Dual Power Supplies

Id recommend saving that "with diodes" webpage
it never sticks around long in the same place and I have to go find it again
this is like the 7th time :p

actual title
Power Supply System Integration Part 1: Single Source Fault Tolerant Power Systems
@ Power Electronics Technology
could just splice the connections that go to the motherboard together couldn't you? Then you'd be feeding as much as the board needs.. and then solder the stupid psu's together and vuala monamie dual psus.

there are splices that have two female atx connectors and one male... these do basically the same thing as the diode mothod. no idea where to find them, just i've seen them. if you're willing to put up with the inconvenience, you could get an at power supply (not atx) and power it on seperately. i used to have one of these for my scsi raid array. aahh, those were the days. :D
The problem with just splicing together two power supplies is that if the rails are at different voltages (which they will be), there will be energy flow between the supplies, which is bad.