Dual Boot FC2 and Gentoo?


Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
Has anyone ever tried to dual boot their system with 2 distros?

I love FC2 but want to try Gentoo - thinking about dual booting.
gentoo is pretty kewl. i am runing it now.. i would print out there install handbook and your fstab from FC2 first before you start... or at least have another box online to look at there handbook. if you go gentoo..might as well go stage1.
From personal experience (RH+Gentoo) I can tell you that it is perfectly safe. My personal recommendation is to first read the installation guide, you can print it if you want to have a hard copy of it, or you can access it when you get on-line (it is not THAT difficult). I also recommend you have a good understanding of your disk's layout and partition table, and also reading ahead about the command chroot and what a "jail" is may be come in handy too, before you start.

If you have good understanding of what I just said, happy installing! ;)
This is something you will want to google for, I have seen many great how-tos (there are actually a few on the gentoo forums). It is possible and not too complicated, just a matter of getting crazy with partitions and configuring grub.
Tweakin said:
This is something you will want to google for, I have seen many great how-tos (there are actually a few on the gentoo forums). It is possible and not too complicated, just a matter of getting crazy with partitions and configuring grub.
:LOL: True, true.
should be easy enough. just skip gentoo's instructions on configuring grub/lilo, and set it up through FC2, since that bootloader is configured to look at the config file in FC2
I will give this a shot when Fedora Core 3 is officially released.
Don't want to wipe my drive right now.