E8500 E0 at Newegg


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 3, 2005
they are shipping from the NJ warehouse. just a heads up. i ordered one yesterday, and it came today (the newegg warehouse is pretty much across the street from ups, and my house in nyc is about 6 miles away so i get anything from the nj warehouse overnight). just for shits and giggles i stoked it up @ 9.5 x 460, vcore around 1.30v, and its priming now. i have had at least 12, if not more e8500 c0 thru here in the last 4 months and not one of them did anywhere near 4370 at any vcore. also, this is a little better than either of the 2 e8600 i have had. i will post screenies here a little later. the cpu comes in different packaging (smaller) than the e8500 c0, but with same hs/f. so i ordered a couple more. only a couple, because newegg may go back to shipping the batch q813xxxx, pack date 04/23/08 c0 cpus with broken sensors that they have been sending me up until now.

batch - Q822A549 (this is a good batch # for e8600)
pack date 08/06/08, maylasia
s-spec SLB9K
Wow. I ordered all the parts for the rig in my sig last tuesday, got the parts monday. My e8500 is a c0 :p Guess I got unlucky. Oh well, the improvement doesn't seem to be that huge.
Is it worth the extra and gamble over me going to microcenter and picking up a 8400 that i can guarantee is e0? I'm debating on going for a superfast dual and retiring my 3.6ghz q6600.
Is it worth the extra and gamble over me going to microcenter and picking up a 8400 that i can guarantee is e0? I'm debating on going for a superfast dual and retiring my 3.6ghz q6600.

worth it for what? are you doing anything cpu limited with the q6600 that does not use all four cores?

this is a few bucks more than the newegg e8400 (still c0, afaik) and a few less than the newegg e8500 (e0 as of today from nj, otherwise a crapshoot).

i had a couple e8600's which are all e0, and wasnt impressed. but this e8500 e0 performs as well or better for $90 or so less. if there was a microcenter near me i would make the trip for the definite e0. i mean, it doesnt blow the doors off the c0, but it is better, according to the results i am seeing here , at xs and at anand.
*edit...sorry, for some reason it kept the window up after I hit post so I noticed it a while later and hit post again...*
i had a couple e8600's which are all e0, and wasnt impressed. but this e8500 e0 performs as well or better for $90 or so less.

How is it gonna perform as well or better?

You may have gotten some E8600s that don't overclock really well but that doesn't mean that all E8500s will equal or beat the ones that you bought.
How is it gonna perform as well or better?

because it overclocks as high or higher with same vcore.

You may have gotten some E8600s that don't overclock really well but that doesn't mean that all E8500s will equal or beat the ones that you bought.

i never typed anything about any cpus besides the 2 e8600's i had and the e8500 that i have. i made no blanket statements. i dont seem to see your point, other than being needlessly argumentative and picayune.
sorry man, i dont. only definites i know are tankguys e8400, and for now, newegg, nj warehouse for e8500. i ordered a couple more today. they will be here tomorrow and i will post whether they are e0 or not.
man im so stuck right about now

i can get a e8500 for $179 with a promo
or a q6600 for $189

if you want to talk clock speed, you could conceivably get 800mhz or more with the e8500 e0 than with the q6600, along with the attendant higher fsb and ram speeds.
if you want to talk clock speed, you could conceivably get 800mhz or more with the e8500 e0 than with the q6600, along with the attendant higher fsb and ram speeds.

Thats true, but LegionHardware just posted a scaling article with the 4870X2. I think this pretty clearly shows that with a fast enough GPU that the quad core wins for gaming. I believe until the latest generation of GPUs we were still so GPU limited that the CPU didn't matter. Even then it takes an HD4870X2 or well overclocked GTX 280 to even begin to worry about this. The whole 3.2Ghz is enough CPU up till now may have held true. Take a look at the article...


"Perhaps the most interesting thing that we have noticed is how much faster the Core 2 Quad processors were when compared to the Core 2 Duo’s, this is not something that we have really seen before."
yea, you're right, the 65nm quads have finally come in to their own after a year or 2. just seems like the 8500 e0 is a great deal right now ($179 free ship with promo code at newegg). but you can find great prices on oem q6700, also.
Anyone looking to upgrade an older machine, or buying a new one can't go wrong either way. CPU prices are low, GPUs are affordable and DDR2 is rock bottom. Its a buyers market.
How are the temperatures on the e0 e8500? I've been hearing that they actually run hotter than previous versions...
temps are around the same. but i have had 15 or 20 45nm quads and duals, and they all have relatively high idle temps, and sort of ok load temps. the biggest difference i am seeing is that these e8500 e0 overclock 7 to 10% better than the c0, and thats worth tracking one down. this is over a sample of 3 random cpu's. i got 2 more from newegg nj warehouse today, and both are e0, btw.
my first sub 10 superpi, with massive vcore, air cooled. now i can retire.


does 3dmark and can play tf2 for hours, but no prime. i think 1 of my stix of g.skill ddr2 1000 is going bad. this is at least 500mhz more than i ever got with c0 e8500. and i had a bunch of them.
I picked up an e0 version at the Irving TX Fry's yesterday for $179. Dropped it into my Asus p5k deluxe last night, set voltage to 1.2875 and FSB to 450. Ran overnight Orthos with no problem....great chip!


Can you confirm if Q9550;s there are E0 ?

I'm still looking for one. The Frys's that I have called and checked in the LA area say they have SLAWQ which is not the E0 stepping
SLB8V type that you want.
I just received an E8500 from the Newegg NJ warehouse and it is NOT an E0. So it is still a luck of the draw situation for the E8500 just like anywhere else. There are a couple of places which supposedly have guaranteed E0 E8400s, but there doesn't seem to be anywhere you can buy guaranteed E0 E8500s. I'm tempted just to go over to my local microcenter and get a guaranteed E0 8400. I just wish they had E8500s. I am returning this POS C0 before it stinks up the room like a dead fish. I am already sensing that low tide smell coming from the box. Just got my RMA#. I wish I could figure out whether Intel is binning these things. I am tempted by the uber expensive E8600 and its 10x multi, but if it's not significantly binned it may not be worth it to me.
so now that e0 is out, suddenly c0 is BS ?! .. its stinking?

you are one of those stupid homo's tht will be like "my i7 owns your q9650" ... you piece of shit...
so now that e0 is out, suddenly c0 is BS ?! .. its stinking?

you are one of those stupid homo's tht will be like "my i7 owns your q9650" ... you piece of shit...

While rude and unnecessary, I think there's a point buried there somewhere. RMA'ing a CPU because it's not the stepping version you want is obsessive at best.
While rude and unnecessary, I think there's a point buried there somewhere. RMA'ing a CPU because it's not the stepping version you want is obsessive at best.

I don't agree. Let's say C0 is version 1.0, E0 is 1.01
Would you use Firefox 3.02 rather than 3.03?
yes but this isn't the same ...

so suddenly, the C0 E8400 is sh1t? so it was really good and now its not that good anymore?
I don't agree. Let's say C0 is version 1.0, E0 is 1.01
Would you use Firefox 3.02 rather than 3.03?

Actually the smarter person would just make sure they downloaded the right version to begin with, even if that took some extra work. Because there is not point downloading some random version of Firefox if you would just refuse to use certain versions.

Anyone who needs a specific revision so they can sleep well at night should also be clever enough to know that the stepping is never guaranteed unless you walk into a store and pick one out, order from a place that specifies stepping, or wait it out a number of months for the old stepping to dry up from the retail channels.
As for the fish thing, you guys have absolutely no sense of humor. My tongue was in my cheek. As for returning the CPU because it didn't have the stepping I want, Newegg customer support didn't seem to have a problem with it (I was honest as to the reason), so I don't know why you should. The CPU box was unopened and sealed. So who cares? I just have to pay the shipping. The bottom line is the OP was wrong in his implication that Newegg was an even remotely reliable source of E0 stepping E8500s from the NJ warehouse. You want an E0 you're going to have to buy one locally so that you can check the S-Spec yourself or buy an E8600 which is what I am probably going to do rather than trying my luck again.
I don't agree. Let's say C0 is version 1.0, E0 is 1.01
Would you use Firefox 3.02 rather than 3.03?

I would if I had to RMA Firefox in order to do so. That is an incredibly bad analogy.

As for the fish thing, you guys have absolutely no sense of humor. My tongue was in my cheek. As for returning the CPU because it didn't have the stepping I want, Newegg customer support didn't seem to have a problem with it (I was honest as to the reason), so I don't know why you should. The CPU box was unopened and sealed. So who cares? I just have to pay the shipping. The bottom line is the OP was wrong in his implication that Newegg was an even remotely reliable source of E0 stepping E8500s from the NJ warehouse. You want an E0 you're going to have to buy one locally so that you can check the S-Spec yourself or buy an E8600 which is what I am probably going to do rather than trying my luck again.

I would have to ask myself why I wasn't happy with C0 stepping, and why I'm going through all of this trouble just to get a slightly better version, because the end results will only make a valuable difference in benchmarks, and not games.

But that's just me.
if i were you i'd try again .... pock pock pock chickeeennn

You've been here over 3 years, and thats the best thing you can come up with?

Sigh...seriously, your maturity level is amazing. The guy is providing information that is relevent to people that want to purchase now, and you're throwing in childish comments.

Go away, you serve no value to this thread.

Thanks OP for posting your findings, as someone who was debating between fence sitting for the Nehalam, and buying now, its helpful information. I wasn't aware of new steppings coming out, so you provided me valuable insight, and I thank you.
aww come on, this is me, i love me life , i live happy each and everyday .. if that shows how mature i am or not..then my friend, i'm sorry to have touched your sensitive side...i don't mean anything serious with this...

and about going away? who are you to tell me to go away? Stop taking stuff to serious, you will die at a very young age..

after all, who wouldn't want an e0 instead of c0 ...?
tankguys still has "eta 9/03" for the e8400 e0, and "backordered" on the product page. newegg shipped e8500 e0 for maybe 2 days, now back to pack date 4/30/08 and 5/14/08. its very tough to get one for some reason. the reason probably being the vast amounts of c0 in the distribution chain. the guys writing the customer reviews at newegg are not stating whether they are getting e0 or c0 e8500 for some reason. neither are the e8400 guys, except for 1 e0 from socal.