Draytek routed IP

Jaffa Cakes!

Limp Gawd
Oct 13, 2007

Has anyone got any experience with IP Routing on Draytek routers?

We have a 2830 and I'm trying to set it up like the following:

x1 IP for general NAT usage in "LAN1", no VLAN -- x.x.x.73 <->
x1 IP for the router in LAN2 on VLAN ID 2 -- x.x.x.74
----- Routing the rest of our publics to servers on VLAN ID 2 -- x.x.x.75 up to x.x.x.78

Now a server in VLAN 2 with address x.x.x.77 can ping x.x.x.74, but I can't access any of it's services (Apache, SSH etc) from the internet (testing through my phone and other people).

Any ideas? I've removed the IPs from the NAT pool in the WAN settings, setup LAN2 for IP routing and put it into the second VLAN, but apart from that not done much else.

Why do you have two routers? Why not just use one router and then create your VLANs on it and do all your NAT statements on there?
There is only this one router. The router has "LAN1" and "LAN2" (by Draytek's terms, basically just different addresses) which are assigned to different ports on the router.
AH, OK. Gotcha. I have no experience with Draytek at all so I'm not sure if I'm any help.

So in VLAN1 they get private IPs in, correct? What about VLAN 2? Are you assigning them private IPs and then NATing them to the public IPs? That's what I would do. Create static mappings of say x.x.x.75 to (Server 1), x.x.x.76 to (Server 2), etc.

Do a dynamic NAT statement for your VLAN1 and then static NAT statements for each server.