DS3 hanging at POST


Jul 30, 2006
I've been using the F4E BIOS for a long time now. Like, over 5 or 6 months, with no problems. Stable overclock [email protected]. Yesterday, I restart my computer and it hangs at the "memory testing" line of POST. After restarting a few times, I walked away and used another computer to Google the problem. I come back, and I've got a message on my screen telling me to install XPress Recovery 2, press any key to continue. I pressed the any key and it takes me to my desktop. Everything's fine except I'm no longer overclocked.

Today, I rebooted again and, as predicted, it hangs during POST again. It got past "detecting IDE devices", though. I waited a while, and got nothing. Powered off the computer, turned it back on, and it gets through POST and goes straight to the OS just fine.

So, I don't know what's going on. I'm thinking my BIOS is the problem, but I don't know for sure.
You do have a very early BIOS. I have found (By the help of a forum member named BillParrish) that by removing the NorthBridge heatsink and applying better thermal compound that you can increase the stability of your Front Side Bus overclock. My friend couldn't get past 359MHz on his DS3 version 2.0 and yesterday we removed the heatsink and reapplyed arctic ceramique and he can now post well past 400MHz. In your case you are already past 400MHz but you could probably get higher with better cooling.

On my DS3 rev. 3.3, I couldn't post past 490MHz, but after thermal compound i can post at 515 and probably higher. I think try the BIOS first, and if you still can't post above 445 then apply better thermal compound. Also, BillParrish is bound to find this thread and give you some even better advice.
Thanks. To be more specific, I've been overclocked at 3.115 for over 6 months. It is now hanging at POST even at stock speeds.
Have you tired resetting the bios via jumper? Also, one thing you might try to see if it's heat related as suggested - aim a large desk fan in to the side of your case, full power. This has helped me in the past.
Did you change ANYTHING at all? memory timings have caused this problem on my board.
It may be time for you to start completely over and start testing stability. Take your ram to 5-5-5-15 timings, take the FSB at or below stock, set the voltage management to automatic in the bios and see if it doesn't hang on post. then start moving things back.