Dual monitor-windows go to wrong screen


Dec 28, 2005
i have just set up a dual screen display one for watching TV on VIVO and one for normal use.

Now if i am watching TV and open a window such as display properties or properties of my computer this window will be behind my VIVO on the other screen

now this is a big inconvience and i was wondering if there was a way to make sure these pop up windows come up on this screen.

thanks in advance
You need to right click your desk top and go to properties. Go to the 'settings' tab and there you will find an option to make one of the monitors the 'primary' display. Make the monitor you want the windows to show up on the primary display.
i have already set my main monitor as primary
the VIVO one is set as secondary attached
hmm I think that you need to open the windows and drag them to the screen you want and then close them on that screen so that it remembers where they were.

Try that. :)
thanx for the help man but i've tried that already too
i had a friend look at it n he tried to do that and he tried to hold control when closing the window too to get it to reopen in that same spot
i'm so confused y won't it jus open on the primary monitor or the last place it was closed
soorma07 said:
i have already set my main monitor as primary
the VIVO one is set as secondary attached
what happens if you set the VIVO one as primary? from what you said, everything should be the same, and what if afterwards you set the main monitor primary again? if you don't see any change, this means that this setting doesn't affect at all to you? confusing :confused:
umm i think i have tried that but i will try again.
When i switch the VIVO monitor to primary all the icons and start menu and bar go over to that monitor and the main monitor only shows my desktop
Then switch back and reverse everything goes to my main monitor(the way i want it) and the VIVO one only shows my desktop background.
then when i watch TV i jus drag the ATI screen to that monitor
BUT all those pop up windows (i.e. right click and go to display properties, or a close all tabs window opens in firefox) They all go behind the VIVO screen and I want them to go on my main monitor.
does this happen to any one else
or can most ppl with a multi monitor setup control where these windows go?
soorma07 said:
does this happen to any one else
or can most ppl with a multi monitor setup control where these windows go?
my winxp creates new windows on the screen with taskbar and ocasionally remembers what windows I like on the second monitor.
soorma07 said:
umm i think i have tried that but i will try again.
When i switch the VIVO monitor to primary all the icons and start menu and bar go over to that monitor and the main monitor only shows my desktop
Then switch back and reverse everything goes to my main monitor(the way i want it) and the VIVO one only shows my desktop background.
then when i watch TV i jus drag the ATI screen to that monitor
BUT all those pop up windows (i.e. right click and go to display properties, or a close all tabs window opens in firefox) They all go behind the VIVO screen and I want them to go on my main monitor.
What I wanted to see is if where windows pop when you set the vivo monitor as primary. (which you haven't answered yet)

There's another setting you can play with "extend my windows desktop onto this monitor", it's next to the primary setting.
i hope i did this right i set the VIVO as the only one then made the main one the extended one and the windows still go to the VIVO one
umm hope thats what you wanted
i'm still not sure how to get these to go tho the right screen and iu've messed with those settings a lot n everything seems to work against me
Is there a program that could help me n make these go to the right screen?
i don;t think i mentioned it doesn't matter where i right click to open the display properties both monitors it still pops up on the VIVO one AAAUUUUGGHHHH itz evil
i think it was this program i had installed that was keeping my windows from opening where i wanted.
ATI Hydravision seems to have a feature to chooses where dialog boxes open i set it to monitor 1 and i'm good to go

hope this helps anyone else