Dues Ex like game?


Limp Gawd
Jan 19, 2005
Looking for something like Dues Ex/Red Faction but newer to play. Anything out there?

Help me out [H] :D
hmm google is my friend

i'll see if people still recommend things though.
System Shock 2 is probably the closest but it's even older. Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, is a single player RPG so it's slightly similar.
Have you played Bioshock yet? I mean...if you haven't, log off, go repent, and then get the game.
deus ex is a one of a kind..

there are some RPGesque type games but they lack the FPS elements (eg.. Oblivion)..

there are some games like Stalker that have some of the FPS / branching story elements but light ont he RPG side..

and really there are none that are close in the Sci-Fi setting .. at least that are recent games (last 5 years)..
SS2 is as close as you're going to get, but you'd be going backwards in time... There's also Deus Ex: Invisib-bwhahahaha.... I can't get through that sentence without bursting out in laughter.

Short answer, not that I know of =(
If anyone says Deus Ex 2 I will slug them...

I can't think of anything like it... Bioshock maybe. But it is not as good, story-wise.
Another vote for STALKER (and Clear Sky when it's out). It doesn't have the skills/advances that Deus Ex did but it's enjoyable.
Another vote for STALKER (and Clear Sky when it's out). It doesn't have the skills/advances that Deus Ex did but it's enjoyable.

+1 for that recommendation. If you don't mind the missing skills system.
I'm with those who believe Deus Ex is a one of a kind masterpiece. Avoid Invisible Wars at all costs. It's an abomination. DE 3 is in development but we probably won't see it until 2010.

I'm in the middle of STALKER. It's a good game, but I don't see the comparison to Deus Ex.
Oh yeah, Deus Ex 2: Invisible War was pretty good too. A truly good sequel. Check it out. :eek:
Deus Ex 2: Invisible War wasn't...horrible. It was just pretty bad. The gunplay was pretty bad--the story was pretty bad--the "twists" were pretty bad. Not horrible...just pretty bad.
Deus Ex: Invisib-bwhahahaha.... =(

If anyone says Deus Ex 2 I will slug them...

Avoid Invisible Wars at all costs. It's an abomination.

Oh yeah, Deus Ex 2: Invisible War was pretty good too. A truly good sequel. Check it out. :eek:

There is no DX2:IW. Its just a bad nightmare. On the count of 3 we'll all wake up and it would have never happened. One. Two. Two and a half. Two and three quarters...... 3!
darn, didn't work.

Back ot. If you want a DX clone, there is nothing, its a one of a kind. If your looking for a good action-rpg, stalker and bioshock (and m.e) are new and somewhat similar (but not really.especially m.e... kind of)
Unfortunetly not really any games like Deus Ex anymore. Whenever a game is being designed that could measure up to it consoles come in and grab them and dumb them down so bad they aren't even really RPGs anymore.
People who didn't like Invisible Wars are just disappointed because they didn't get a new Deux Ex. Compared to games which aren't godly artifacts sent down from heaven by angels, it was pretty good and I had fun playing it.
Another vote for STALKER. Somehow it had the 'Deus-Ex' feeling for me, also make sure you play the Oblivion-Lost 2.1 mod after you finish the vanilla game.
People who didn't like Invisible Wars are just disappointed because they didn't get a new Deux Ex. Compared to games which aren't godly artifacts sent down from heaven by angels, it was pretty good and I had fun playing it.
Well, when the game designers say they fucked it up...


you know it sucks. I didn't hate the game but it was very disappointing. It felt very consolish, lacked the atmosphere of the original, and looked and played like shit.
I recently played a game similar to Dues Ex that I thought was very good, but I have forgotten the name.

You might like Knights of the Old Republic. It lacks the FPS part, but has a similar skill system, and nearly as good a storyline.
I think Deus Ex may stand alone, not sure any game has matched it yet.

In terms of theme, I would check out Dystopia. Its a mod for HL2 (like a cyberpunk CS) and has an implant system similar to DE.

Bioshock was cool, but System Shock 2 was probably better. Also (a bit of a stretch) but Mass Effect was very good.
DX, SS2 and the like are a lost breed of games. We'll never see games like them again. Bioshock didn't even come close.
Stalker really can't be put in the same barrel but it at least is a very good game.

I have no hopes for DX3, it won't be same. It will probably get consolitis early on and just plain old suck.
I have no hopes for DX3, it won't be same. It will probably get consolitis early on and just plain old suck.
Well, the game developers said it would be more true to the original, so it should be better than IW. Harvey Smith won't be working on it, so this is also a good thing.
there was one of these threads last year....and i re-installed it lol

use it with the HDCP texture pack and its VERY playable with the high-res we are used to.
Well, when the game designers say they fucked it up...


you know it sucks. I didn't hate the game but it was very disappointing. It felt very consolish, lacked the atmosphere of the original, and looked and played like shit.

Well, I'm sorry, I enjoyed it. It wasn't the best game I ever played, but I didn't regret the purchase. Every single time someone says, "it was consolified" or something to that effect for every single game I have ever played, I never see it. Which way was it consolified? I will admit that it definitely did lack the atmosphere of the original (as well as a lot of other things). Graphics were actually pretty damn good for 2003.
RedShirt, you bastard. I believe it's almost time for another play through. I haven't tried the HDCP, where can one get it?
Well, I'm sorry, I enjoyed it. It wasn't the best game I ever played, but I didn't regret the purchase. Every single time someone says, "it was consolified" or something to that effect for every single game I have ever played, I never see it. Which way was it consolified? I will admit that it definitely did lack the atmosphere of the original (as well as a lot of other things). Graphics were actually pretty damn good for 2003.
It was consolfied via controls and the HUD as I remember. Everything was more simplified as well. The smaller levels made the game feel less open for exploring and less immersive. The game was much shorter than the first. The bottom line is that the magic from the original game was gone. You didn't care what happened to any of the characters. DX:IW felt like it was made for people with short attention spans.

Graphics were a letdown because the images shown prior to release were far different than what came with the game. What PC gamers got were low resolution textures that were the same on the Xbox. This was a shame because they could have included higher resolution textures for the PC version. You can see some of the graphic differences here:

It works for me. Using IE7 here. These are textures that a fan made for the game but look similar to what was shown early on during the development of the game.