E6600 overclocking help


Limp Gawd
Aug 6, 2004
Hey guys,

Well first off, I'm not a computer newb... but I have been out of the overclocking club for quite a while. (havent done it in years)

I just bought an E6600 yesturday with an ASUS P5B and 2 gigs of OCZ PC2-6400 El Platinum XTC Ed rev.2....

anyways... I would like to overclock this proc from 2.4 - 3.0 ghz if possible. (from what i read this shouldnt be too hard on standard air cooling, with stock intel heatsink) but was wondering if some of you elitists could tell me the proper/safest way to do this?

Do I just increase the FSB speed? or do I need to adjust multipliers or make voltage changes as well?

Thanks in advance to anyone that wants to help!
I am very interested in this as well...

I was originally told to bump up the pcie voltage to 110 from 100.
Ok so I've done what your guide said, and I'm in windows running at 2.88 ghz, so far.

I just have a question though. When I first set my dram frequency I set it to 800mhz (what the ram is rated) ... Then when I increased the fsb the ram frequency went up with it. When I reached my 2.88 ghz level (320 fsb) the dram frequency was at 920 mhz... (I didn't think this was right... so I changed the dram frequency back down to 800 mhz)

Should I have done this? Or should I just let the dram frequency go up with the cpu frequency and leave it at 920 mhz??

Thanks again!
You need to drop that mem to 533. Touch nothing else (usually). You may be able to under volt your cpu (i did). Set FSB to 333 but do this incrementally, you gotta watch the temps using core temp.

I don't have your motherboard so i don't know if the pci and pci-e buses are locked. If in doubt manually set them to their perspective values.

If you're unlucky you will have to up your voltages.
KENNYB said:
You need to drop that mem to 533. Touch nothing else (usually). You may be able to under volt your cpu (i did). Set FSB to 333 but do this incrementally, you gotta watch the temps using core temp.

I don't have your motherboard so i don't know if the pci and pci-e buses are locked. If in doubt manually set them to their perspective values.

If you're unlucky you will have to up your voltages.

Like before I do the overclock, set the mem to 533? and then let it go up with the FSB?

OR after the FSB is set to 333, set the ram freq to 533?
Set your Dram frequency for the lowest it can go in the BIOS... should be around 533mhz. Don't think of "Dram freqency" as the actual speed it will be running at, think of it as an extra... factor in calculating the speed. If you set your Dram freq. to 533 mhz, but run your FSB at 400, your Ram will ACTUALLY be running at 800mhz... yeah, wierd I know. Here:

Your Actual Dram frequency is calculated by multiplying (FSB by 2) then applying a divider.
By setting your Dram frequency (AKA the divider) to 533 mhz, you're running it at 1/1.

Therefore, if your FSB was set to 300, your RAM would be running at 600mhz as the 533mhz divider is equal to 1:1 or 1.

However, if you set your divider to the 5:4 setting (should be called 667mhz) your ram would be running at 750mhz. Why? Well, the equation dictates: 300FSB * 2 * 5/4...

If you want a really high overclock, your goal is to get your RAM speed as low as possible (by high overclock, your RAM WILL run over it's rated spec, almost always). Therefore I suggest the 533 divider. Using this divider, you'll be able to get your FSB up to at LEAST 400mhz... as 400 * 2 * 1 = 800, or what the RAM is guarenteed to run at.

Most good DDR2-800 RAM can run a hell of a lot faster than 800mhz... Usually at least 900mhz... Because of this you'll probably be able to get at least 450mhz out of it.

Which situation do you think would be best for an overclock?

450 * 2 * 1/1 = 900mhz


450 * 2 * 4/5 = 1125mhz

Well, obviously the first one as it decreases the RAM speed to a more reasonable level. Your FSB Speed is still 450mhz, but your RAM isn't running too far out of spec.

The only REAL situation where you'd want to apply a different divider (like, say the DDR2-800 one) would be if you had DDR2-800 RAM, but WERE NOT overclocking the FSB. That way, your FSB would run at 266mhz, but still let your RAM run at DDR2-800 speeds... which, I guess, is good for bandwidth (but doesn't really do anything).

**** So suggestion:

Set your Dram Freq to 533mhz, and up your FSB to however high your chip can run at :).

Hope that helps!
Thank you SOO much!!

That was exactly everything I wanted to know.

Do you think my proc (e6600) can handle a cpu frequency of 400? On stock cooling?

iow, i guess what im asking is... is a 400 fsb a pretty common oc for this chip?

400FSB is a BAD Idea.

Not for your CPU, but for the motherboard! (Btw what kind of P5B you usin, vanilla, E or deluxe?)

There's these invisible "behind the scenes type settings" called a "strap." A strap is basically a divider for the chipset on the board... At 400mhz, you're running your NB as FAST as it can possibly go. At 401mhz the 1333mhz strap is applied, and the NB frequency will drop to a more... acceptible level.

Running at 400 might not ACTUALLY do anything bad, but that 1 extra mhz will equate to a more stable system more often that not.
I've got the P5B vanilla.

Just tried to run a 333 FSB at 666 mhz, and the comp wouldnt even display. (no beep even)... just silence... lol

do i need to up my cpu vcore voltage?
First of all, make sure you have the latest P5B-vanilla BIOS.

Lock the PCIe freq. at 101
Lock the PCI freq at 100

Set the CPU Vcore to 1 step above 1.35 (should be 1.3625?)
Set each of the other Voltages (NB, SB, ICH, FSB termination if you have them) to their lowest values.
Set the Dram freq. to 533

Set the FSB to 335

If this still wont let you boot... Try raising each of the "other voltages" by 1 level (with the exception of the one that only has 2 options... CAN"T remember what it is right now sorry) over their lowest and try starting up. Do this one at a time, not all 3-4 at once.

I'm really not familliar with the P5B-V, so I can't help you too much there :).
my pcie was locked in at 100 (read it in another thread) ... should i change this to 101 instead?

my pci (2.2) is set to 33.33.... and I locked my ram in at 1.9 (from the ocz website)
Yeah, sometimes increasing the PCIe speed to 101, 105 or 110 will help you get a higher FSB...