E3 2023 has been canceled


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
No more booth babes 🤔

"The event was supposed to run from June 13th to 16th in Los Angeles, and would have been the first in-person E3 event since 2019.

While the event may be cancelled, there will likely still be plenty of video game news to look forward to in June: Ubisoft previously announced that it would be hosting its own event around the same time, and Nintendo and PlayStation typically run digital events of their own in June. Microsoft previously pledged to be part of E3's digital show, and may still have announcements in spite of the lack of an E3 event itself. And, of course, there's always Geoff Keighley's Summer Game Fest on June 8th in Los Angeles, albeit without the competition."




e: https://www.engadget.com/e3-2023-ha...ytD_QptHs0Jt_7vJI3YHErQaknAuhjR4oyX1rns2_6Qps
Step one, stop holding it in California.
I'm ambivalent because I honestly could care less about E3, however considering that a lion-share of the devs are in CA and a lion-share of the journalism world is in LA, it just means more work for everyone if they have to move it somewhere else. The only two places that actually make sense in the US are LA and NYC. If all of the devs and journalists in LA aren't participating, then there is no E3 anyway.
I'm ambivalent because I honestly could care less about E3, however considering that a lion-share of the devs are in CA and a lion-share of the journalism world is in LA, it just means more work for everyone if they have to move it somewhere else. The only two places that actually make sense in the US are LA and NYC. If all of the devs and journalists in LA aren't participating, then there is no E3 anyway.

Vegas baby
Vegas baby
Surprised they haven't made the move here already to be honest. All the other massive conventions are all held here because we have everything a convention would want or need; and if we don't, we either acquire it or make it from scratch.
I as a consumer found little to no value in it anymore. Only thing i ever got was maybe a few more screen shots of something I already knew was coming out, or maybe a video of gameplay that will be downsized drastically before release. Back when all i had was magazine info on new games, E3 coverage was awesome. But now all those companies have long since released info about what's coming out.
This was really inevitable given E3's trajectory. The big publishers and other industry elements have been less and less reliant on E3 and similar trade shows, instead focusing on the Internet and having their own events digital or otherwise It is no longer a pure "industry" event being open to the public for the last several years and this, plus the fact that an entire class of "influencers", streamers, and others in the gaming info/news/advertising proliferation but outside the traditional "industry and press" demographics have an ascendant role, means the necessity for a big, expensive, convention of the sort may not be justified. The ongoing COVID19 pandemic was the final nail in the coffin, forcing the publishers (and E3) to really see exactly how important a traditional E3 may or may not be and the answer has proven "not very". Instead, big publishers can just run their own events digitally (or if they really feel the need, in person) without the costs and other factors involved in being part of a major independent-ish 3rd party organized univeral event. Smaller publishers and indies always found E3 an expensive proposition, weighjing the considerable costs of getting even a small booth or wall space against what they hoped to gain in exposure; with a few exceptions, it was rarely a major benefit vs simply doing their own thing or engaging with less costly alternatives.

All of this, compounded by larger changes over the decades in gaming's presence outside of a small niche, the convention experience and value overall, and more put E3 on a trajectory to either change drastically or shut down. They tried making some changes (for better or worse) but it was still scrambling uphill over a changing industry so this isn't surprising as the outcome. Of course, its all possible they bring it back in year or two to both tap into nostalgia, reframe and refocus attention now that it has been gone, and act as a focal point when announcements of new platform hardware/consoles are likely to mean additional coverage; of course, there is also the potential for major publishers to decide its not worth bringing back in in light of all this, if they manage to craft their own individual networks of alternative media events and advertising but I guess we'll have to see. Even with E3 gone, there will still be a number of likely other conventions including those more focused on specialized industry groups (ie GDC, where a wider net is cast among developers and publishers both showing off their new projects and a whole litany of B2B gaming style "use my service/platform/widget/engine for your next game" stuff) and player-centric/fandom related (PAXs, Game Fests, varying FanFests that are game specific, and more); time will tell what changes, if any, they make.
I think the broadband internet era means that conventions are kind of up against a wall unless they have a very specific fan appeal.

I don't think E3 ever really had that.
I think the broadband internet era means that conventions are kind of up against a wall unless they have a very specific fan appeal.

I don't think E3 ever really had that.
We had to wait for the press to share the news and videos. Since major publishers started running their own pre-shows it really has made E3 pointless from a consumer standpoint. It may hurt developers or independent journalists trying to break into the industry and build up contacts, though. There are other expos that still fill that purpose, though.
That is crazy not sure why they would do that Covid is pretty much over with if you ask me people still wear masks where I work but they are holdouts.
…you do realize the majority of the industry is there, right?
North American offices of some of the largest publishers are not located in California.
  • Microsoft (Washington)
  • Nintendo (Washington)
  • Take Two (New York)
  • Epic (North Carolina)
  • NetEase (Texas)
  • Krafton (Wisconsin)
  • THQ Nordic (New York)
Not going to E3 and just only doing direct trailer releases or gameplay streams gives way more control to publishers and developers, is almost free, allows more time to develop content, etc.

I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did. Now all they do are ridiculous award shows because everyone needs to embrace their feelings.
Not going to E3 and just only doing direct trailer releases or gameplay streams gives way more control to publishers and developers, is almost free, allows more time to develop content, etc.

I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did. Now all they do are ridiculous award shows because everyone needs to embrace their feelings.
That's pretty much it. E3 was created in an era when in-person booths were practically necessary to show new games and give buyers/media a chance to play in advance. Now that they can just send preview access or host a livestreamed presentation, why tie yourself to a fixed annual event?

Apple was in some ways the vanguard on this. It used to time major product announcements for Macworld, but started hosting its own events as it became increasingly impractical to revolve launches around someone else's expo. The writing was on the wall when the original iPhone announcement (at Macworld 2007) upstaged everything going on at CES.
North American offices of some of the largest publishers are not located in California.
  • Microsoft (Washington)
  • Nintendo (Washington)
  • Take Two (New York)
  • Epic (North Carolina)
  • NetEase (Texas)
  • Krafton (Wisconsin)
  • THQ Nordic (New York)
Washington and NY already have PAX West and East, respectively. The rest are never happening.

And for each of those I could name you about 20 studios based in California.

E3 struggling has nothing to do with being in CA, as much as all of the people with CA hateboners would love to believe.