E8400 ETA Mondya 2/25?


Jul 28, 2007
I received a reply from Avadirect, after placing an order for an E8400.
According to the sales manager, this processor should be available on Feb 25th.

Hopefully, it will be for other e-tailers as well, and prices drop from their current inflated levels.
Getting this CPU at a reasonable price has been quite a challenge these last 2 weeks.

I guess Intel's release date for this CPU was overly optimistic to say the least.

Have there been any reasons why Intel ran out so soon? I hope they made good use of all this chaos to fix the E8400's heat related issues.
Maybe their next batch won't be so sensitive to higher voltages.

If prices don't go significantly lower than they are now on Monday, I will be getting either an E6750 or E6850 depending on my mood.
I didn't have a problem getting one at launch, and got it for under $200. It wasn't optimistic, it was very high in demand, it was the Nintendo Wii of CPUs. Mine has been running at 4.1ghz for several weeks now without a hitch.

There are some etailers who had them in yesterday (tankguys) when I looked.