Dual Displays with separate desktops?


Aug 7, 2004
I was wondering if it was possible to setup dual displays but give them separate desktops. I couldn't find anything in the Nvidia software to do what I wanted to do. The setup I currently have is a Dell 2001FP and and 26" Samsung LCD TV hooked up to a 7800 GTX. What I'm trying to do is have a desktop at 1600x1200 on my dell and one with 1280 x 1024 on my LCD TV (since that is its native resolution). I would also like both to have separate task bars. Basically I'd like the two desktops to be completely separate. For example, play a movie off of my computer on my TV while I play a video game on my monitor. I've heard this is possible with the right software but I haven't had any luck in finding it.
I'm 99% sure that the only way your going to get two seperate desktops with two different taskbars is to either run a virtual machine and use that on one panel and run your other os on the other, or use two computers. Check out VMWare

And no, UltraMon will not detect a tv.
Well now I'm running into an entirely different issue. I upgraded my Nvidia Firmware as mine didn't have the dualview option. I played around with it for a bit but for some reason it thought my monitor was the TV and the TV my monitor. That is, I couldn't up the resolution of my monitor past the native of my TV. So, after this happened, I unplugged my TV, uninstalled Ultramon, and reinstalled the drivers. Now I can't use my 2001FP at 1600x1200 resolution. When I do set it at that resolution, the desktop becomes larger than the actual screen area and I need to pan around the desktop (basically I can't see the entire desktop at once). I am writing this post at 1600x900 because that seems to work correctly (everything looks skewed but at least it fits on the screen). How can I fix this issue? I don't understand why 1600x1200 would consume more screen area than I have if it is my monitor's native resolution.
I'm sure you did, but I have to ask.
Did you run DriverCleaner before reinstalling your drivers?