E8400 - Core0 vs Core1


Jul 6, 2004
I JUST finished putting a new mobo and CPU in and while doing some initial tests I see that my core0 is 'stuck' @ 40C while Core1 goes between 40C and 54C under full load for a couple minutes.

I haven't gotten too far into OC'ing and tweaking but initially I think this is really weird.

This happen to anyone else?

Useful info:
P35-DS3R F11

Stressing w/ OCCT and reading temps/info with CoreTemp 0.96.1 and CPUz 1.44.1
I have a similar "issue" with my E6400. Core1 is almost always 4-6C lower than Core0; my guess is that cores will never be perfectly equal in all aspects.
Core 0 here stuck at 40c,Core 1 does seem to work, not sure if its accurate tho.


Didn't want this to turn into an OCing thread but when running @ the 3.6GHz core 0 actually moved to 42C for a second and core1 still goes to 55C

I know it's not unusual to have different core temps (especially since I put the mini Ceramique line in the wrong direction on the IHS) but to have a 0-2C delta... somethings wrong somewhere.

EDIT: Checked the articsilver site for their directions. I did put the line the wrong way. Still doesn't solve the issue though.
The E8400s have screwy temp readings, don't worry about it. There are lots of threads about it here and elsewhere if you want some background.
WOW. I must have spelled something wrong when I searched. :)

I see a couple ppl have this issue. Thanks.
yep, one of my cores ( o ) does run cooler. I also see that core 1 does more of the work tho. no biggie.
Just built two rigs with the 8400. One had a stuck core 0 and would stay at 42* no matter what I did to it, the other core would run from 42-45 at idle. The second one runs consistently about 5-6 degrees cooler than the first one, and both cores temp reading works. There have been quite a few issues with the temp readings on the 8400's.
Both my cores very between 4-6 *C, I just figured it was due to the bad thermal paste job I did on the CPU before putting on my Tuniq 120.