Dr. Vijay Pande Video w/great info About F@H


Jul 22, 2004
Here's a link to Dr. Vijay Pande's lecture at Xerox PARC about folding.

He mentions F@H on GPUs around 35:00 into it, and says later on that they have it working, but are dead even with CPUs. Great update on the future of F@H and distributed computing in general.

Also of GREAT note is 45:00 into, where he describes how F@H is helping find info about p53, the "tumor suppressor", which >50% of all cancers are caused by a mutation in this molecule. Brought tears to my eyes that we may be able, eventually, to prevent >50% of all cancers in one shot.

Good info so you know what the hell your computer is actually doing, and what we're up against computationally.
Whitespace said:
Here's a link to Dr. Vijay Pande's lecture at Xerox PARC about folding.

He mentions F@H on GPUs around 35:00 into it, and says later on that they have it working, but are dead even with CPUs. Great update on the future of F@H and distributed computing in general.

Also of GREAT note is 45:00 into, where he describes how F@H is helping find info about p53, the "tumor suppressor", which >50% of all cancers are caused by a mutation in this molecule. Brought tears to my eyes that we may be able, eventually, to prevent >50% of all cancers in one shot.

Good info so you know what the hell your computer is actually doing, and what we're up against computationally.
Great news! Thanks for posting this!!!! :D
LOOONG video, but worth every minute... you know what folding is, what it's doing and where it's going, this should be put into the sticky-faq big-time
Good stuff, it’s great to see the project grow and become more recognized. Even better to see “forward” type thinking involved as well. :D