driver help... 4250 turned into 4200 :(


Aug 12, 2005
I did a clean install of everything on my laptop... It came with onboard 4250 graphics... but now, I can't get it to install correctly? When I installed windows 7 it automatcially installed it and its old 4200 drivers... I downloaded and uninistalled the catalyst drivers, but it's still showing 4200. I'm soooo frustrated. Any suggestions? I souldn't have to do those old driver cleaner tricks.
Nobody have any idea?... If there isn't any real difference between a 4200 and 4250, then oh well... I just don't think my drivers are running correctly.
There isn't any difference as far as I'm aware. They both have 40SPs. The 4200 is basically a rename of the 3200.
There isn't any difference as far as I'm aware. They both have 40SPs. The 4200 is basically a rename of the 3200.

Well when I did a clean install of Windows 7... it Installed a driver automatically thats 2009. I keep trying to install a 2010 driver, but when I go into the info... it still shows 2009. *shrug*
I think the only difference was clock speed of the gpu. It's the same thing with the 790gx and 780g. The 790 was advertised as a 3300, but showed as a 3200 in windows with a higher clock speed.