Dual Bong Dually - FINALLY FINISHED!!


Dec 16, 2003
after a month of piddlefartin around with this thing i finally managed to get it up and running a couple days ago...i'm currently installing all the benchmarking software so i'll have some of those to post later if anyone is interested.

i've had to re-plumb the watercooling 4 times, replace 1 dead XP1700+, lock nut and loctite the mounting studs for the RBX Blocks, go through 3 installs of XP Pro and 2 graphics cards but this is the end result. Specs:

Gigabyte GA-7DPXDW+
(1) TbredB 2100+
(1) TbredB1700+
1GB Transcend (samsung modules) Registered ECC PC-2700
120GB 7200RPM WD Hard Drive (8MB Buffer)
Radeon 9200SE 128MB
On Board Sound & LAN
Dual Mag 5 Pumps
DD RBX Waterblocks
Dual 4" diameter 24" Tall Evaporative towers - wal-mart special 3 dollar shower heads, glue, and a ton of duct tape...some screen, slot covers, and a pair of 120mm fans from an ond 3DCool.com watercooling kit at full power...

currently clocked at 17x140 for 2.38ghz...tested stable with 2 instances of F@H, Prime, and Toast all at once and never buckled once...temps hover right around 50c under prolonged 100% load...i built some inefficient towers, but they get the job done...
nest time i won't scimp on that part, or anything for that matter...it took over a month to correct all my ghettoengineering to get it working right...but so far i am impressed with the performance, and even more impressed that i pulled of the dual bong dual processor thing...now for pics :D





dubya tee eff mate?

i'm perplexed by the pipe set up.

looks pretty nifty though.
what really screwed me up was the RBX's having 2 outlets and also running 1/2" tubing...i had to use that many elbows to totally relieve the blocks of any stress so they didn't crush another chip...that's how the first 1700 went down...i know it's confusing but it works...

here's some Sandra2004 benchmarks at 2.38ghz 140FSB...no tweaks...




wouldnt one bong be enough? A normal one is better than any radiator out there.
Originally posted by thrashd
wouldnt one bong be enough? A normal one is better than any radiator out there.

2 cpus, 2 bongs. i don't see why not. :cool:

one thing i was wondering...you have the 120mm fans on the bongs, but the top is sealed off with duct tape. where does the air go, if the top is sealed? what's the point of sealing the top?
i knew someone was gonna say something about the tape....lol...

the top is open...i have nylon screen stretched across the top so it catches any water...there's 3 layers of it and the tape is what holds that and the shower head supports down...

also i got bored and switched to 120mmX38mm Adda fans rated at 104.8cfm on the towers....temps dropped about 3c for me...yay
yes i do realize that, but after trying 3 times to get everything to fit right the only way was to use said elbows...what totally screwed me up was the 2 outlets of the RBX block...and the 1/2" tubing is a PITA to bend or shape in any manner....so hard to bend that in fact it was lifting the blocks up off the core so that's the main reason why i used all those elbows....does it kill flow? yes, i know...alot...but running a mag 5 in each loop helps to alleviate that problem...it can at least push the water through without much problem
careful of legionella and stuff

don't want any [H]ard diseases growing
Your losing Mucho cooling by having those bongs be so short. They are exponentially efficient the larger the height of the bong is.
I have never seen soo many elbows used in a single watercooling system in my life. Jesus, I don't think I've seen half a dozen systems that have that many all together. :D
i wanted to keep them short so as to not be too daunting since there's 2 of them...next project probably will have just a single large cooler as opposed to 2 smaller ones...

i know i know i know about the elbows...i was cringing as i put it together, but like i said, i could not get the blocks to sit perfectly flush unless i arranged the system in that manner...for a single processor system that is watercooled this case is great, but for a dual it is a little cramped...if i had more room i would've had more flexibility in running the lines and i wouldn't have all those elbows...

my next big thing for this computer probably will be adding active cooling to the voltage regulators in an effort to stabalize the voltage a little bit...also adding a 80 or 92mm side intake and a top 120mm blowhole...i got a few spare quiet fans laying around to put to use...

for the most part i feel like i've accomplished my goals...except for hitting 2.5ghz which ended the second i corked one of my DLt3c JIUHB 0310's and also when i noticed this board undervolts...alot...but a dual XP rig at 2.38ghz ain't nothin to sneeze at...overall though i'm glad i went this route and hopefully i can tidy it up for the next machine...

also thanks for all the looks and comments...it's mostly been positive which i like, and positive criticism too, which is also good...i kinda expected one crap or two but thanks for keeping it clean!
Thats about as close as you can get to just flat out splashing the water on the cpu itself.. lol I LOVE IT!!!

It'd be nice to see someone have a gerbal powered squirt gun that cools the cpu.. lol.

You know I just...JUST...left a thread where a guy had four elbows in his system, and I was thinking...damn..four elbows and a T ...what does that do to your flowrate...and then I scroll down a few posts and see this :p ...


Hey if it works, who the heck cares....

Changed fans on the towers, freed up some airflow at the top, and unclogged my waterblocks again and now temps don't go above 45c under insane load...i'm now VERY satisfied with this project...time to enjoy!...and to rig up something to keep the towers topped off...
Hmmm that thing looks familiar……. no wait its not. I like the tubing! muwhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
If you want cooler temps remove as many 90 degree fittings Y fittings and T fittings.Flow is the key to low temps and those fittings cut the flow in a huge way....
can i ask you something on ur WC set up?

the RBX block.. which hole does the wtaer flow into?
the RBX's are a center inlet/2 outlet design and are pretty much the best you can buy for the price...provided your pump can move enough water...something along the lines of at least 300gph is recommended
i just have to say.....all the nice, expensive hardware (even the water blocks arnt too bad) and then the getto ass rig. why didnt you just buy a resiviour and radiator and do it the right way. oh yeah and wires omg wires everywhere. but if it works (with no leaks....yeah i saw your towel down there) then i say whatever floats your boat.


ps my temps never go over 39 (with wc of coarse), you should realy try to get those temps down some more.
the towel is down there pretty much cause i can never seem to keep the water in the bongs when i fill them up...and yes it's kinda ghetto but i did this more or less cause i didn't have the cash for a rad...i had to sell my JL Audio component speakers off just to get enough cash for the pumps and blocks...and i had to beg borrow and practically steal for the ram & case...I also did it to evaluate the effectiveness of the concept...which to say is pretty impressive. i really did scimp on the towers ALOT...if i had planned them out better, used better shower heads, increased size and went with slightly larger pumps the temps would be alot better than they are now...i also think the blocks and/or shower heads are a little plugged off...i think there's still some residual shavings in there. temps aren't spirialing out of control so i'm not gonna tend to it till it becomes an issue...i have a feeling eventually it'll be reverted back to air cooling as soon as i find a heatsink that will fit on the board with enough cooling capacity for my chips...i was thinkin SLK-800 with Tornados on top...but they're a really tight fit...

the next time i do evaporative, it will look alot better...this was the cut down crippled and shoved out the door model...lol