DVD-Audio crackling?


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2007
Hey, as in a previous post, I'm listening to The Beatles - Love on DVD-Audio (Stereo, 24-Bit, 96kHz), and while on the whole it sounds better than the CD version, sometimes (mainly on the loud or "busy" songs like Help!, I Wanna Hold Your Hand or Something) there is very noticable crackling from my headphones/speakers. Since it happens on both, and with or without the stereo splitter I have, I can only assume it's the sound card or sound card drivers.

I know that since my sound card is on-board, and is in a Dell machine, it must be the crappiest 24-Bit sound card ever made :)P). Since none of this crackling exists on the CD version at all, and I've heard no mentions of it being an error on the actual DVD-Audio, I'm sure it's the sound card and/or drivers - but it could also be PowerDVD, I'm not sure. Basically what I want to ask is what possible cause there is for this? Maybe the chip is just not very good in general? I've got the settings in the SigmaTel Control Panel set to 96kHz also.

Could someone with some sort of X-Fi give me any info on whether there's ever any crackling on those sound cards with DVD-Audios, preferably under PowerDVD 7 Deluxe??
No issues with the Audigy 2 ZS/X-Fi Elite Pro on the two DVD-Audio discs I have, with either the MediaSource player, PowerDVD 6 or WinDVD (version 5, I think).