Driver problems past 10.5b for blu-ray playback.


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 27, 2005
So, blu-ray playback from my PC to home theater had basically been broken for the past 4-6 weeks. Bitstreaming sound worked fine, but video playback would hiccup/stutter every so often making my library unwatchable from my computer. I FINALLY got around to troubleshooting last night and discovered if I installed Catalyst 11.5b or older, playback would be perfect. Any drivers newer than that and the hiccuping comes back.

First thing I tried was unplugging all monitor cables from the video card except my home theater, which is hooked up via HDMI->HDMI...that didn't work.

I also tried completely turning off hardware acceleration(in TMT and CCC) and also tried using onboard sound to eliminate basically all use of the video card other than display output, yet the problem still existed. Very odd, imo!

Driver uninstalls are done using CCC install manager with express uninstall of all AMD software, then I boot into safe mode and clean out ATI files with Driver Sweeper.

Anything I can do? With my current eyefinity setup, 10.5b does NOT work for me. CCC simply crashes when I try creating an eyefinity group. I prefer not to use any older drivers than that as I am playing a couple newer games that have been released this month.

I would REALLY love to get this fixed as my PC doubles as a gaming machine and htpc.
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Oops, I meant 11.5b for the driver set. My bad.
arcsoft total media theatre 3.

it plays all other video files perfectly fine, just not blu-rays.