dual mobile 2500+s


Jul 31, 2003
i have an asus a7m266d... i want to upgrade my 1800+s to moble xp 2500+s... is it possible... will i need to do any spacial mods. I really want to have a greatly overclocked dually... links or anything will be appreciated.
Break 3rd L3 bridge, manually set multiplyuer up from 8 to whatever you want (16 or 17 most likely) using socket wire mods.

Info on overclockers.com SMP forum...
Desktop CPU L5 bridges look like this-


MP CPU's L5's look like this-


Mobile L5's look like this-


So whatever CPU you've got, you have to make the L5's look like the MP's L5's. In the case of mobiles this require breaking the powernow bridge (3rd L5). This also cause the mobile chip's default multiplyer to drop from 13.5, 14, or 15 (2400+, 2500+, or 2600+) down to 8.

So then you have to do a socket wire mod to increase the multiplyer. If you have an MSI K7D master, then you could set the multiplyer in the bios as high as 12.5, but thast's not high enough for good overclocking. For teh 2500 or more mhz the mobiles are capable of, you'd want the multi at 16 or 17.

Multiplyer mods using wires in the CPU socket
This will be a disgustingly powerful setup if it works.

Let us know how you do.
I think you can strip the wires from a floppy cable, any thin guage wire should work.

It seems like the gigabyte board does'nt require the 3rd L5 be broken. Someone just reported his board recognized the CPU's without modding them. They're running at 6x133 of course, so he's got to do a socket mod.

There are adapters like I mentioned (kind of pricey). And I bet on a board that doesn't need the mod, you could use software like Gcpuid to change the multi on the fly.

Looks like the latest beta bios on the Asus A7M266-D may also enable SMp functionality on mobiles with needing to break the 3rd l5... still waiting for more info on this.

Warning: most of ^ is theory.
Yes, use wires from cut opened IDE cables.

You ought to use a single wire thread though. Cut them to about
8mm, bend them in 'U' shape and drop them in the appropriate
socket holes with tweasers.

I did the mobile to SMP mod last Sunday, running two m2500
@ 2.195 (16.5 * 133) on an Iwill MPX2.

Had to adjust a few things but its been stable so far.
Bet you could get a lot more speed by increasing vcore to 1.75 and upping the multi to like 17, and FSB as well. I've seen a few 2.5 and 2.6 Ghz duiallies with these mobile CPU's.
Yeah, I am planning to OC higher. I didnt bother with the FSB
yet because I dont think my cheap a$$ sound card can handle

I bought an Audigy2 just now so we'll see how high I can push
them. Honestly I'm happy at 2.2, but 2.4+ sure looks tempting,
especially if I can do it on air (I'm using 'medium' rpm Panaflos
on SLK800s).

My temps are hanging in the in the low to mid 50s.

On the ram side, I'm using 1gig (2*512) of Corsair reg. pc2100
with copper heat spreaders.
thanks guys, yeah im really excited.. I was wondering... lets say i dont need the l3.. u guys said the mult is unlocked.. do you mean like bios adjustable or do you mean unlocked in a really broad sence like able to do it with the socket wire mod.. and should i voltmod these/ how do i do it... thanks
From what I gather, unless your bios allows multiplier adjust-
ments, you ought to either pin mod (or use other methods) to
adjust the multipliers.

Some people have had great success using a multiplier adjuster
called TMC-XP.

You will mostlikely need to UP your voltage depending how high
your you'd like to overclock. That will also raise your temps.

Again, I think voltage adjustments can be done in the bios de-
pending of your mobo, if not then you ought to mod.
Originally posted by SMPWorksForME
im just gunna get the XP TMC.. can i use a normal HSF with this?
Absolutely! For each XP-TMC package, there should be a pair of 'cleat raisers' which you need to attach to the cleats of the CPU socket and then hook the heatsink up with those 'cleat raisers'... ;)
From what I can remember, there are dip switches there for you to do all the messing around you want. :) I think they're on the 'underside' (socket side rather than the heatsink side) of the package. ;)
The socket adaptors do require removal of the processor to change the Multiplier..That makes the socket mod the way to go..
I wouldn't mind getting a pair of those mobile 2600+ and running cool and quiet at 1.45v... :cool:
soon guys soon... the dual 1800+ is my old computer... my a7m266d died and i RMAed it... so i got a epox 4pea+ for 80 bucks and a celeron 2.2 overclocked to 2.7 on air. I thought this would be faster but it isnt.. i cant burn a cd and listen to music at the same time.. I cant believe i actually thought this would hold me over. it drives me crazy! So i dicided instead of getting new mobo that will support an 800mhz fsb p4 and getting a new cpu id just go moble and get 2 new moble cpus, plus a dually rig is 2 times more fun! thanks...
one last question.. will i have to cut the jumper if i get the mult. unlockers/ adjusters tyhat we were talkinbg about earlier in this thread?
bump bump
just ordered the parts.. the tmc-xps and the cpus.. i guess I wont be needing to cut the L# but does my a7m266-d allow an FSB adjustment?? thanks
It does. Up to 150 I think.

One thing to wathc out for-

rev 1.3 can only adjust one cpu's vcore
rev 1.4 can adjust both cpus' vcores

Only certain bioses seem to allow the mobile with L5 mod, 1010 was one such bios version.
got it working! I had to downgrade the bios to 1010.. i set the tmc-xp to 16.5 and the comp is running smothely at 2.3 ghz! thanks for all of your help.. screenshots soon!
I also have the a7m266-D and decided to try this about a week ago with a couple 2500+ xpm's. I wire modded to a 16X multiplier and through the HSF ons, for dual 2.26 ghz using the 1010 bios rev. I then raised fsb to 141 and I'm sitting with dual 2.4 ghz :). The weird and nice thing is that when I changed from the default to the wire mod, it raised my Vcore from 1.45 V to 1.65 V without any modding. My steppings were IQYHA 0348
How do you guys recommend breaking the 3rd L3 bridge? Is it really necessary? I'm debating doing this. I wanna do this right if I'm gonna do it. SMPWorksForME has piqued my interest.
Originally posted by THE JEW (RaVeN)
How do you guys recommend breaking the 3rd L3 bridge? Is it really necessary? I'm debating doing this. I wanna do this right if I'm gonna do it. SMPWorksForME has piqued my interest.

what motherboard do you have. AFAIK only the gigbyte will let you run without breaking the brideges. I'd suggest a 9v battery and some wire on pins, or the +5v of any powersupply. Just a touch.. and make sure you are on the right dots.
The Asus A7M-266D will also run mobiles in SMP without breaking the 3rd L5.

Certain bioses for this board do anyway. Also have to disable MP checking in the bios. It will complain about MP capability, but windows will show 2 CPU's, so it works.

I know bios 1010 will work on this board with mobiles for a fact.

As for breaking bridges, I think if you want to blow them with electricity the new packaging can be tricky. You actually have to dig for the bridge, because the contacts on the surface are not connected to it. You can also cut it with an exacto knife if you are very careful and don't go too deep.

IMO both of these mods can be dangerous and should be avoided if possible.

I klnow someone is trying to build a hacked bios for the MIS K7D master to run mobiles without breaking bridges, but it is not in a working state just yet.