Dungeon Siege 2 + Nvidia7800gt Graphics prob


Apr 12, 2004
When I got these cards (2) and powered up the Sli I thought, that's it I'm ready to crank it up. I'm sorry to say that they haven't been the Holy Grail I was hoping they would be. DS2 has a horrible graphics bug when even the recommended settings are used for the SLI. My frames are pretty bad at times. I just don't get it. The game looked and played beautifully on my 800xt pe. No slowdowns at all. Moving the vsync from app control to off helps in the menu portion of the game, but the actual game is still super laggy. I know others have had the same types of issues, but it just irks me after spending 660 on video cards. Anyone found any settings that work without the moving see through box behind the cursor?