are fairly close to each other and i've read a lot of mixed reviews on both. So it all comes down to this.

For those of you that have one of these monitors could you answer these questions:

1. What's the max refresh rate the monitor can handle at 1280x960?
2. At 1280x960@max refresh rate how is the picture quality and text sharpness?
3. At 1152x870@max refresh rate how is the picture quality and text sharpness?
4. At 1600x1200@max refresh rate how is the picture quality and text sharpness?

Extra question for P95f+B owners:

1. What's the max refresh rate at 1024x768 and 1152x870 and how does the picture quality hold up?

The DP930SB is I believe now out of production, as are many CRT's. If you need a replacement and or parts you might have problems.

Just a thought.
One of my friends has a p95f, compared to my out of production p90f I don't think the p95f is that great. My p90f is sexy as hell I have no idea y they stopped making them, much better then the p95f.

-The dot pitch is kinda high on the 95, .25mm center and .27mm at the corners and u really can notice the fuzziness in the corners
-At the higher resolutions when u crank up the refresh rate, text becomes really fuzzy
-You only notice this in windows tho, its a great monitor for gaming tho, especially since it can hit such high refresh rates, good for when ur running vsync =)

I recently just bought my sister a NEC/MITSUBISHI FE991SB for her photo work (photographer)
And I'm really wishing I bought one for my self :p
-It has a really amazing picture,, EXTREMELY good with colors and contrast, she loves it when it comes time to print her pictures and what’s on the monitor matches the print
-She runs it at 1280x960@100hz and there is zero blurring, no matter then rez/freq the image remains clear

-They both have ultra bright settings, and the FE991SB also has like a sectioning ultra bright for watching DVDs and stuff
-They both have very noticable AG lines

I think the 991SB is deff worth the extra cash, the only monitors I've seen that surpass the image qual of this monitor in windows is LCDs
If not then try and pick up a p90f somewhere :p
Hope that helps
You have to get lucky with the P95f+. I ordered one off newegg, and the text was very, very fuzzy - terrible. It also had a slightly noticeable defect on the left side, which I have heard comes with many Viewsonic CRT's - There is a .5" grey bar running vertically along the side. I sent that one back and got a new one, which also has the defect, but it's unnoticable unless I'm looking at a white screen. The text is beautiful, and I am very happy with it. Color, image quality, etc is amazing, and it looks "Professional" in white. Corners are not fuzzy at all.
I have the 930sb and was actually considering a vp201b LCD. What was your problem with the LCD? I'm starting to hate the darkness of this monitor and unless I use superbright 2 I can't see half the colors in the images I create with black backgrounds. One test was doing a cloud image in photoshop and viewing it on my laptop... it was night and day difference. I created a background for my webpage and uploaded it... looked great here, but when I loaded it on my laptop I shreiked and immediately removed it. I'm not so sure I like CRT's anymore :p

1600 max refresh is 85hz and text is decently clear.. not as clear as my laptop in 1400x1050 though. I've had some weird fuzzyness problems with this monitor and mitsu tech support said to take a screwdriver and stick it in the side of the monitor.. no thanks!
I have the 930sb and was actually considering a vp201b LCD. What was your problem with the LCD?

I was going to test out the vp192b since i've heard it's a great lcd but i can't find it anywhere. If staples would get it in that would be perfect because they'll price match and have a 2 week return policy.

I still have my doubts though because i've tested out a couple of lcd's already, right now im using the 12ms benq FP937s, and so far they've all been crap for games. Dark games like bloodlines are 100% unplayable imo and while other games are playable there is still a crap load of blur.

Color accuracy still needs improvement and the dithering is very noticable as well.

It's too bad crt's are going extinct because lcd still isn't up to par.
nervx said:
It's too bad crt's are going extinct because lcd still isn't up to par.

That and they will cost u ur right arm and ur left nut

cheapest 19" LCD on newegg is like 400,, wtf!?!?
and to get one thats decent enough for gaming its like 600-900
d3ktrix said:
That and they will cost u ur right arm and ur left nut

cheapest 19" LCD on newegg is like 400,, wtf!?!?
and to get one thats decent enough for gaming its like 600-900

and for 600-900 dollars you can get a Tip top line 22" crt :D
2070sb is not that good. It is huge heavy and has horrible geometry which is impossible to fix.
I'm starting to think I'd rather have the 20 inch LCD over even that. My monitor is that exact monitor but 19", and I'm starting to second guess the images I actually see on screen. I see so much more detail in images I see on my laptop.
930sb is a great monitor, and after you adjust the pots people say it even rivals some lcds for text quality.
Not to start a flaming thread again, but you fold have become totally spoiled with cheap CRT prices. It wasn’t that long ago I paid 2 grand for a top 22” CRT. A fair 17” was $700 to $900 if you wanted to do video editing.

What you are able to buy now, especially at today’s dollars is a flat out bargin. ;)
Shapeshifter said:
930sb is a great monitor, and after you adjust the pots people say it even rivals some lcds for text quality.
Yea.. the mitsubishi tech support told me to use a screwdriver to adjust the blur.. but no thanks. I noticed the DP 930sb is still $670 on pricewatch.. what gives? I don't even remember paying that for it new. In any case.. I'll probably be selling it to get the VP201b.. I think I'm just going to make the plunge.
I almost bought the NEC 2141 for $580 shipped from Dell (stacked coupons) but didn't. bigggest mistake of my life
Azhreal said:
Yea.. the mitsubishi tech support told me to use a screwdriver to adjust the blur.. but no thanks. I noticed the DP 930sb is still $670 on pricewatch.. what gives? I don't even remember paying that for it new. In any case.. I'll probably be selling it to get the VP201b.. I think I'm just going to make the plunge.

screwy prices, I can get one for $440 canadian no less.
screwy prices, I can get one for $440 canadian no less.

$399.00 if you look hard enough. Problem is they're out of stock almost everywhere. :(
Hmm I'm starting to doubt selling this for a vp201b now... it seems like too good a monitor. I'm real skeptical about the quality difference I'll see.
I just bought a P95f+B from Newegg, and I'm a little disappointed in it. Per the literature, it is supposed to be able to do 1280x1024@101Hz .. If I set it to that the picture becomes distorted, and there is a bright white border on the left side. It looks fine enough at 1280x1024@85Hz though, sharp colors, I don't notice a problem with fuzzy text.

There is one nagging problem however, the lower right corner of the screen has a pincushion imbalance that I can't get rid of. I've read other negative reviews about this but decided to take the plunge, and I've discovered the same thing.

I'm afraid I'd have to recommend against this monitor.
nervx said:
Hmm I'm starting to doubt selling this for a vp201b now... it seems like too good a monitor. I'm real skeptical about the quality difference I'll see.

This is the major difference you'll see. There's other things too but i find this to be the worst part.

This is what NFSU2 looks like when moving on a crt.

Now this is what it looks like moving on the benq
That's pretty hideous... but is that a really nice LCD, what response time? Surely there are better gaming LCD's then what that shows. Since I want a 1600 res LCD I'm assuming I'm kinda screwed on gaming? I mainly play RTS's and mmorpg's so I shouldn't really see any of this burring right? I play counterstrike every now and then, but even that game isn't super fast action like NFS. I am a serious gamer, so this is a pretty big concern.. but like I said I mainly play rpg's and rts's. The only concern I was having was the black not being black, but today I saw some LCD's at best buy and they ALL looked like crap to me.. so blurry.
That's pretty hideous... but is that a really nice LCD, what response time?

You can check the rest of the specs here

Since I want a 1600 res LCD I'm assuming I'm kinda screwed on gaming?

1280x1024 gives a lot of space and is enough for any application, so you might want to consider 19" lcds as well.

I mainly play RTS's and mmorpg's so I shouldn't really see any of this burring right?

I played Soldiers - Heroes of World War II and World of Warcaft with this monitor and they both blur like the pictures i posted. Soldiers wasn't as bad because you don't move the screen around so much but it's still noticeable.

Other games i've tried are, FlatOut, Counter Strike Source, Half-Life 2 and Vampire: Bloodlines. All of these looked blurry.
Even open windows on the desktop blur when you move them around.

Bloodlines was extra bad because the game is dark and you couldn't see most of the detail.
I think that supposed CRT vs. LCD on NFSU2 is just motion blur turned on or off. You can't take a "screenshot" of a LCD's bluryness, and its not a real picture.
diehard said:
I think that supposed CRT vs. LCD on NFSU2 is just motion blur turned on or off. You can't take a "screenshot" of a LCD's bluryness, and its not a real picture.

Those pics are very accurate photoshop mock ups I made to show what gaming on the benq lcd looks like.
Azhreal said:
Yea.. the mitsubishi tech support told me to use a screwdriver to adjust the blur.. but no thanks. I noticed the DP 930sb is still $670 on pricewatch.. what gives? I don't even remember paying that for it new. In any case.. I'll probably be selling it to get the VP201b.. I think I'm just going to make the plunge.

I believe your looking at the DP930SBBKSV instead of the DP930SB. Because trust me, if they were going for $670 on pricewatch i'd be selling mine and buying a Mitsubishi DP2070 22".

I love my DP930SB. Its the best 19" CRT out there. 1600x1200 @ 88Hz refresh rates are awesome and the SuperBright modes are most excellent.

I found the DP930SB in stock on one site for $303 shipped so if anyone is interested they might check it out. I doubt they will last long.


Hmm, that site sure does look familiar lol...