Drivers, cooling, or RMA?


Dec 16, 2003
Went to 4.6's w/ my 9700pro two weeks ago. All was well, until a couple of days ago when FarCry started crashing/freezing the computer after about 30mins. This morning I booted up a few times trying to get rid of the wonderful black and white checkerboard pattern! FarCry did crash a little with the previous drivers. I wonder if it is a cooling stock cooling problem that is compounding over time, the drivers, or if the card is going to GPU heaven. I don't OC my vidcards, so that is not a concern. I can try the old drivers but I can barely see anything on the screen, so I want to know if this may help or the card is shot. Thx for your help.

Oh yeah, anyone know the warranty on the OEM radeon's? Bought it from like 6 months ago methinks.

the new drivers must have adjusted the internal speeds of the card and now it appears the RAM is overheating...mine did this all the time until I made a bracket and got 2 fans blowing at vid card more artifacts in anything.
If that turns out to be the problem, should a VGA Silencer do the trick?
I don't think so mine generates heat like crazy I had to make a bracket with 2 CASE fans blowing at it to get sufficient cooling and I also run tower with one panel off so there is NO heat buildup at all now.