Draining and flushing my water cooling loop


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 11, 2004
Just drained my system last night. notice some weird greenish looking colour stain inside my blocks lol? How come? i used pure destilled water. Water is clear itself though but even the tubes have a greenish stain?

i used one drop of this

edit: pics of my gpu block

527A4615.JPG by jonneymendoza, on Flickr
Algea(maybe you didnt put enough biocide or used it for to long and it wore out) or galvanic corrosion unless the block, pump etc all use the same metals.
That little pool in the top left corner looks like algae to me.
I have found a little corrosion/ick to be sort of inevitable
Serious. The vinegar in it cleans copper really well. Rinse it afterwards. Get a silver kill coil.
u got a link to back that up mate?

anyways i tried mild bleach and distilled water and it diddnt clean it
Ketchup and an old tooth brush is how I cleaned my blocks.

Is that block copper? The green actually looks like oxidized copper.
It's supposed to be 1 drop per liter. I usually put 3-4 drops. I think you might have used too little. Clean it up with ketchup like these guys say and then use more drops of biocide and maybe in conjunction with a silver coil.
Looks like it's starting to tarnish to me. Likely the block sat in a box for a few months before you go it and started to form a thin layer of tarnish before you even installed it just sitting in the exposed air. Add that with the combination of a clear block (doesnt stop light) and the added biocide plus a lot of time, it got worse. It wont really harm anything in your system and shouldn't affect performance.
I would not use straight vinegar. We use this in mitches to strip our flat tops and if you leave it to long, it will pit the metal, which can make things worse. Ketchup is far less acidic, so probably will work better, Tonic water would work ok as well, as it is acidic and the carbon in it will help lift oils a bit easier(should also clean up a bit faster)

Silver coil is what I know a few buddies used over the years. I think its just to clean a little more fequently? Or maybe, make sure you do not have multiple metals being used, which can lead to galvanic corrosion.

I wonder if the light hitting the water over time acidifies it? or for that matter, if not given a real good cleaning now and then(warming the cleaner in question should help. I wonder if CLR would work well??)
I built this about 12/13 month ago and heard i should clean it once a year? is that fine or needs to be cleaned more often?
Look for something called Tarn X at your local walgreens. It removes tranish from copper really fast. As in like seconds. The stuff smells like rotten eggs though, but it's what I use to clean my copper blocks. Just don't leave it on for more than 2 mins. That is oxidation you are seeing. It happens on all copper blocks.
i use vinegar and it got rid of it all on my cpu block and 80% of it gone on my gpu block
Get a silver kill coil, and clean everythign with vinegar. I clean my loop twice a year and have no build up...knock on wood.