Dual boot setup installationquestion


Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2008
How do i setup a dual boot system. I have XP pro 32 on the first Drive and i want to install vista on another. How would i go about doing that as well as choosing which OS loads at boot up.
Well this does not help with a dual boot using 2 drives instead of one. I wanted xp on the first drive and vista on the second. Is there a way to make a dual boot using 2 separate drives? I plan on getting a 500 GB drive for vista since it is much bigger than XP.
That's a terrible How-to guide, actually. All you need do is run the Vista install as normal, choosing the 'Custom Install' option. At the screen where partition location is selected, choose to install Vista to the partition which is located on the second drive, and then complete the installation. A dual-boot menu configuration will be automatically created.
I like your description better than the guide. So pretty much just a basic install with the second drive being targeted instead of the first drive? That sounds much simpler
Yep. Vista's 'Custom Install' option creates a multi-boot configuration if a secondary partition or drive is chosen. When 'Custom Install' is used and the partition chosen is one where an existing Windows install is located, that existing install will be quarantined in a 'windows.old' folder, and a fresh, clean install of Vista placed on the partition.