DS Lite: Need ear bud recommendations


Sep 19, 2004
I just got a DS Lite a few weeks ago. So far, I love it! As a dedicated pc gamer, I've not owned a console before, but since it's hard to play games when I visit the family over the holidays (mostly because absenting myself from the family gatherings is considered extremely antisocial), I got a DS Lite. However, a significant amount of my gaming needs to be quiet. Thus, I need recommendations for ear buds.

I did get some DS Lite compatible ear buds with an accessory pack. However, the ear buds are uncomfortable. They're made of hard plastic, with no foam coverings. Additionally, since I'm a woman, I don't have huge ears, and the ear buds are rather large for my ear canals.

I've had less than optimal results when trying to google for DS Lite compatible ear buds. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate recommendations. I am looking at about a $25 average. I'll go higher, if necessary, but given the fact that I still spend the majority of my gaming time on a pc, I think that going higher than $50 for ear buds would not be cost effective.

Thank you for your suggestions.


There you go. These phones have a thin, soft, flexible rubber cup that fits right into the ear. They're super comfortable and do a very impressive job at sealing out external sounds. They even come with three sizes of rubber cup so you can get the best possible fit.

Sound pretty good to boot.
Earphones are one of the few things Sony still does right. I don't hesitate in recommending them.
I used to use a pair of Panasonic RP-HJE70 earbuds with my DS lite. You probably don't need audiophile sound quality, so I'd reccommend any pair with soft in-ear padding.

Any headphones will work though. Just go with what ever feels comfortable.
Sennheiser CX300s. I paid $40, and was so satisfied by them that now both my girlfriend and I have pairs. Unbelievable noise isolation, great comfort (three different sizes of removable fittings) and excellent sound quality. They're in a similar league as the Shure E2C's but for much less cash.
Scotch77 said:
shure or etymotic are good, sonys pretty much suck.

checkout head-fi.org
They're fine if she's only going to use them with her DS.

Then again I think Shure's are overpriced.