Dual Core Gaming Fix Guide

Athalon 64x2 4200+
Gigabyte K8n Pro SLI
1GB PC 3200 Kingston - dual core mode
BFGtech 7800 GT OC PCI express
X2WD 40GB Raid Stripped

One possible factor that could affect the game stutter problem on my system may have been an nVIDIA Driver.

STEPS toward the fix:

1. New install with nVIDIA drivers ‘in the box’
2. Test gaming with Quake 4 (good but not spectacular performance)
3. Test gaming with IL2 Sturmovik (my hobby – Simulated WWII Air Combat)

During the process of optimizing IL2 Sturmovik a problem occurred which inspired me to update the display drivers.
The stutter may have occurred before updating the display drivers.

The stutter was a rhythmic pulsing of the image displayed. The stutter occurred while the in game frame rate counter showed 60 fps average.

The stutter showed up first during on-line gaming.

I assumed the stutter was net-work related and this assumption inspired me to try re-installing my drivers because, and this is my reason for posting here now, the process of installing new drivers includes the process of removing old drivers.

When removing old drivers I had a choice to remove Display Drivers and two other drivers. One of the other drivers listed was a network driver – nVIDIA Ethernet Driver Components. Another driver listed (not listed anymore) was an SLI driver.

I removed all drivers on the second re-install of display drivers (81.98). I re-installed the update drivers thinking – “What was that damn Network driver thing?”

I then had to manually reinstall the PCI and Ethernet Drivers from the CD that came with the motherboard. Update 81.98 couldn’t find the SLI or the Network drivers. The motherboard CD didn’t auto run either.


Windows browse in the above folder gave me two possible drivers to choose. The first time I chose the first choice which didn’t have the word ‘ethernet’ in the command line. (The eventual stutter fix included a re-install with the second choice – ‘ethernet’).

The process of fixing the stutter became very confusing because each new re-install of drivers allowed a stutter free game for a few minutes. The stutter then returned after I concluded (wrongly) that the latest fix worked.
I then tested off-line to find the stutter was off-line as well as on-line. It seemed like a dual core or SLI problem which led me to search Google.

A Google search linked me to this page.

I then tried Fix #1 (manually adding /usepmtimer to boot.ini)

Again the fix worked. This time the fix worked for a long on-line session playing IL2-Sturmovik however the stutter returned.

Meanwhile – Quake 4 continues to play good (off-line).

Being an impatient gamer rather than a good scientist I did the following to end up with what is now a stutter free situation (3 long on-line sessions so far).

Remove 82.12 graphics drivers (I tried these beta drivers before or after the boot.ini manual test) and remove the nVIDIA Ethernet Driver Components (The SLI drivers no longer showed up as an option to remove. The SLI drivers only showed up on the list of drivers to be removed with Add or Remove Control Panel once).

Reboot and manually go to System Hardware Device Manager. Look for the big yellow question marks. Install drivers by browsing to the motherboard CD. This time I chose the second choice that included the word ‘ethernet’. This time I happen to notice something listed in the Device Manager:

NVIDIA Network Bus Enumerator

I then loaded the box version of display drivers from the graphics card CD.

I then loaded the AMD patch listed here as Fix #1.

I rebooted and HOOORAY!

Note: The AMD Dual Core patch added the line - /usepmtimer to the boot.ini file but not at the end. The AMD Dual Core patch adds the /usepmtimer line between other commands.

Note: When the manual addition of /usepmtimer did work (eliminate stutter for a limited time) the FPS counter halved. Now the stutter is gone and the FPS is back up to 60 fps average.
swetmore said:
Aren't these fixes only needed if you are using cool and quiet? I have cool and quiet disabled in the bios.

As for me, I installed my X2 on Sat and have not had a problem with slowdown in any games, UT2004, Doom3, or HL2. I have not installed any patches, drivers or hotfixes.

Its a misconception that cool and quiet are the nature of the problem. Power states inherent of the cpu, drivers, OS, and software are the cause. Most software functions without issue. Many games are already patched to correct this problem. MS admits resposibility and corrected it in the x64 edition windows. 32 bit Windows xp can be corrected via their hotfix. Some software still may have problems though, it depends on which method they sync time and/or thread. It is possible in a short interval to observe good behavior from a dual core system. PC gaming can be experimental at times; when something goes wrong, especially with a new game, its hard to say what is effecting it. This thread began as adopters of dual core processors were on the rise and the debut of cutting edge games (BF2, Fear, Q4, etc.). So, only better things ahead of us I think. Just keep your drivers and software updated. Encoding performance on dual core's is fantastic. You'll notice a lot of great performance from your machine. When you have a problem, keep this crap in the back of your mind. We'll all be babbeling about windows Vista soon anyway.
Isn't the MS hotfix only for people that use Cool and Quiet? I have it disabled. I only installed the AMD processor driver, and most games work great, except for KOTOR and KOTOR II. :(
Joe Kelley said:
Note: The AMD Dual Core patch added the line - /usepmtimer to the boot.ini file but not at the end. The AMD Dual Core patch adds the /usepmtimer line between other commands.

Do mind explaining where in the boot.ini it places the /userpmtimer? Could you maybe post your boot.ini up?

PerfectCr said:
Isn't the MS hotfix only for people that use Cool and Quiet? I have it disabled. I only installed the AMD processor driver, and most games work great, except for KOTOR and KOTOR II. :(

No, the Hotfix is for anyone that uses WinXP SP2. The power states issues addressed by the hotfix are different than CnQ. Try the hotfix and see if that fixes your problems with KOTOR 1/2.
kirbyrj said:
No, the Hotfix is for anyone that uses WinXP SP2. The power states issues addressed by the hotfix are different than CnQ. Try the hotfix and see if that fixes your problems with KOTOR 1/2.
Just installed it, and nope. KOTOR still at 100% CPU usage, blank screens, SLOWNESS. Am I supposed to edit the registry after installing the hotfix? Or does installing just work?

KOTOR and KOTOR II are unplayable. I even used suggestion #3, no go. :'( If you check out BIOWARE and the OBSIDIAN forums people are complaining left and right about KOTOR not working with dual core CPUs. Horrible.

Edit: I also read that NVIDIA's new dual core "optimizations" are actually causing the problems in KOTOR. Anyone see/hear/experience this?
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn /usepmtimer
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional (#1)" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn

Above is a cut and paste from:
My Computer (right click) properties - advanced - Start up Recover settings - edit - cut - paste

To be clear on my statement:

The manual placement of the command: /usepmtimer was done by me as a first step and I placed that command at the very end of the last command line.

The AMD patch: amdcpu Setup.exe 4.56 MB places the command: /usepmtimer as noted above.

I manually removed the command (/usepmtimer) from the command line (where I had manually placed it) before running the AMD patch.

Once the stutter was gone I stopped hacking.
Joe Kelley said:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn /usepmtimer
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional (#1)" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn

Above is a cut and paste from:
My Computer (right click) properties - advanced - Start up Recover settings - edit - cut - paste

To be clear on my statement:

The manual placement of the command: /usepmtimer was done by me as a first step and I placed that command at the very end of the last command line.

The AMD patch: amdcpu Setup.exe 4.56 MB places the command: /usepmtimer as noted above.

I manually removed the command (/usepmtimer) from the command line (where I had manually placed it) before running the AMD patch.

Once the stutter was gone I stopped hacking.
Were you responding to my post? If you were you totally missed the question. If not then ignore me :)
Joe Kelley said:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn /usepmtimer
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional (#1)" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn

Above is a cut and paste from:
My Computer (right click) properties - advanced - Start up Recover settings - edit - cut - paste

To be clear on my statement:

The manual placement of the command: /usepmtimer was done by me as a first step and I placed that command at the very end of the last command line.

The AMD patch: amdcpu Setup.exe 4.56 MB places the command: /usepmtimer as noted above.

I manually removed the command (/usepmtimer) from the command line (where I had manually placed it) before running the AMD patch.

Once the stutter was gone I stopped hacking.

Why do you have two sets of WinXP installations? I'll bet the first time you added it to the #1 when you really boot off of the first one so you didn't see any fixes for your problem.
PerfectCr said:
Just installed it, and nope. KOTOR still at 100% CPU usage, blank screens, SLOWNESS. Am I supposed to edit the registry after installing the hotfix? Or does installing just work?

Edit: I also read that NVIDIA's new dual core "optimizations" are actually causing the problems in KOTOR. Anyone see/hear/experience this?

You have to edit the registry to get the hotfix to work.

It is possible that Nvidia's "optimizations" are causing problems. If this is the case, try using one of the older 78-79 series drivers and see if that fixes your problem. Doesn't hurt to try ;).

I'm not sure about the second OS install. I think it is a part of my back-up experiments that are being worked out with my friend and relative who has a local computer store. I see now how the manual fix was confused. Is it possible that the power managment problem becomes a problem in time after each reboot; since the game did appear to be sutter free after doing basically nothing by adding the usepmtimer command in the wrong place?

My addition to this valuable page is not much help. I could experiment more by removing the command to see if the stutter returns. It was an unmistakable problem and one that is thankfully fixed.

Joe Kelley said:

I'm not sure about the second OS install. I think it is a part of my back-up experiments that are being worked out with my friend and relative who has a local computer store. I see now how the manual fix was confused. Is it possible that the power managment problem becomes a problem in time after each reboot; since the game did appear to be sutter free after doing basically nothing by adding the usepmtimer command in the wrong place?

My addition to this valuable page is not much help. I could experiment more by removing the command to see if the stutter returns. It was an unmistakable problem and one that is thankfully fixed.


Yeah, I'm not sure how your /usepmtimer worked since it was in the wrong place :p . I don't think it becomes a problem in time since it is a power state setting right in the code of Windows. I'd definitely install the hotfix if you haven't done so already. That seems to catch the biggest amount of problems you may be having. These power state issues plague other programs other than games. I had issues with TV Tuner software for my capture card also. The hotfix seemed to fix that issue also.
kirbyrj said:
You have to edit the registry to get the hotfix to work.

It is possible that Nvidia's "optimizations" are causing problems. If this is the case, try using one of the older 78-79 series drivers and see if that fixes your problem. Doesn't hurt to try ;).
Yes I know the 70 series drivers work, but I want my dual core optimizations. :)

Are you sure you need to edit the registry to get the hotfix to work? On MS's site it says the registry key is only to disable and/or reenable the hotfix.

Read the MS link

After you install the hotfix that is described in this article, you may use registry settings to disable the new performance state policy behavior. To do this, follow these steps:

So this is only if you want disable it and later reenable it. If you want it on all the time, then you just install the hotfix and that's it.
PerfectCr said:
Yes I know the 70 series drivers work, but I want my dual core optimizations. :)

Are you sure you need to edit the registry to get the hotfix to work? On MS's site it says the registry key is only to disable and/or reenable the hotfix.

Read the MS link

So this is only if you want disable it and later reenable it. If you want it on all the time, then you just install the hotfix and that's it.

I had to add the lines to my registry manually when I installed the hotfix. The hotfix didn't add the lines to it during install. But I can check again.

Edit: After reading it again, I see what you're saying. I remember installing the hotfix and having to add in all the registry settings, but Windows might run the new power state behavior without registry settings automatically thus, you have to add all the extra registry stuff to disable it. I don't know. I always just added the registry lines and put the "1" in there to enable the power state behavior.
kirbyrj said:
After reading it again, I see what you're saying. I remember installing the hotfix and having to add in all the registry settings, but Windows might run the new power state behavior without registry settings automatically thus, you have to add all the extra registry stuff to disable it. I don't know. I always just added the registry lines and put the "1" in there to enable the power state behavior.
I think that's it. The fix is automatically enabled, and the registry fix is there if for some reason you need to disable it. I could tell it worked because a few games were smoother (Quake 4, Far Cry)
PerfectCr said:
I think that's it. The fix is automatically enabled, and the registry fix is there if for some reason you need to disable it. I could tell it worked because a few games were smoother (Quake 4, Far Cry)

Ok...that's good to know. I'll update the OP with that info.
I have a question. I play World of Warcraft and with my old set up (basically the sig) it ran at upwards of like 90ish frames per second. now it refuses to break 64 with my new set up:

AMD64 X2 3800+
2GB Corsair XMS DDR400

I'm confused about this. any ideas?
Dallows said:
I have a question. I play World of Warcraft and with my old set up (basically the sig) it ran at upwards of like 90ish frames per second. now it refuses to break 64 with my new set up:

AMD64 X2 3800+
2GB Corsair XMS DDR400

I'm confused about this. any ideas?

I think they capped it with the new patch...at least that's what I've read, I don't play it myself.
Dallows said:
I have a question. I play World of Warcraft and with my old set up (basically the sig) it ran at upwards of like 90ish frames per second. now it refuses to break 64 with my new set up:

AMD64 X2 3800+
2GB Corsair XMS DDR400

I'm confused about this. any ideas?

Is Vsync enabled? And what is your refresh rate? I play Wow but haven't checked the FPS lately, I seem to remember it to be locked at 60.
Out of curiousity, and as a summary of all things that have been posted, are people having more or less success with Windows XP x64 edition? I own both and will be building my new rig this afternoon (thanks to UPS finally bringing the parts I ordered), but I'm not sure which OS (x64 XP or 32bit XP) would be the most hassle-free. The last time I ran XP x64 was on my laptop and I had terrible problems with it. Every hour the time would set itself back by about 15 minutes. :\

So is one of these OS' more or less problematic than the other with regards to all of these gaming issues?
LordPhobos said:
Out of curiousity, and as a summary of all things that have been posted, are people having more or less success with Windows XP x64 edition? I own both and will be building my new rig this afternoon (thanks to UPS finally bringing the parts I ordered), but I'm not sure which OS (x64 XP or 32bit XP) would be the most hassle-free. The last time I ran XP x64 was on my laptop and I had terrible problems with it. Every hour the time would set itself back by about 15 minutes. :\

So is one of these OS' more or less problematic than the other with regards to all of these gaming issues?

I know the hotfix is only for the 32-bit version of WinXP, so if that means it was fixed for XP64 or they just didn't bother fixing it yet...who knows?
superfire said:
Is Vsync enabled? And what is your refresh rate? I play Wow but haven't checked the FPS lately, I seem to remember it to be locked at 60.

vsync is disabled and the refresh rate is like 60 or something. I'm positive that it would reach 90s in my old build. I'm thinking it's just the dual core thing and there's no fix yet. You can't change the affinity of the game either I'm pretty sure, correct me if I'm wrong.
Dallows said:
vsync is disabled and the refresh rate is like 60 or something. I'm positive that it would reach 90s in my old build. I'm thinking it's just the dual core thing and there's no fix yet. You can't change the affinity of the game either I'm pretty sure, correct me if I'm wrong.

I'll try when I get home. But as always, there's a new patch! I'll apply the patch and check out some frames rates for you.
LordPhobos said:
Out of curiousity, and as a summary of all things that have been posted, are people having more or less success with Windows XP x64 edition? I own both and will be building my new rig this afternoon (thanks to UPS finally bringing the parts I ordered), but I'm not sure which OS (x64 XP or 32bit XP) would be the most hassle-free. The last time I ran XP x64 was on my laptop and I had terrible problems with it. Every hour the time would set itself back by about 15 minutes. :\

So is one of these OS' more or less problematic than the other with regards to all of these gaming issues?

I've found games to run pretty smoothly in x64 IF THEY RUN. Starforce copy protection keeps games like splinter cell: chaos theory and King Kong from running (thanks ubisoft). The starforce 64 bit support has not been adopted by ubisoft. Here is a list of games that I've found work without issue: Half Life 2 (64 bit now available via steam, quicker load times), Far Cry, CoDII, Quake 4, Serious Sam II, World of Warcraft, FEAR, Doom3. The primary thing that would be a barrier to happy gaming and x64 is driver support. WiFi cards are slow coming. My linksys 54g card required some taiwanese drivers to work, Creative's got them available on their site. Epson also has them available for printers/scanners. The only thing I'm unable to support with x64 is my happauge mce500 tv tuner card. If you can locate drivers for all your hardware, and don't care about a couple of games that rely on starforce, go for it.
Also, another note about x64 edition windows: image mounting software has been at a loss in my experience. I've attempted some 64 bit iso mounting apps but haven't gotten them to work. In 32 bit windows, I use Nero Imagedrive. Nero works well in x64 but simply does not install the imagedrive software. Daemon tools may have a x64 capability but I heard someone complaining about game performace going down the tubes. If you can dual boot, I'd suggest doing that, so you won't miss any functionality. Keeping in line with the topic of this thread, x64 edition windows DOES NOT APPEAR TO SUFFER FROM DUAL CORE ISSUES.
Can anyone explain this to me. When I install the AMD dual core drivers, my 4200+ (O/C to 2600 @ 1.5v) idel temps go from 25C to 42C?!
jenus said:
Can anyone explain this to me. When I install the AMD dual core drivers, my 4200+ (O/C to 2600 @ 1.5v) idel temps go from 25C to 42C?!

That's interesting. What are the results at default speed and voltage?
Dallows said:
vsync is disabled and the refresh rate is like 60 or something. I'm positive that it would reach 90s in my old build. I'm thinking it's just the dual core thing and there's no fix yet. You can't change the affinity of the game either I'm pretty sure, correct me if I'm wrong.

I ran Wow in both 32 bit and 64 bit windows. The 32 bit has the processor driver installed and the hotfix. I saw a 4-7 fps gain in x64 windows. But running in both os's, my frames were in between 44 and 64 fps. I took screen shots of me standing on top of the bank in ogrimmar facing the AH. Registered 42.7fps (the lowest I encountered). In the same spot I turned 180 degrees and got 64 fps. Again the stronger average was in x64 bit windows. I'll see if processor affinity has any effect. See my sig for system details.
jenus said:
Can anyone explain this to me. When I install the AMD dual core drivers, my 4200+ (O/C to 2600 @ 1.5v) idel temps go from 25C to 42C?!

42C is probably more accurate since you're running 1.5V (which heats up a dual core chip quick). I would think that CnQ was running before the drivers were installed because 25C idle with 1.5V isn't right.
kirbyrj said:
42C is probably more accurate since you're running 1.5V (which heats up a dual core chip quick). I would think that CnQ was running before the drivers were installed because 25C idle with 1.5V isn't right.

Negative - I have it disabled in the bios.
jenus said:
Negative - I have it disabled in the bios.

I just don't think 25C is possible at idle with 1.5V unless you have some super WC. Either way, I'd clear the CMOS and see what readings you get then after resetting all of your settings.
kirbyrj said:
I just don't think 25C is possible at idle with 1.5V unless you have some super WC. Either way, I'd clear the CMOS and see what readings you get then after resetting all of your settings.

Cleared - still reads 25C (sometimes drops to 24C, but fan shuts off on my DFI nF4-D) in the bios and in MBM5. I don't know any other way to prove it. I have a XP-90 w/ a Panflow MED and the pipes are cool to the touch. Funny thing, I just installed the AMD X2 driver and my temps stayed the same. Wierd!
jenus said:
Cleared - still reads 25C (sometimes drops to 24C, but fan shuts off on my DFI nF4-D) in the bios and in MBM5. I don't know any other way to prove it. I have a XP-90 w/ a Panflow MED and the pipes are cool to the touch. Funny thing, I just installed the AMD X2 driver and my temps stayed the same. Wierd!

Well, I guess anything is possible ;). Glad it's back to normal though.
superfire said:
I ran Wow in both 32 bit and 64 bit windows. The 32 bit has the processor driver installed and the hotfix. I saw a 4-7 fps gain in x64 windows. But running in both os's, my frames were in between 44 and 64 fps. I took screen shots of me standing on top of the bank in ogrimmar facing the AH. Registered 42.7fps (the lowest I encountered). In the same spot I turned 180 degrees and got 64 fps. Again the stronger average was in x64 bit windows. I'll see if processor affinity has any effect. See my sig for system details.

Hmm.. I still don't know.
Strange as it may seem...running my 3200+ Quake 4 ran perfectly...and it still does with the Opteron 165 I recently installed, but now, for some odd reason, it takes a full 30 seconds longer to "load menues" right when starting the game...as soon as it loads up, everything else is smooth and quick...just a long initial load for some odd reason...
FrizzleFried said:
Strange as it may seem...running my 3200+ Quake 4 ran perfectly...and it still does with the Opteron 165 I recently installed, but now, for some odd reason, it takes a full 30 seconds longer to "load menues" right when starting the game...as soon as it loads up, everything else is smooth and quick...just a long initial load for some odd reason...

1). Reformat or minimum repair install after installing dual core?

2). Uninstall and reinstall Quake 4 after moving to dual core?

3). What video card drivers/game patches are you using?
I have a 3800 X2 and 6800GS with XtremeG drivers, and everytime I play Day of Defeat: Source (which uses HDR), or any Counter-Strike: Source map using HDR, like de_nuke, hl2.exe crashes. The game just freezes, and I have to terminate it via task manager. If I set the affinity in the task manager to one of the cores, it works fine. Why do I have to set it to one core only when HDR is on? I have already installed the dual core driver and the Microsoft hotfix.
GML3G0 said:
I have a 3800 X2 and 6800GS with XtremeG drivers, and everytime I play Day of Defeat: Source (which uses HDR), or any Counter-Strike: Source map using HDR, like de_nuke, hl2.exe crashes. The game just freezes, and I have to terminate it via task manager. If I set the affinity in the task manager to one of the cores, it works fine. Why do I have to set it to one core only when HDR is on?

I have the same problem with HDR...I thought it was a bug in the DOD:S code. Although Lost Coast works fine for me with no crashing problems. It might be an issue with the Nvidia drivers. Just to confirm, you did install hotfix and /usepmtimer?
kirbyrj said:
I have the same problem with HDR...I thought it was a bug in the DOD:S code. Although Lost Coast works fine for me with no crashing problems. It might be an issue with the Nvidia drivers. Just to confirm, you did install hotfix and /usepmtimer?
GML3G0 said:

Oh well, you might have to just work with setting the affinity manually until Valve fixes the problem :(. You might be able to try one of the launcher programs or the ImageCFG program (read the warnings with that one), although because the .exe is launched through Steam, you might have to Alt-tab to get it to work.

I added it to the games fixed by #3 listing. Thanks for the heads up.