Dying Light - zombies, 4-player co-op

Or you ordered two copies and then immediately cancelled them to clear your name!
We're onto you.
Or you ordered two copies and then immediately cancelled them to clear your name!
We're onto you.

that's the first thing I thought of too...since the Amazon link shows the purchase date as today (February 4th) it seems really fishy that he would buy it only after getting called out on [H]...I want to see the shipping info :D
Yes, I was using a non licensed copy of Dying Light since there was no demo and didn't want to pay $60 for a game I don't like. I was also playing with a trainer and I am not sure how Steam likes the use of trainers with their service.

I did buy 2 copies of the game so my brother and I can play co-op and as well as multiplayer.

I guess that was your "brother" then that sent me a private message telling me to "put my head in the sand" because I pointed out the RELOADED torrent thingy in your picture. I thought it was your mom so I told her to fuck off, lol.

LOL this forum is so weird sometimes.
that's the first thing I thought of too...since the Amazon link shows the purchase date as today (February 4th) it seems really fishy that he would buy it only after getting called out on [H]...I want to see the shipping info :D

I'll post a pic of the cases/discs when they arrive.

When you play co-op, are all the side missions still available? If so, how does the film director challenges work, do all players partake in the challenge or just the person who initiates it?
the 30 headshots in 90 seconds was a pain, took quite a few tries to complete it.
Doesn't matter how long the story mode is, the side-quests are actually far more interesting if you can believe it.
It's about 6-8 hours worth of story content if you do nothing else.

I'm not the OP but, who cares?
The only game I've purchased in the last 10 years is Diablo 3 and its expansion.

You must be proud. :rolleyes:
Thank you. I knew it was something dumb that I just wasnt thinking.
Weapon wheels should be optional.
I have about 20 keys within easy reach of my left hand, why can't I keybind my weapons/items to access them instantly? Why can I only access 4 weapons and 4 items at a time? And why do I have to use the weapon wheel when I could just push 1 key.
Bought 2 copies off Amazon, me and my girl play co-op and can confirm all the side quests are available. Just unlocked Old Town... Best Co-op game I've played.

Sorry Stanfiem...should have noticed that :)
You must be proud. :rolleyes:

I don't get the people who buy expensive hardware but can't afford a small amount for entertainment.

For me, I'm actually wasting my system away.. haven't played on my PC for over a year and a half... I blame it on my friends all moving to consoles :p.
Yes, I was using a non licensed copy of Dying Light since there was no demo and didn't want to pay $60 for a game I don't like. I was also playing with a trainer and I am not sure how Steam likes the use of trainers with their service.

I did buy 2 copies of the game so my brother and I can play co-op and as well as multiplayer.

Relax matey not like we can turn you in. Just giving you shit.
I was planning on buying it anyways for the MP and co-op, I just didn't want to buy it blind.

this is my bad-ass sword I found somewhere, can't remember where I got it from.

this is the power station where there are a couple hundred zombies,
With all of the talk of this game I now really want to get it.
I'm finally going to start playing my free copy of AC: Unity. If it's still broken, I'm pulling the trigger on this. I just don't want to have a massive backlog when GTA and Bloodborne (supposedly) hit next month.
With all of the talk of this game I now really want to get it.
I'm finally going to start playing my free copy of AC: Unity. If it's still broken, I'm pulling the trigger on this. I just don't want to have a massive backlog when GTA and Bloodborne (supposedly) hit next month.

I mean imagine Dead island minus the incredibly stupid cast more depressing environment and you get the high-wire free roaming Mirrors edge/AC action.

If that sounds enjoyable then you're good to go. Honestly though I realized through Dying Light I'm incapable of watching streamers to see if I like a game. They're all fucking idiots who talk incessantly about subscribing and donating. Its fucking disgusting.
With all of the talk of this game I now really want to get it.
I'm finally going to start playing my free copy of AC: Unity. If it's still broken, I'm pulling the trigger on this. I just don't want to have a massive backlog when GTA and Bloodborne (supposedly) hit next month.

I want it too, just want it for $25 or less :D
Bought this game, just wondering when i can actually play it without crazy stuttering...
another reason that I want to buy this game eventually is that it sounds like a great port...FOV slider and fully configurable keyboard/mouse controls being key aspects...it annoys me when games come out where you can't map the 2 side mouse buttons or certain keys on the keyboard...Techland has redeemed themselves after Dead Island and maybe they were telling the truth all along in blaming most of the issues on the publisher (Deep Silver)
I actually played this a bit on a friend's install. It does feel greatly like Dead Island, except definitely more polished. There are still some weird visual glitches with being able to see your own body/parkour stuff, but it's not too bad. If only the blur/chromatic nonsense was gone...

Basically it feels like it takes a lot of elements from various games...the tower climbing from FC3/4, the lockpicking from Skyrim, the parkour (to some small extent) from Mirror's Edge. Overall a pretty solid game. Performance seemed good as well.
another reason that I want to buy this game eventually is that it sounds like a great port...FOV slider and fully configurable keyboard/mouse controls being key aspects...it annoys me when games come out where you can't map the 2 side mouse buttons or certain keys on the keyboard...Techland has redeemed themselves after Dead Island and maybe they were telling the truth all along in blaming most of the issues on the publisher (Deep Silver)

Just to warn you - some of the menu UI (i.e. crafting, skill points) controls cannot be re-mapped. "Q" and "E" change tabs for example - and while that works if you use WSAD, it feels weird otherwise (for example, I use EDSF).

I have yet to have an issue with actual gameplay, just whenever I open the menu (unlike Wolfenstein, which had hidden key mappings).
Just to warn you - some of the menu UI (i.e. crafting, skill points) controls cannot be re-mapped. "Q" and "E" change tabs for example - and while that works if you use WSAD, it feels weird otherwise (for example, I use EDSF).

I have yet to have an issue with actual gameplay, just whenever I open the menu (unlike Wolfenstein, which had hidden key mappings).

I always use the arrow keys for movement so Q/E to change tabs is OK I guess...I'll never understand why more people don't use the arrow keys...it seems so much more easier to navigate around then WSAD
I always use the arrow keys for movement so Q/E to change tabs is OK I guess...I'll never understand why more people don't use the arrow keys...it seems so much more easier to navigate around then WSAD

it's on the other side of the keyboard and there aren't very many keys around it to map for your functions.

I normally play FPS games with my G13 but I ended up just using the keyboard for this game.
it's on the other side of the keyboard and there aren't very many keys around it to map for your functions.

I normally play FPS games with my G13 but I ended up just using the keyboard for this game.

I actually like that the arrow keys are in a separate block...you won't accidentally hit another key...there are plenty of keys around it which make more sense as far as remapping-- the NumPad keys, right Ctrl/Shift etc...to each his own I guess but I've always used arrow keys
I actually like that the arrow keys are in a separate block...you won't accidentally hit another key...there are plenty of keys around it which make more sense as far as remapping-- the NumPad keys, right Ctrl/Shift etc...to each his own I guess but I've always used arrow keys

Some of us don't have arrow keys :D

(I have a Poker II.)

I like using EDSF because my hand is already on the home keys - never had a problem hitting other keys, and you have pretty much the entire left side of the keyboard for access to reload, jump, sprint, crouch, quick switch into weapons, etc.
I always use the arrow keys for movement so Q/E to change tabs is OK I guess...I'll never understand why more people don't use the arrow keys...it seems so much more easier to navigate around then WSAD

I used to, but I got tired of (and got a desk that didn't support) moving the keyboard over so my left hand could comfortably hit the arrow keys. Plus you have way more keys around your fingers with WSAD.
The tweak tool is amazing, it's funny when he first posted it to Steam forums there was about 10 pages of people calling it a virus.
The tweak tool is amazing, it's funny when he first posted it to Steam forums there was about 10 pages of people calling it a virus.

Theres an option to enable/disable pidgeons. Someone out there is looking at this going "OH THANK GOD. THOSE FUCKING PIDGEONS!"
I noticed there are a lot of birds flying around in big swarms, I spot them everytime I climb over the edge of a building and the camera pans across the sky.
Reminds me of that movie 'Birds'.

And it happens a lot, too. There are definitely too many flocks of birds in this game. I guess they're pigeons... Wouldn't be surprised if someone was inclined to remove them.
I actually like that the arrow keys are in a separate block...you won't accidentally hit another key...there are plenty of keys around it which make more sense as far as remapping-- the NumPad keys, right Ctrl/Shift etc...to each his own I guess but I've always used arrow keys

As a true lefty (mouse w/ left, keyboard w/ right) I use the arrow keys. MOST games have issues with rebinding at least one of the ones I commonly use. In this game's case I can't rebind to Backspace. Most games its Enter that gives me the most issues.

My setup:
R-ctrl = jump, R-Shift = crouch
End = sprint, Del = kick, PGDN = reload
Home = medkit, Num 0 = grapple, Enter = Use1, Num 1 = Use2
Menus/weapon/tool swap = rest of the numpad
As a true lefty (mouse w/ left, keyboard w/ right) I use the arrow keys. MOST games have issues with rebinding at least one of the ones I commonly use. In this game's case I can't rebind to Backspace. Most games its Enter that gives me the most issues.

My setup:
R-ctrl = jump, R-Shift = crouch
End = sprint, Del = kick, PGDN = reload
Home = medkit, Num 0 = grapple, Enter = Use1, Num 1 = Use2
Menus/weapon/tool swap = rest of the numpad

I've heard true lefty's can use IKJL.

Really it's whatever is most comfortable with you and being able to reach whatever keys you need. Remapping "enter" does seem to be a challenge, and I hate any keys near the Windows key.
I tried using the keyboard but its just not very comfortable. For some reason this feels more like an action game built for console. When I run into games like this I prefer a controller, as noted before I pretty exclusively use a modified Xbox controller called a Power A - Mini Pro EX. Sort of like a Xbox and ps4 controller had a baby. It works fine and is natively detected as a mircosoft xbox controller in game.
There is no way I could use a controller in this game....not when you have to quickly make an escape or if I'm in trouble and have to pull out my rifle to headshot some dudes quickly :D :D :D
There is no way I could use a controller in this game....not when you have to quickly make an escape or if I'm in trouble and have to pull out my rifle to headshot some dudes quickly :D :D :D

When I was looking at getting this game i watched a video of a guy playing on console with a controller. It was brutal how derpy the parkour is when using a controller.