Duke Nukem Forever in 2006 guys, really!

They gave ONE concrete release date for Sept 30th or whatever '03. Then they said spring '04 and released it in fall '04. Not really a huge wait considering every major game tends to get pushed back at least a year past its original projected release date.

Wrong, most games don't get delayed, and if they do its not for a year! This is why many games suck, b/c they don't delay it enough. Taking that logic DNF should be better than HL2. We'll see.
Tommorows news: (From the lead developer) "Sprry guys, we just heard aboout the Unreal 3 Engine!, so we deleated everything and are waiting for it to release!.. Expect a 2011 release, on Dukes 15 Year Aniiversary!^_^!!"
I have little doubt because this was not some DNF announcement, but was actually verified by another party that actually played the game. Plus, why fib about DNF just to take some attention away from PREY??? But just in case, I'm not holding my breath either :D

I bet that they are literally banking own the nostalgic popularity of DN. I think that they are partially right. Some will buy the game (like me) due to the huge popularity of the original, unless the pre release web reviews suck.

This rates up there with Team Fortress 2 with me. It was announced ages ago as well but Sierra still has screen shots on it's site. It's just going to take some waiting on our part. :(

My main concern is not the gfx of DNF, I just hope they give us great SP & MP gameplay. I hope that they have learned from D3's mistake. More focus on the gameplay, fun, the characters and game content & less focus on gfx. IMHO
Terpfen said:
They upgraded from UE to UE2 during the course of development. It wasn't a massive leap, but just the gradual application of code snippets and patches from Epic.

Personally, I'm glad it's some form of Unreal. The first was a pig, but UE2 is pretty nice and scalable.

Yes UE2 is a nice engine. If im not mistaken didnt they rewrite the rendering engine in it or somethat along those lines.

Well whenever this game comes out, it should be one hell of a game.
Ah, Duke Nukem Forever threads are always good for a few laughs.
Pvt. Potter said:
when i see DNF i think "did not finish"
That's what I've always thought. The irony is too great. I also like how PC Gamer says "...it's still to early and rough for 3d Realms to unveil the game..." Yes, of course, too early. It's only been in development for a decade. Don't rush them.
I like watching the grass grow.

I wouldn't get your hopes up. I've kind of lost interest in DNF. I'll beleive it when I see some screenies and see it on the shelves.
Lazy_Moron said:
Yes UE2 is a nice engine. If im not mistaken didnt they rewrite the rendering engine in it or somethat along those lines.

"They" meaning 3DR? Yeah, they did. It's UE2 plus a custom renderer.
davidj said:
Lets not forget the great wait for HL2. How many release dates did HL2 have even before the rip off. :( Quite a few. There were countless threads on this very forum saying that HL2 would never be released. Of cousre it is in the history books now :)

But the Unreal game engine :confused:

I guess that they will have low sys requirements that will allow more PC configurations to play DNF without a huge upgrade.
Dude Duke Nukem Forever was going to be released like.. when Quake 3 was coming out .. shit even before that... So Do some math.
are games like wine.... get better with age... the games probably already done but they want it to be compatible with everyones computer the people with slow pcs and poeple used to consoles will rejoice and the rest of us will be like wtf
Moose777 said:
You forgot one.

"Come get some."

All I have to say is they better bring back the "Damn, those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride" line but give it something to make it funny.

Maybe duke shooting up their ride for a change?
I love Duke, but I'm afraid it's not going to live up to the hype. A blast to play, I'm sure, but not as fun as it could have been if it had been released 7 years ago. :D
drewb99 said:
^the video's from 2001 btw^

You can't really say it's been delayed when they never gave a release date. It'l be out when it's out, 3DR knows that they're in too deep to scrap the project- and now they've got Prey back to make them some money in the meantime :D
like completely scrapping a project.
Maybe when they scrapped the original project they cut cost by having 1 person writing all the code, 1 for all the music, and another for art. lol
davidj said:
Lets not forget the great wait for HL2. How many release dates did HL2 have even before the rip off. :( Quite a few. There were countless threads on this very forum saying that HL2 would never be released. Of cousre it is in the history books now :)

But the Unreal game engine :confused:

I guess that they will have low sys requirements that will allow more PC configurations to play DNF without a huge upgrade.

The thing is man, DNF has been in the making long before HL2 was announced. Everyone has been hoping for this sequel. Hell, I was hearing about the news it was coming out "Next year" about the time Duke Nukem 64 was coming out on the N64. How long ago was that? Damn..
My fav's:

"Your ass, your face, what's the difference?"

"Let God sort 'em out!"
DragonNOA1 said:
My fav's:

"Your ass, your face, what's the difference?"

"Let God sort 'em out!"
"I'm kicking @ss and chewing bubble gum and I'm all out of gum!"
No matter what is said, the Duke is an all time classic. If you were to list the top 10 classics, imo DN would be on that list with HL1, TF, UT2003, Quake3 Arena, etc...

When this game nears it's release date, the gaming community will just go nuts. It will be interesting to see the once-doubters posting their comments about this game. :)

I do not predict that the game will be great, but I do predict that they will release it. :)
Moose777 said:
December 2004?

I just did a search at PcGamer.com and couldn't find anything on it.

You got pwned! LOL

That was a photochop. A joke.
S1nF1xx said:
You got pwned! LOL

That was a photochop. A joke.
LOL I had just woken up on my first cup of coffee, sleep still in my eyes....I had no idea. :)
Talon Blackrazor said:
I understand that that's a joke, but what is the punchline?

Someone photochopped a DNF magazine cover 5 months ago, haha? :confused:

That image was made several months ago. It was funny then. Trust us.