Dual monitors with DIFFERENT resolutions.


Jan 12, 2005
Forceware 158.27
PNY GeForce 6600GT

I have a Viewsonic 19" widescreen LCD (VG1930wm) and an old Optiquest 17" CRT (Q71), both plugged into DVI (the CRT is on a VGA-DVI adapter). What I want is simple. I want to run the LCD at 1440x900 while the Optiquest is running as a secondary monitor at 1024x768. But I can't get what I want. All I can do with the shit nVidia control panel is have the second monitor be a clone of the first, or run them as separate monitors but at the same resolution. Both of those options are absolutely USELESS to me. The clone is useless for obvious reasons, and running both at 1440x900 is useless because the tiny CRT has a tremendous amount of overlap and I need to be able to see the whole screen. I've googled and even searched on these forums and nothing turned up that helped me. Am I doing something wrong? It seems like this would be a pretty simple thing to do... Help :(
You need ultramon.

With this program I am able to use my 22" at 1680x1050 via DVI and my 17" at 1280x1024 via VGA as an extension.

Great little app. Lots of options and very small footprint.
You don't need ultramon to do that. Go into your display properties in Windows and set your second monitor to 'extend your desktop.' You can set resolution independently there for each monitor.
I don't know what you are talking about. I have a 1280x1024 LCD and my CRT is running as 1600x1200 with standard NV controls. I just selected the last choice in the NV control center for monitors: Dual view.

My monitors aren't cloned, or restricted. I can set the resolution independently on each, I can drag windows from one to the other or straddle across both.

I am running the latest drivers though. Yours look pretty old.
Snowdog, Have you tried to play a game across, on both, or on either of your monitors?

Or tried to play a DVD on the secondary monitor, etc?

Seems windows/directx/etc have issues when trying to do those things.

I got banned by punkbuster as a cheat because I dared to try and play AArmy on my 42" Westy as a secondary monitor. Seems DirectX has issues with that, and punkbuster was getting totally wacked out screenshots ingame.

Took alot of screaming and complaining to get Evenbalance to investigate and confirm the Windows errors and issue a retraction of my ban.

Only way to use two monitors and have it work 100% is two with the same resolution in clone mode... no issues there, anything else and certain apps and elements of windows have issues.

I wonder if Ultramon can get past DirectX/Show limitations?
Snowdog, Have you tried to play a game across, on both, or on either of your monitors?

Or tried to play a DVD on the secondary monitor, etc?

This sounds like a different issue from the OP. I have no trouble playing video (fullscreen or windowed) on either screen. Doing it now, actually. I am watching full screen video on the secondary, while using the primary to surf. Though video won't overlap boths screens simultaneously with my settings, not that I would want it to. Often I will reverse that and run full screen video on the primary and full screen VNC to work on the secondary.

Games tend to like playing on the primary. And I have no issues making either screen the primary and playing games on it. I don't bother trying to play games on the secondary because windows is not so good at that. I don't have any dual screen aware games. So when gaming I find the easiest thing to do is switch to single monitor mode for older games, this prevents the mouse from sliding over to the wrong screen or other issues.

Basically I don't encounter any issues in my usage except the mouse sliding off the screen while gaming when I have both monitors set up. Since you can switch dual off in a second or back on. This is not much of an issue for me.
Snowdog, Have you tried to play a game across, on both, or on either of your monitors?

Or tried to play a DVD on the secondary monitor, etc?

When i play a game on a dual monitor set up, it just plays on the main monitor (what ever you have set as #1), when i try to drag it across to the other monitor the game just crashes.