Duke Nukem Forever: Behind the Laughter

The following things have been accomplished between Duke Nukem Forever's announcement on April 28th, 1997 and its death on May 6th, 2009...


My favorite quote: "Things that have taken less time than Duke Nukem Forever's Development: World War II and the entire Manhattan Project. Yes, even the complete development of the atomic bomb took less time."

To me the most telling is that it took less time to put a man on the moon...
That article certainly paints Mr. Broussard as a completely inept manager
I read this article too. Very interesting, couldn't stop reading it as I was dumbfounded at how Broussard could just keep throwing money away on upgrading engines and never set an end-goal vision to the game. Such a shame...
Well, I'd consider this the last breath of the Duke if they don't manage to produce something worthwhile. At least the CEO agrees that DNF development should have ceased 6-7 years ago :)
If they won't finish DNF, I hope they open source what they've worked on. The community can finish the game!
Man, gotta feel bad for all the people who lent thier skill and talent to this game over a ten year period and have jack shit to show for it.

Wonder what kind of games they could of pumped out in all that time without such mismanagement, they world may never know :p
That was a really good article. Broussard pisses me off though. He should have just released it and been done with it. Idiot...
Man, gotta feel bad for all the people who lent thier skill and talent to this game over a ten year period and have jack shit to show for it.

Wonder what kind of games they could of pumped out in all that time without such mismanagement, they world may never know :p

Yeah,for some of them it was the only game in their resume.How do you get another job when the only reference you have for ten years of work is a game that was never finished?And they weren't even getting paid that much,the real payoff was supposed to come from sharing sales profits.Broussard not only destroyed 3D REALMS,he destroyed these people's careers.
its sad he couldn't get out of the way of his own ego, if he had shipped the original DNF in late 98 the way the game was fans would have bought it up if it was good game. which would have made them millions more, and then he could have built the franchise from there, they had all the potential to be in the same position as ,id, epic, bioware, and valve are now, having their corner stone gem DNF and the ability to produce new ip's.

i think this proves that guy with key to purse string shouldn't also be the guy in control of putting the product out the door, you need someone in between to be able to say no.

the other thing that article got me wondering was, why didn't they just go to a bank or investors, i am sure they had equity in they company that could have secured the money to finish the game, and save people their jobs.

its a bizarre tale for sure but a really good read.
At least he didn't bring down a great studio or another franchise with him like Daikatana did. Ion Storm's epic fail hurt Eidos big time and resulted in Looking Glass Studios going down and with that, the Thief franchise. Ironically, the leftovers from LGS went to Ion Storm which died as well soon enough.

Romero and Broussard should be in the videogame hall of fame for epic failures as game development managers.
you should see how the hate flows through the comments section.
its quite satisfying.

The hate doesn't surprise me,it's well deserved,what amazes me is the comments from people trying to defend them.Talk about masochists! What's it going to take to convince these people that they've been had? A lot of people use Daikatana as a comparison to this situation,and it's a fitting one.It's also a good argument for just ending it here and now.When it was finally released,it not only didn't live up to the years of hype,it was hands down the worst PC game I ever saw.Is that how we want to remember Duke?
I hate to bump, but this photo sums up the state of Duke Nukem perfectly (plus it made me laugh my ass off):
