Dual LCD Setup or 40" 1080p Samsung!!


Limp Gawd
Jun 21, 2008
This is my first thread/post, just got registered here few mins ago!! Little introduction about me, i'm from Pakistan and doing my bachelors of commerce...thats all for now:D

Currently using ViewSonic's 28" VX2835wm widescreen...got few months ago but after checking out the thread "Show your Display Setup" i'm surprised to see some astonishing setups and due to that I'm bit jealous to see dual lcd setup, so finally took plunge to get one for me as well. So I'm confused! whether to get 40" single setup or dual LCD setup ?

My usage will be!
Gamer and little bit of videos encoding...and sometimes movies...

which one is more ideal and perfect? Please share your views :)
if i were to game a lot and had a pretty powerful G-card i would go with the 40". but thats just personal preferance. the dual screens would, in most cases, look better depending on the monitor specs...
Welcome to [H]!
For gaming, a bigger single monitor is a better option although I prefer dual monitor setup for work.
It depends of your budget, the size of your desk (and your ego ;))

Personally, I dream of a 30" LCD (2560*1600) using LED (or even better, OLED!) with not Input Lag, lot of inputs and a good scaling chip.
thanks for the reply guys. Budget is not a problem, i can easily opt for 40" or another 28" viewsonic...the thing which i want to ask is, is it really helpful while working on dual LCD? don't anyone get annoyed by moving things from one LCD to another?

As for the Desk...my desk is quite big which can easily accommodate another 28" LCD or single 40"...

I have few other things in my mind....how about going for 22" and use it as portrait?
I believe the Viewsonic is using a TN panel. As such, with TN's very limited viewing angles, would it be a good choice for a dual monitor set up? (I guess it would depend on how the displays are angled, but I'd be a bit weary of trying to give that a go...)

Which Samsung model are you thinking of?