Drag Race The Police For $25

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Although this isn’t tech related, I know there are a bunch of you that will love this story (video). In an attempt to get street racers off the streets, the police in Miami are taking on all comers at the race track. For the price of admission, you can go head to head with a number of different police cars at the track. Talk about bragging rights.

"You could bring your mother’s minivan. You can bring a pure racing car. It doesn't matter," said Officer Jose Ayala with the Medley Police Department.
Nice to see police thinking outside the box and taking a risk.

It's a can't miss idea for good image and PR with young males which is who law enforcement really needs to get along with.

I do worry about the 18 year old kid who can prove that his car is faster than any cop car then thinking he can do even stupider (sic) stuff on the streets because he forgets that cops use radios to outrun even the fastest cars.

I'm all for new law enforcement techniques and ideas to get good rapport built with kids though.
I wonder what the police force's insurance company has to say about this lol
i think this is a great idea and i really hope it catches on! theres plenty of us who want to go fast and have fun with our cars, but we aren't interested in breaking the law or putting others lives at risk. give us somewhere to do just that.

P.S. i'm up in canada not many open tracks:p
I wonder what the police force's insurance company has to say about this lol

considering that this is safer than their usual running people off the road when needed, moving fast through heavy traffic, etc. that come along with police duty probably not a hell of a lot.
This really is an awesome and fun idea. :D

Nice to see police thinking outside the box and taking a risk.

It's a can't miss idea for good image and PR with young males which is who law enforcement really needs to get along with.

I do worry about the 18 year old kid who can prove that his car is faster than any cop car then thinking he can do even stupider (sic) stuff on the streets because he forgets that cops use radios to outrun even the fastest cars.

I'm all for new law enforcement techniques and ideas to get good rapport built with kids though.

Someone's never watched Gumball videos. :p
Good idea. More tracks, more events, less desire to act dumb on the street.
That's really awesome. I'd probably head over for a run if they offered it here.
Awfully generous of the police to assist others with their compensation issues.
ummm, that's actually the point of street racing :D. safety takes the fun out of death. the streeet racer just want to die in a fiery crash.

considering that this is safer than their usual running people off the road when needed, moving fast through heavy traffic, etc. that come along with police duty probably not a hell of a lot.
Awfully generous of the police to assist others with their compensation issues.

I'd ASSUME the $25 goes to the city. Could be wrong...

But then the question would be how you track cash.

Good idea though. Plenty of people with sportscars out there that I'm sure would love to let it open and see what it can do, but can't do it on any streets.
Your tax dollars paying for a new set of tires police cruisers every week. :D
yeah they do that here in norcal.. but theres a guy that brings out his camero police intercept replica dragster that can do the 1/4 mile is 7 seconds :p its a bad arse car.. :p i only know of one guy that has beaten him.. but it does work.. less people are racing on the streets.. and they are opening a lot more tracks now around here..

btw jutsu.. id rather have my tax dollars being spent on helping getting street racers off the roads and on tracks then watch my tax dollars being spent on some useless person sitting on welfare poppin kids out left and right to get more money..
This is both a brilliant idea and a bloody stupid idea. Imagine the insurance for the cops now. Imagine what would happen if a cop car loses control and gets destroyed. Imagine what would happen if an accident occurs and a cop kills someone.

Tax payer money at work...
They have been doing this in lots of cities for years to help keep racers out of trouble.
and how would that differ from any other time? Have you ever watched the cops tv show?

This is both a brilliant idea and a bloody stupid idea. Imagine the insurance for the cops now. Imagine what would happen if a cop car loses control and gets destroyed. Imagine what would happen if an accident occurs and a cop kills someone.

Tax payer money at work...
Sounds like fun. They need to do this on a road course instead of a drag strip, that would be lots of fun!
This isn't a bad idea but how is this any different then the normal test and tune nights at any drag strip? How does this prevent street racing in any way? Racing an in service cop car doesn't porve anything since they are all stock and we all know exactly how fast they are in the first place.
Props to the police for this one. This is a really great idea glad to see it. While it obviously won't get every street racer involved, it will get some. If nothing else it gets the police more involved in the local community in a very positive way.
yeah they do that here in norcal.. but theres a guy that brings out his camero police intercept replica dragster that can do the 1/4 mile is 7 seconds :p its a bad arse car.. :p i only know of one guy that has beaten him.. but it does work.. less people are racing on the streets.. and they are opening a lot more tracks now around here..

I guess in that case I'd have to put some slicks on my sled and bring that too :p
This isn't a bad idea but how is this any different then the normal test and tune nights at any drag strip? How does this prevent street racing in any way? Racing an in service cop car doesn't porve anything since they are all stock and we all know exactly how fast they are in the first place.

Lead by example? It's the cops way of showing the kids that they aren't prudes, and like racing too, but making the example to do it responsibly in a controlled environment.

& just to clarify on my previous comment, yes that's a BIG assumption, and I was joking (should be obvious). I'm certainly not making recommendations lol.
I think allot of you missed the video/story, the money I really doubt is going to the cops, it says for the price of admission, most tracks its 15-30 bucks for "test and tune", these are not cops racing cop cars, they are off duty cops who (some by the looks of it) have tube cars, painted in black and white with lights on top, i bet you find these guys there all the time, and i really doubt it has anything to do with the police department other than maybe the promotion, and the thing about insurance...Your on a race track, you get hurt and your shit out of luck, I don't think there is any track out there that does not make you sign something, its a risk of the sport.
very cool

a few years ago they did something like that here @ our track. It was for charity.... you could race the local radio DJ's, a few football players or a comedian for a dontation. It actually turned out to be a pretty big success but they haven't done it since for whatever reason.

Not only is it promoting racing @ the track, opposed to the streets but it was also cool shooting the shit with some of the police and what not.
I guess in that case I'd have to put some slicks on my sled and bring that too :p

Ockie - have you ridden your sled on the track? Looks fun - most people are stunned at how quick a sled is. You still riding? We are here in WA - but the grooming is done for the year. :(
these are not cops racing cop cars, they are off duty cops who (some by the looks of it) have tube cars, painted in black and white with lights on top, i bet you find these guys there all the time, and i really doubt it has anything to do with the police department other than maybe the promotion, and the thing about insurance...Your on a race track, you get hurt and your shit out of luck, I don't think there is any track out there that does not make you sign something, its a risk of the sport.

Back when I used to roadrace bikes, a couple of the guys we raced w/ were local cops. I must say there was always a certain extra satisfaction that came w/ kicking their ass. :D
+1 on the insurance. As far as the drivers are concerned, generally, there's no such thing as "insurance" at the track. At your own risk......period.

Ockie - have you ridden your sled on the track? Looks fun - most people are stunned at how quick a sled is. You still riding? We are here in WA - but the grooming is done for the year. :(

What is this "sled" shenanigans? I must know.
i think this is a great idea and i really hope it catches on! theres plenty of us who want to go fast and have fun with our cars, but we aren't interested in breaking the law or putting others lives at risk. give us somewhere to do just that.

P.S. i'm up in canada not many open tracks:p

Come to Osoyoos BC, we have races on an unused airport runway every month or two. Anyone against anyone, 1/4 mile.:) You can even keep your pink slips.:D
Okay, some things people don't grok and questions answered.
One, this isn't new. The cops have been doing it "unofficially" here up at Norwalk and Dragway 42 for over a decade. A cop built himself a police-painted drag Mustang, and it got started. (The Mustang is mean, low 12's.) They cut funding a few years ago, though, due to budget cuts. Take a look at:
Two, the $25 is actually going to the track fees. You have to pay not just to rent the track, but you also have to pay for the track staff to be there doing timing, concessions, etcetera. You also are required to have EMS parked at the track, for the entire duration. Renting a track isn't cheap. A typical T&T day costs $15-25, so it's not as though it's being padded.

That said, it's proven to work very well for getting the idiot drag racers off the streets here. Street racing was a REAL problem around here before they started cracking down. Now? The T&T days are huge at Norwalk and 42 during the summer, and most of the idiot street racers show up there instead of two blocks from my house at 3AM.
I'd ASSUME the $25 goes to the city. Could be wrong...

But then the question would be how you track cash.

Good idea though. Plenty of people with sportscars out there that I'm sure would love to let it open and see what it can do, but can't do it on any streets.

I wasn't talking about monetary compensation ;)
I'm all for street racing if it's only the racers that get killed. The gene pool needs a little cleaning every so often.
Ockie - have you ridden your sled on the track? Looks fun - most people are stunned at how quick a sled is. You still riding? We are here in WA - but the grooming is done for the year. :(

Dry as a bone here in Michigan. Season is way over :(

You are right, most people don't realize how fast these things are in both top end and 0-60/.25 times
This is both a brilliant idea and a bloody stupid idea. Imagine the insurance for the cops now. Imagine what would happen if a cop car loses control and gets destroyed. Imagine what would happen if an accident occurs and a cop kills someone.

Tax payer money at work...

Track racing is far more safer than street racing, tracks have safety rules and depending on the speed of the your machine, there is a level of required safety equipment before you can race. Plus all bystanders are behind concrete barriers instead of a 6" curb.
I'm all for street racing if it's only the racers that get killed. The gene pool needs a little cleaning every so often.

All to often it's the minivan full of kids that never see's him run the red light though. :(

Maybe if they just put giant spikes on the steering wheel instead of air bags people would drive safer.