Dumbest Tech Marketing Stunts of All Time

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Sure, these marketing stunts are stupid, but are they really the dumbest stunts of all time?

Turner Broadcasting came under fire in January of 2007 after a publicity stunt for its Adult Swim Aqua Teen Hunger Force bombed. Boxes around the size of laptop PCs featuring flashing lights in the form of Aqua Teen Hunger Force characters were affixed to various public places in Boston, including on bridges, bringing the city to a standstill for fear of a bomb plot. Turner Broadcasting apologized, sort of, and wound up paying a $2 million fine.
I found the ATHF stunt in Boston hilarious, it showed just how many people never watched it.
I find it interesting that the Mooninite LED boxes placed all over LA and New York at that same time failed to generate the ridiculous bomb scare like it did in Boston.
I'm doing it as hard as I can.
I find it interesting that the Mooninite LED boxes placed all over LA and New York at that same time failed to generate the ridiculous bomb scare like it did in Boston.

cause they would be stolen, that's why.
How did they miss Sony's goat fiasco?


Electronics giant Sony has sparked a major row over animal cruelty and the ethics of the computer industry by using a freshly slaughtered goat to promote a violent video game.
The corpse of the decapitated animal was the centrepiece of a party to celebrate the launch of the God Of War II game for the company?s PlayStation 2 console.
Guests at the event were even invited to reach inside the goat?s still-warm carcass to eat offal from its stomach.
I almost forgot this part:

"The party features across two pages of the latest edition of the company?s PlayStation magazine, which was due to hit newsstands on Tuesday but has already been sent to subscribers.
We have reproduced the spread ? headlined Sony?s Greek Orgy ? here, but have pixellated the image to spare readers the sight of the goat?s decapitated head hanging by a thread of tissue from its corpse, with blood dripping to the floor.
But the magazine?s readers were shown the picture in its full horror."
Market-droids forget there are people out there who either hate jokes or haven't heard of whatever is being advertised.
I would say something like this is the smartest move, you still get coverage even after the marketing effort has ended.
Some of these are pretty lame in comparison to other product marketing failboats. New Coke always springs to mind.
The adult swim viral campaign was pretty funny but not as funny as how retarded people reacted to it.
The ATHF stunt showed how Boston is apparently full of complete fucking idiots.

Most of us here in Boston have been making fun of the response to that campaign as well.


Never judge a town by how meatheaded their cops are. :p

You'll likely find that the average cop is pretty meatheaded wherever you go.
Turner Broadcasting apologized, sort of, and wound up paying a $2 million fine.

Turner didnt pay 2 million, Turners customers/clients paid the 2 million. Turner paid zero in fines.