Dual Monitor questions


Supreme [H]ardness
May 7, 2002
Hey guys running a 9600 GTS and 2 monitors now, and also using UltraMon to manage it all, a few questions...

First off all my new firefox windows open on the second monitor not my main one kinda of a pain now I do have some windows open in that window that I have not closed in a few days do i need to close them all out then they will start to open in the main monitor?

Also can I have a screen saver come on for either monitor if its not in use for 5 minutes or more?
One more thing I have the taskbar on the 2nd monitor anyway I can get a start button and quicklinks on the other monitor.
1. A window will always open wherever the last one was closed (I think). If you are closing all the windows, move them to where you want them, then close it. A much easier solution is to right click on the icon, and go to properties. There is a tab for ultramon, and you can set it to wherever you want it to open.

2. I doubt it. I think your computer only knows if the entire system is active, or not. It won't know if one monitor is not being used.

3. I don't think so. If you find out how to do it, let me know. You could obviously make that monitor the primary one, but then you would loose the start menu on the current one.
got it working with the properties tab, weird thing is for some reason under that tab my main monitor is listed as number two when i set it to one it opens in the other screen.
Biggest feature I want for Ultramon is separate "Shrink to desktop" functions. Such a pointless feature with 2 monitors. ;x
God damn it, its happening again like all of a sudden no matter what my setting is it opens in the second monitor I even put it on the selection to open it in whatever monitor has the mouse and its still not working anyone got any idea's?