Dungeon Siege II...


Limp Gawd
Aug 15, 2003
...comes out in 2 days! (8/16/05). So who's excited? Can't wait to dungeon crawl with my friends
I finished the Demo today and it looked quite good. I would say the demo took me 5 hours to complete. Great amount of content in the 1.5 Gb download - I kept thinking it was going to end soon and it just kept going on and on.

Enjoyed the quests, nice scenery and should be a blast multiplayer.

It is $20 off only on the 16th (in my area).
Seems like a vast improvement to the original in gameplay and so I'll be playing it. But I just have to wonder if anybody else noticed that the graphics on this game are incredibly dated for a new release? The artwork/design is respectable but the resolution on the textures holds it back.
I am currently playing the demo, and its a mixed bag for me. The gameplay is great, but the graphics are really a let down. I know graphics arent everything, and as such, it wont keep me from getting the game, but I don't think i'd be willing to fork over $50 for it either. Ill wait for the price to come down.
Yes, please tell us which store you're talking about. That's one helluva deal.
I have a Fry's ad on me, it'll be $35 at Fry's in Chicago. I'm goin' to pick up 2 copies.
this game is replacing diablo and ds1. nicely done so far. magic seem interesting and different. lots of new additions to fighting as well ie: brutal attack & thunderous shot. hate dying though. loosing 25% and starting back in town. still gotta try enchanting items and getting a 4th member in the group...thumbs up!

there's a demo? :D
It's fun but there's a few bugs that can make you mad. When using portals, my game would crash like 1/5 times, i disabled FSAA and it would rarely ever do it. Sometimes (rare again) after portal traveling i would get texture corruptions and the game would become extremely laggy, like less than 5 fps, hard to save. Hopefully another thing that gets fixed, is when you do quests for people then they offer to join your party...I bought pets, so my party is always full; by the time i send one of them back to an inn, the person in question to join my party just disappears :mad:
^^ what gpu and drivers ya using? I had many crashes prior to the new 77.77 drivers. been playing all day and no crashes but I'm not sure on what's doing it. I used the keyboard and it crashed a few times..who knows...
combat was a little blah, there was a lot of story but it was all blah and extremely cheesy, some of the voice acting is beyond horrible, and grafix suckkkk.
Ive used 77.50, 77.62, and 77.77 all xtreme g driver set for my 6800. My cpu is a 2500 mobile barton@ 2.25ghz 225fsb. Sucks that my comp is stable and the game crashes, but ONLY randomly going through portals. It will corrupt during the gay portal animation, like if i unlocked shaders for my 6800 that were majorly corrupted.

Agreed that the game isnt spectacular, there's some bugs, but the storyline is decent. The game is pretty long and there's lots of primary and secondary quests to keep you busy. If you are a fan of hack n slash rpgs then it's at least worth it to play the demo.

As far as graphics go, they are good for an RPG. Sometimes i get crappy fps during big battles from all the sparks and crap coming off of the weapons (prob 20fps.) Turning on AA definitely makes the game look better to me. As i said earlier, FSAA made the game crash more often going through portals.
Karafias said:
combat was a little blah, there was a lot of story but it was all blah and extremely cheesy, some of the voice acting is beyond horrible, and grafix suckkkk.

Does anything more need to be said?
Ok so I was eagerly anticipating my copy of DS2 and I stopped in to pick it up. I had the days mixed up - it is out on Aug. 18 - my bad.

That is Future Shop Canada offering it for $39.99 on day of release for those inquiring.
Future Shop
Syrup said:
Does anything more need to be said?
Considering everyone who has reviewed it said it was a great game, then yeah more needs to be said. It takes between 50-65 hours to beat the game. That alone is a reason to play it.
I've got it now. Playing it now. :D

If anybody figures out whats up with Razka's Ruin (what's behind that door and what opens it?) let me know please. ;)
The graphics are a blaspheming pile of nothingness from the 90s. Also, the gameplay seems to of degraded from my style, the whole game just felt clunky, so I played about thirty minutes then deleted the thing. The only good thing I can say about it is the ability to pick a race and the casting systems seems to be much improved. I don't know, it just felt crappy to me. Clunky and not very well constructed. Just my opinion though, so no need to justify your own against me. Don't get me wrong though, I will be buying the game, just to give the real thing a try and give me a good dungeon crawl of about sixty hours, and I'm running out of games to beat... so, yeah, I'll buy it.
I dunno I played it for like 15 mins and fell asleep... boring as hell to me, yet i used to love Diablo 2+LOD... i dunno what to say really.. oh yea... its getting uninstalled :rolleyes:
just to clear things up, the multiplayer aspect of the game is MMORPG like in diablo? :confused:
wesquaz said:
just to clear things up, the multiplayer aspect of the game is MMORPG like in diablo? :confused:
Diablo and Diablo II are Non-Persistent RPGs. Usually what that means is that the game world only evolves on a game by game basis and everything reverts back to its original state upon joining a new game.

DS and DS2 fit under the same category.
nothing but crashes today since I took a 4th character. there is a patch but looks to be addressing gamespy multi saving ...
I have three characters so far... Ill see what happens when I add a 4th player tonight...

Neural Interface said:
I dunno I played it for like 15 mins and fell asleep... boring as hell to me, yet i used to love Diablo 2+LOD... i dunno what to say really.. oh yea... its getting uninstalled :rolleyes:

ffs, play it a little longer than 15 minutes. Hell, most games you can't even get through the tutorial in 15 minutes.
I think folks that say it looks the same as DS1 are smoking crack. This game looks very nice at high res. and takes to high levels of antialiasing very well. I'm having fun, and getting waxed quite a lot.
Has anyone found out how to do quick swapping between spells?

I really dislike having to go click up at the top left every time I want to switch.
CTRL-F9 to save your selections, then F9 to switch to them. You can rebind the save/recall buttons to something else if you like.

Y'know, it bums me out that melee characters are still stuck with simple "whack" attacks, no extra skills to switch through except for the special powers like brutal attack that only get used once in awhile. I suppose it's not too bad since you can multiclass if you like, but still:\
no crashes for 6 hrs. its quite random...

many hours in this is way better than the first and IMHO its better than diablo. the graphics are just fine. its no farcry but lots of things have been added since #1 to make it prettier

I'm in a computer tech field with many gamers around. its going on my gaming box all day here and many come by thinking its well done. those of us playing it are quite hooked

2 thumbs up!
Yoshmaista said:
ffs, play it a little longer than 15 minutes. Hell, most games you can't even get through the tutorial in 15 minutes.

I was about to say that, thank you.
As far as comparing the two, DS2 is FAR superior to Diablo2.
Wouldn't say superior,... there is more action in DS2, and I would say the story is a little bit more deeper than that of Diablo II's even tho DS2 is pretty shallow compared to a respsectable RPG such as Baldur's Gate 2 or Neverwinter Nights.

Diablo II has a much better online matchmaking system (Bnet) and there are alot of balancing issues that DS2 has (melee is really powerful). DS2's difficulty level is laughable and the all the secret areas are pretty mapped out on the compass/map. Hmm.. what else, DS2 is in 3d :p
its an opinion....and so is this. neverwinter was a long drawn out bore. fun for the first then just too much bs. bnet is/was a joke. after the cheaters ruined it and started town killing I never joined again

I still question a true "multi play" in all these titles as you truly don't need other players. ds2 addresses this a bit. they're far too easy too, and the "hack and slash" always seems to win but it get tiring after awhile...many mosters who are easy to kill is lame. make it a challenge coders!
