Drivers suck


Nov 8, 2002
Ive been getting bsod lately. My computer locks up and my games crash. I had been spending more time on a 700 athlon with linux than my gaming machine.

Last night i uninstalled the latest foreware drivers and went to the 66.81's. But i didnt use the wizard to install them. I just went to device manager and found the .inf files to install. My games played amazingly. The computer was stable. For some reason the 5.1 sound in doom3 and hl2 ran great. HL2 didnt stutter anymore. I shut down my computer and went to sleep. Woke up and turned it back on. Wham, the same problems came back. The only thing that changed was now there was the nvidia display software loaded into my advanced display properties. How can I uninstall all that junk and just keep the drivers i need to play. i couldn't care any less about advanced options if they're going to screw my gaming experience.
FingerSlut said:
Ive been getting bsod lately. My computer locks up and my games crash. I had been spending more time on a 700 athlon with linux than my gaming machine.

Last night i uninstalled the latest foreware drivers and went to the 66.81's. But i didnt use the wizard to install them. I just went to device manager and found the .inf files to install. My games played amazingly. The computer was stable. For some reason the 5.1 sound in doom3 and hl2 ran great. HL2 didnt stutter anymore. I shut down my computer and went to sleep. Woke up and turned it back on. Wham, the same problems came back. The only thing that changed was now there was the nvidia display software loaded into my advanced display properties. How can I uninstall all that junk and just keep the drivers i need to play. i couldn't care any less about advanced options if they're going to screw my gaming experience.

"that junk" has a purpose, learn what the settings are and how to tweak them. Run some diagnostics software (Norton Windoctor or such) on your system and your problems will likely go away.

Also, regardless if you use the executable to install the drivers or do it manually, you'll get the driver settings.
"that junk" has a purpose, learn what the settings are and how to tweak them. Run some diagnostics software (Norton Windoctor or such) on your system and your problems will likely go away.

Give me some credit, im not an absolute moron. Every page fault error i get is from nv4.dll (off the top of my head, it could be a little different) Im saying for some odd reason newer nvidia drivers are killing my box. All i want is the driver to run my card, i dont give a shit about any options to tweak my card. Especially when the difference is so big in performance AND stability.

If someone feels like humoring me, get me a driver than only makes the card work, and changes nothing else. If you wont do it for me, do it for science!

I just want to reiterate the fact that i was oced to 400/1100. After the reinstall im at 350/1000, and in spite of the clock, my games are running much better than before. The only sad part is to get the performance, i have to uninstall my drivers, reboot and install just the .infs. Next time i boot my pc, all the other nvidia stuff loads and i have to start all over again.
Try turning fast writes off in the bios. I had instability before when i had that setting on. Turning it off fixed my computer problems.
is this instability happening while the card is overclocked?
To run at much higer speeds you might need to adjust the voltage.
You should use rivatuner to overclock and tweak settings that aren't normally available in the driver control pannel.
And the 66.93 drivers are WHQL certified so I'd pick those up.
You should definitely disable fast writes and the easiest way is in your bios or in rivatuner.
Your BSOD could be from overheating. What are your temps; ambient and core?
I was having the same problem... blue screens and also got lock ups. Coulndt make it through a 3dmark demo if my life depended on it. I read up on bios settings which I had already known anyways but came across one setting I didnt know to change for video performance. PCI Latency Timer.. set it to 128 and all of a sudden I have stability... no more blue screens and no more lock ups. Still dont even know why that would have even made a difference so I turned it back down to the default 32 and started getting the blue screens and lockups all over again.. Oh well, dont know dont care but I finally got it stable.
is this instability happening while the card is overclocked?
Yeah i had my card up to 450, but it was too hot, so i kept it at 400/1100, and it was "stable"
But now its back at 350/1000
Also are you using driver cleaner when you change drivers?
Yes, i uninstalled from control panel, then used driver cleaner 3 to mop up.

As for temps, its running stock right now, and freakin IE and outlook are crashing while im remotely connected to it at work.

Try turning fast writes off in the bios. I had instability before when i had that setting on. Turning it off fixed my computer problems.
As for fastwrites, yes theyre on, but ill have to wait until i get off of work to change that. Thanks for the idea.
Copyright said:
I was having the same problem... blue screens and also got lock ups. Coulndt make it through a 3dmark demo if my life depended on it. I read up on bios settings which I had already known anyways but came across one setting I didnt know to change for video performance. PCI Latency Timer.. set it to 128 and all of a sudden I have stability... no more blue screens and no more lock ups. Still dont even know why that would have even made a difference so I turned it back down to the default 32 and started getting the blue screens and lockups all over again.. Oh well, dont know dont care but I finally got it stable.
Wow, ill check that out when i get home as well, thanx
One other thing... my buddy has an Nforce 2 board like mine with the same video card... He found out every time he stuck it in Dual Channel DDR mode it would cause blue screens and lock ups.. So he ran each stick of memory individually and had no issues. I think he is running it in Single Channel DDR mode until he figures out why the problems. I blame it on the fact he is running two brands of memory one being Mushkin and the other being some generic brand. *shrug* Maybe play around with some of the beta drivers.
If programs like Outlook and IE are crashing, it's not a video card stability problem. I'd be looking into your CPU overclock. Does it Prime for 24 hours at the current speed?
users suck. 98+% of problems with computers are user error/ignorance. (including installing software/drivers improperly)

The drivers are fine, I've used many different sets of drivers, in fact I've never run a driver cleaner program either. I just uninstall and then install new set. My OC's are also high, my benches are off the chart for my config, etc... its all about tweaking properly.

Which means carefully analyzing each detail and only changing one variable at a time then thoroughly testing.

For example: I kept having a problem, whenever, I overclock my new 6800nu, my moniter shut off and wouldnt come back on. After multiple attempts and pounding my head, I realized that I had set the refresh rate overrides (while using a different moniter) to a setting too high. And when I overclocked it for some reason it was going to that higher override setting and moniter would turn off b/c it was out of range. Anyway, point is its often some simple mistake that YOU made, and didnt realize.
Try bumping up the processor voltage? Is the power supply voltages reading good?
yes its still unstable at stock speeds in ie and outlook, im downloading 3dmark to it remotely so ill see if it will do a test. But ive been playing hl2, doom3 fine when i have my drivers installed that one way. After that, pandamonia.
Copyright said:
One other thing... my buddy has an Nforce 2 board like mine with the same video card... He found out every time he stuck it in Dual Channel DDR mode it would cause blue screens and lock ups.. So he ran each stick of memory individually and had no issues. I think he is running it in Single Channel DDR mode until he figures out why the problems. I blame it on the fact he is running two brands of memory one being Mushkin and the other being some generic brand. *shrug* Maybe play around with some of the beta drivers.
You need identical sticks of ram to run in dual channel. Hes probably got two different CAS latency sticks on there.

As for users not knowing what they're doing half the time, its so true. Even people on this forum give bogus advice sometimes when they think they know what they're talking about.
actually ive had these clocks for quite some time and they were running great. I started having these problems around the release of hl2. I replaced my power supply because the voltages were unstable, now its holding strong a 1.744. My cpu temp idle is around 40
the gpu should be fine at stock speeds because it oc's like a monster, ill check its temperature when i get home just to count out overheating.
Didnt even notice you were in Houston TX.. Im in the same area. You dont happen to work at HP do you? So I assume you had no stability issues with your last video card?
i work off of monroe for an isp.

Everything been great until recently. I just found it odd that installing drivers a certain way would make my stock gt outperform my o/ced GT and get my 5.1 to work in doom3 and hl2. VERY ODD.
That is odd...are you running onboard sound or pci? Have you tried removing all PCI cards out of the system and then installing your driver?

I saw you mentioned that when it was overclocked you got worse performance? When I had the 66.93 drivers installed I overclocked my video card and got way lower performance. I installed the 67.02 and overclocked again and then go huge gains in performance. There were a few forceware drivers I coudlnt even run on my system as they conflicted with something BAD.. I would get poor computer performance all around and blue screens.. I went back to a much older version of the drivers and had no issues and just kept tyring the new releases until finally they must have fixed the issue. I swear it was messing with my silicone Images 3112A driver.
Yeah im running onboard sound. I have no expansion cards installed either.

You're right tho, these newer drivers have been killing me. you had better luck with 67.02? I swear my computers been dragging ass compared to my bros (fucking 9700)
Since i was getting page fault errors i was thinking harddrive as well.
Yeah 67.02s have been the best for me so far. I use that with Riva Tuner to unlock my extra pipes and Coolbits 2.0 to overclock... Ive had no issues with it since I got it right but before then I was having nothing but problems and bluescreens. I would try playing around with the bios settings... make changes one at a time to see if there is one setting that gives you stability. Do you have the latest bios on your mobo?
of course. i'm [H] most of the time :D

i want to fix my computer while im wasting time updating these ancient cobalt servers.
formatting is the easy way out!

When i get home im gonna take screenshots of the fps difference on the drivers.
My third PC has a GeForce 4400 and the latest Nvidia drivers.. frequent lock-ups during gameplay. Reverted to old drivers, and fixed the problem... go figure.
Yeah I hate to say it but a fresh install may take care of it all. Just look at it this way.. its like spring cleaning for your computer :D
Copyright said:
Yeah I hate to say it but a fresh install may take care of it all. Just look at it this way.. its like spring cleaning for your computer :D

Probably. Fresh installs while a pain in the ass, they do WONDERS for things.

BTW, you said you're remoting installing something. So it got me thinking you might not have a firewall to allow your access easier, etc...

Are you using a firewall? You dont think someone else is hacking in to your computer? Hackers using certain exploits will cause your computer to lock up/BSOD, etc.
BossNoodleKaboodle said:
You need identical sticks of ram to run in dual channel. Hes probably got two different CAS latency sticks on there.

As for users not knowing what they're doing half the time, its so true. Even people on this forum give bogus advice sometimes when they think they know what they're talking about.

I have two seperate sticks on my nforce2 motherboard. Supposedly one of the more picky boards and I haven't had any problems since I got the ram last week.
we never heard on the prime test dude...

if you want the icon in the coner of your screen to go away, go to the the troubleshooting part of the video card's options and disable it. that simple.
i dont need to be talked down to. I've already disabled that part. And besides, thats easy to get rid of in msconfig or regedit. Im talking about the advanced properties in display properties. And really now, if the computer wont stay stable on idle, do you really think its going to stay stable under a 24 hour full load? It has been stable since i put in the video card in november.