Drive not detected in BIOS


Jun 29, 2004
I haven't heard about anything like the problem I'm having, so it's seems rather, weird, to me.

In my old system (P3 800, intel 815 chipset), I had a 60gig WD drive, works fine in that system. I built a new system (Athlon XP, nForce2 400) a while ago and bought a new 120gig WD, and hooked up an old 30gig maxtor, which work fine in this system.

Recently, I decided to switch out the 30gig and put in the 60gig for some extra storage. But when I hook it up, it's not recognized in BIOS. I've checked the jumpers, tried it as master, slave, as the only drive, on primary and secondary, different IDE/power cables, etc etc. It's never recognized in BIOS. Sometimes, it will hang at Detecting IDE Drives in BIOS, but other times I can get as far as BIOS setup.

If I put the 60gig back into my old system, it works just fine. I have noticed that in my new system, sometimes it can take a while, 10-15 seconds it seems, to detect the drives (when the 60 gig isn't hooked up) but other times it only takes a second or two. I'm not sure what's causing that either.

Any help would be appreciated