EA DICE Responds to Battlefield V Chat Filter Censoring Phrases Like "DLC"


Aug 20, 2006
EA DICE has managed to implement a broken chat filter into Battlefield V: while it was designed to censor profanity and other types of “toxic” language, beta testers have caught it omitting not only innocent words, but gibberish as well. These include the phrase “DLC,” along with “ combinations of letters that often don’t even form real words.” Angry Joe discovered it even censored the phrase “white man.”

“One of the new features we’re working on is a profanity filter in-game to reduce toxicity,” he said about the open beta. “That being said, we have heard some complaints that the filter is blocking words that aren’t profanity or shouldn’t be blocked, like ‘DLC,’ etc. and isn't blocking some words that should be (obviously, I will not be providing examples of these).” Braddock went on to say that EA DIC is going to continue working on the work-in-progress feature and that their goal isn’t to limit conversations by censoring out words like “DLC.”
Yea, I'm 100% positive that the blocking of "white man" was an "Accident". All the more reason not to ever buy another game from this shitty company. As if having to put up with sjw nonsense on nearly every forum isn't bad enough, now it is leaking into games.
Willing to bet its blocked because of the letters "hit" being close together, as in shit.
” Braddock went on to say that EA DIC is going to continue working on the work-in-progress feature and that their goal isn’t to limit conversations by censoring out words like “DLC.”

Seems a letter is missing there, not sure if it should be a "K" or "E" though.
For this and many other reasons (dumb downed gun and game mechanics, PC Server control Proconn being replaced with vastly limited Console Server manager, SJW bullshit, and Dice/EA basically retooling the Battlefield franshcise to chase after casual / console players forsaking the competitive PC players that made BF the success it is today) I wont be buying BF5 (did not buy BF1 either). EA is where great gaming studio's go to die, Dice is simply the most recent gaming studio in a L..O..N..G.. list of gaming studio's that has lost their creative control of their franchises under the black flag that is EA.
Funny how it's a twitch clip from the guy that was angry someone got the presidency that he didn't like that got the presidency because of crap like EA is doing here.

It's the day I unsubbed from him because I can't trust the opinion of anyone naive enough to believe that only one political party has a massive share of uneducated people. I've been independent for twenty years and I'm quite aware that half the damn country acted like idiots during the election, regardless of affiliation. But to avoid this becoming a political issue - EA has systematically destroyed whatever goodwill it had remaining and yet still finds a way to annoy me.

YongYea's take:
Game must be the perfect game if this is what people are bitching about. Must be the best game ever made and that will ever exist
Game must be the perfect game if this is what people are bitching about. Must be the best game ever made and that will ever exist
Nah, it's just identity politics. Too many people live for this shit. The SJWs are on a crusade against anything not politically correct, the anti-SJW right on a crusade against anything that is. Then they treat topics like this to affirm what they thought about the other side and fuel the fire more. It's really the same crap on both sides.
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Yea, I'm 100% positive that the blocking of "white man" was an "Accident". All the more reason not to ever buy another game from this shitty company. As if having to put up with sjw nonsense on nearly every forum isn't bad enough, now it is leaking into games.

It's pretty obviously flat out broken.

It will censor the "stand" in "stand on the point."
Nah, it's just identity politics. Too many people live for this shit. The SJWs are on a crusade against anything not politically correct, the anti-SJW right on a crusade against anything that is. Then they treat topics like this to affirm what they thought about the other side and fuel the fire more. It's really the same crap on both sides.

Right; against free speech vs for free speech is NOT the "same crap from both sides".
Nah, it's just identity politics. Too many people live for this shit. The SJWs are on a crusade against anything not politically correct, the anti-SJW right on a crusade against anything that is. Then they treat topics like this to affirm what they thought about the other side and fuel the fire more. It's really the same crap on both sides.
Actually it is for identity politics vs. against identity politics.
It is really not the same crap from both sides. identity politics is original sin on steroids enforced by an angry twitter mob.
Right; against free speech vs for free speech is NOT the "same crap from both sides".
Yes, because my free speech is the #1 thing I'm interested in when purchasing a FPS, and should be given WAY more attention than the graphics, gameplay, etc. If Doom, Prey, Quake Champions, etc. censors me from typing "DLC", then no sale.

This wouldn't receive half the attention it is if "white man" wasn't on the list. This is probably just a pure bug blocking random words and phrases, but hey, it checks the boxes for both camps to get outraged, so there you go. It's now more worthy of attention than anything else, drowning out any legitimate analysis of the game.

One side will say something outrageous, then the other side won't let go to the point where that's all that's discussed. It's the same crap on each side, they just take turns who fires the first shot. It's also the reason a thread about a character in the Witcher show being black has the most posts of any topic on the first page of this forum. Both sides are for free speech when it suits them, and against it when it doesn't.
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Innapropriate Behavior
Yes, because my free speech is the #1 thing I'm interested in when purchasing a FPS, and should be given WAY more attention than the graphics, gameplay, etc. If Doom, Prey, Quake Champions, etc. censors me from typing "DLC", then no sale.

This wouldn't receive half the attention it is if "white man" wasn't on the list. This is probably just a pure bug blocking random words and phrases, but hey, it checks the boxes for both camps to get outraged, so there you go. It's now more worthy of attention than anything else, drowning out any legitimate analysis of the game.

One side will say something outrageous, then the other side won't let go to the point where that's all that's discussed. It's the same crap on each side, they just take turns who fires the first shot. It's also the reason a thread about a character in the Witcher show being black has the most posts of any topic on the first page of this forum. Both sides are for free speech when it suits them, and against it when it doesn't.

Its because of people like you that we are in the shitstorm that we are.
By all means, connect the dots for me.

No need, its self explanatory, people like you are the reasonwe are facing these sjw idiots,you might not go out and “protest” with them, but you sure as f*** agree with all their identity politics bullshit, case in point the “witcher character” bullshit you just tried to pull right now.
No need, its self explanatory, people like you are the reasonwe are facing these sjw idiots,you might not go out and “protest” with them, but you sure as f*** agree with all their identity politics bullshit, case in point the “witcher character” bullshit you just tried to pull right now.
See that's where you're wrong. I think both sides are stupid and elevate each side's talking points higher than anything else, often over more important topics. I brought up The Witcher to illustrate the point. It's currently the most-posted on thread on the front page of a TECH FORUM. Point being this crap drowns out everything else.

So forget the Nvidia RTX, forget gaming support on Linux, forget Intel facing trouble in the server market to Ryzen. No, what we need to be talking about the most is skin color. That's exactly what I like to see in gaming / tech threads.
I'd be interested to know how the word 'white man' came up in a Battlefield conversation.

I'm trying to envision the circumstances that such a phrase could be used, but I can't.

At any rate, don't most people just use voice chat for this shit anyways?
See that's where you're wrong. I think both sides are stupid and elevate each side's talking points higher than anything else, often over more important topics. I brought up The Witcher to illustrate the point. It's currently the most-posted on thread on the front page of a TECH FORUM. Point being this crap drowns out everything else.

So forget the Nvidia RTX, forget gaming support on Linux, forget Intel facing trouble in the server market to Ryzen. No, what we need to be talking about the most is skin color.
So you honestly think people should be more concerned with the new nvidia rtx, than the slow erosion of free expression, and the rise of overt racism backed by corporate and state entities?
That's exactly what I like to see in gaming / tech threads.
Classic case of victim blaming. Bring identity politics into gaming and tech, then attack the community for rejecting it. How does that translate into "both sides are stupid?" I never wanted identity politics in my games, but now it is here, and we're being called stupid for raising voice against it?
So you honestly think people should be more concerned with the new nvidia rtx, than the slow erosion of free expression, and the rise of overt racism backed by corporate and state entities?

Classic case of victim blaming. Bring identity politics into gaming and tech, then attack the community for rejecting it. How does that translate into "both sides are stupid?" I never wanted identity politics in my games, but now it is here, and we're being called stupid for raising voice against it?

Dont bother, its more than obvious what type of white knight bs the guy is, i already fed the troll , my bad.
So you honestly think people should be more concerned with the new nvidia rtx, than the slow erosion of free expression, and the rise of overt racism backed by corporate and state entities?
In a hardware tech forum? Yes? In a political forum? No? My point is the anti-SJW plays into the hands of the SJW side. Want to REALLY hurt the corporate forces doing this? Don't buy the game and ignore it. That hurts them more than anything, it starves them out. Want to help them again? Make commentary about it for months and month and months ensuring they get constant coverage and exposure. That ENCOURAGES more behavior of this type, because then they know they'll get free marketing.

M76 said:
Classic case of victim blaming. Bring identity politics into gaming and tech, then attack the community for rejecting it. How does that translate into "both sides are stupid?" I never wanted identity politics in my games, but now it is here, and we're being called stupid for raising voice against it?
No, it's not that, it's how disproportionate the coverage is. Which gets more attention in the gaming industry? Identity politics, abuse of workers in the industry, erosion of consumer rights, loss of ownership of games? Nowadays, it's identity politics all the way. The myopic focus on it from the anti-SJW crowd allows BIGGER issues to slip by. It's not about pushing back against SJWs, it's about pushing back to the exclusion of everything else.

So the community wins a victory when they push back against SJW politics. Fine, except now we have more microtransactions than ever, games being sold before they're done, basic features being sold as DLC, and the ability for companies to shut down a game you paid for, and a fast track for streaming-only gaming down the road because we've been conditioned to accept loss of consumer rights. Well all that shit is SECOND FIDDLE to identity politics in games. It's the perfect diversion so companies get away with even more shit. The anti-SJW falls into that trap constantly. Look at Gamergate. That had plenty of legit concerns about corruption in the industry. Yet it got totally drowned out by identity politics to the point where that's what the public associates with it, and consumer rights in games have gotten even worse since then. It's not that the anti-SJW crowd is wrong, it's that they TAKE THE BAIT every time and don't see how they ENABLE worse practices from occurring. What I don't like is how identity politics siphon away attention from BIGGER issues.
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In a hardware tech forum? Yes? In a political forum? No? My point is the anti-SJW plays into the hands of the SJW side. Want to REALLY hurt the corporate forces doing this? Don't buy the game and ignore it. That hurts them more than anything, it starves them out. Want to help them again? Make commentary about it for months and month and months ensuring they get constant coverage and exposure. That ENCOURAGES more behavior of this type, because then they know they'll get free marketing.
I know there is a saying that any press is good press if it gets exposure. But It seems to me that doesn't apply in this case. You think pushing back encourages more of this type of behavior? How? We're at a turning point, and it seems entertainment products infused with this garbage are starting to bomb. Think Solo, and now the lack of pre-orders for Battlefield.
So no this is not free marketing, this is a shitstorm for them, and they're still confused if they should double down on it or backtrack. But the investors will have the final say. Just look at the recent firings of self righteous twitter warriors. The money man have started to realize that this behavior hurts profits.
I'm definitely not buying it, you can count on that, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't acknowledge the issue publicly. So this is not a time for being timid, this is a time to push back even harder, so they back off instead of doubling down.
No, it's not that, it's how disproportionate the coverage is. Which gets more attention in the gaming industry? Identity politics, abuse of workers in the industry, erosion of consumer rights, loss of ownership of games? Nowadays, it's identity politics all the way. The myopic focus on it from the anti-SJW crowd allows BIGGER issues to slip by. It's not about pushing back against SJWs, it's about pushing back to the exclusion of everything else.
I think it is the bigger issue. If every game from now on has to be 100% politically correct, then I can give a flying fuck about microtransactions, or ownership of games. Because I wouldn't want to own a game like that in the first place.

So the community wins a victory when they push back against SJW politics. Fine, except now we have more microtransactions than ever, games being sold before they're done, basic features being sold as DLC, and the ability for companies to shut down a game you paid for, and a fast track for streaming-only gaming down the road because we've been conditioned to accept loss of consumer rights. Well all that shit is SECOND FIDDLE to identity politics in games. It's the perfect diversion so companies get away with even more shit. The anti-SJW falls into that trap constantly. Look at Gamergate. That had plenty of legit concerns about corruption in the industry. Yet it got totally drowned out by identity politics to the point where that's what the public associates with it, and consumer rights in games have gotten even worse since then. It's not that the anti-SJW crowd is wrong, it's that they TAKE THE BAIT every time and don't see how they ENABLE worse practices from occurring. What I don't like is how identity politics siphon away attention from BIGGER issues.
It is second fiddle to identity politics, identity politics can be the end of gaming as we knew it, as it is the end of hollywood blockbusters. Compared to that dlcs and microtransactions are a footnote. Yes there are other problems with gaming than identity politics today, but ignoring identity politics won't affect microtransaction.
We definitely should talk more about microtransactions, but not by letting identity politics off the hook.
I know there is a saying that any press is good press if it gets exposure. But It seems to me that doesn't apply in this case. You think pushing back encourages more of this type of behavior? How? We're at a turning point, and it seems entertainment products infused with this garbage are starting to bomb. Think Solo, and now the lack of pre-orders for Battlefield.
I'm not saying pushing back encourages more behavior, I'm saying pushing back MASSIVELY does, because that reinvigorates the SJW base, which makes them come back even harder, which in turn fires up the anti-SJW base even more. It's completely cyclical and adds fuel the fire. It's two warring ideological camps. The only winning move is to ignore them and not give them more attention. Don't accept them, but just starve them out. Attention is what SJWs crave. And likewise, most anti-SJWs seem to crave SJWs doing something stupid so they can pounce all over it again and again. It goes round and round.

As for the movies, only the bad ones bomb. Ghostbusters was a piece of shit, and surprise, it bombed. The Last Jedi was stupid and that made fans want to boycott the next movie, which had a poor choice for Han Solo, so it bombed. But look at Marvel movies. Mary Jane is now black. Heimdall is now black. The Ancient One is now a woman. Those are complete cash trains. I don't think they're successful BECAUSE of the minority injection, the point is they're not clearly bombing across the board. The backlash doesn't affect much.

M76 said:
I think it is the bigger issue. If every game from now on has to be 100% politically correct, then I can give a flying fuck about microtransactions, or ownership of games. Because I wouldn't want to own a game like that in the first place.
Well first off, that won't happen. Second, the ownership of games IS the bigger issue, because then when you have good games that DON'T pull the politically correct stuff, you're still fucked, because consumers lost rights hand over fist while they were fighting SJW's. Enjoy your streaming-only future, I sure won't.

M76 said:
It is second fiddle to identity politics, identity politics can be the end of gaming as we knew it, as it is the end of hollywood blockbusters. Compared to that dlcs and microtransactions are a footnote. Yes there are other problems with gaming than identity politics today, but ignoring identity politics won't affect microtransaction. We definitely should talk more about microtransactions, but not by letting identity politics off the hook.
There are more games than even, identity politics won't end gaming, get real. It will lead to some shitty AAA games while hundreds of other games get released each year. DLCs and microtransactions are hardly a "footnote" in the AAA space nowadays though. I can find non-politically correct AAA games each year. How many AAA games can you find each year with no cheap DLC or microtransactions AT ALL now?

Again, the point is balance. While not gaming, I saw a news article a while ago that perfectly illustrated the topic. In one year, MSNBC covered Stormy Daniels 455 times, the war in Yemen: 0 times. That's exactly it. It's not that neither topic shouldn't be covered, but the proportion is utterly out of control.

Dont bother, its more than obvious what type of white knight bs the guy is, i already fed the troll , my bad.
I think combat women in a WWII game is kind of dumb since it's historically inaccurate and adding minorities to a game based on regional folklore that didn't have minorities is stupid also. I think these are both far LESS important than abusive practices in the industry. If that's white knighting, then whatever, it sounds like you don't understand the point I was making and are hearing what you want to.
I'm not saying pushing back encourages more behavior, I'm saying pushing back MASSIVELY does, because that reinvigorates the SJW base, which makes them come back even harder, which in turn fires up the anti-SJW base even more. It's completely cyclical and adds fuel the fire. It's two warring ideological camps. The only winning move is to ignore them and not give them more attention. Don't accept them, but just starve them out. Attention is what SJWs crave. And likewise, most anti-SJWs seem to crave SJWs doing something stupid so they can pounce all over it again and again. It goes round and round.
Seems like you're just trying to explain this away, rather than admitting that pushback is necessary. How do you imagine not accepting it, but saying nothing at the same time? The SJW band is inventing false narratives for the failure of products even if there is a clear reason for it. Imagine the field day their cronies would have if we didn't even offer the truth.

As for the movies, only the bad ones bomb. Ghostbusters was a piece of shit, and surprise, it bombed. The Last Jedi was stupid and that made fans want to boycott the next movie, which had a poor choice for Han Solo, so it bombed. But look at Marvel movies. Mary Jane is now black. Heimdall is now black. The Ancient One is now a woman. Those are complete cash trains. I don't think they're successful BECAUSE of the minority injection, the point is they're not clearly bombing across the board. The backlash doesn't affect much.
Battlefield pre-orders didn't bomb because it was bad, as we're talking pre-orders, nobody could have known how good or bad the game actually was. It bombed because people are sick and tired of identity politics being shoved down their throats. I stopped watching marvel movies long before this, so I can't say anything for sure about that. But the problem with identity politics is not changing a character's gender or race. That's fine, until they start shouting at us, that they changed it for the sake of it, and not because it made sense for the story. I don't think marvel ever came out and said fuck waits/males openly. Dice did. Ghostbusters did. Disney(Kennedy) did.

Well first off, that won't happen. Second, the ownership of games IS the bigger issue, because then when you have good games that DON'T pull the politically correct stuff, you're still fucked, because consumers lost rights hand over fist while they were fighting SJW's. Enjoy your streaming-only future, I sure won't.
You can't just reverse my argument and use it as it is. It won't work. Mentioning another issue is not an argument. It's not like we have one token that we use up when we push back against something. So we must choose if we are to push back against DLCs Microtransactions, Streaming, or PC shit.

There are more games than even, identity politics won't end gaming, get real. It will lead to some shitty AAA games while hundreds of other games get released each year. DLCs and microtransactions are hardly a "footnote" in the AAA space nowadays though. I can find non-politically correct AAA games each year. How many AAA games can you find each year with no cheap DLC or microtransactions AT ALL now?
I can hardly find more than one or two AAA games that I'm interested in each year.
Again, the point is balance. While not gaming, I saw a news article a while ago that perfectly illustrated the topic. In one year, MSNBC covered Stormy Daniels 455 times, the war in Yemen: 0 times. That's exactly it. It's not that neither topic shouldn't be covered, but the proportion is utterly out of control.
Gaming media is almost completely owned by the socoial justice types. So what do you expect them to cover? It's not covered because we push back, it is covered because that is their agenda. There might be less coverage if we didn't push back, but then it would all just come to pass without incident. I don't want it to become the norm. If we accept censorship in our games, how soon before we accept it elsewhere?

I think combat women in a WWII game is kind of dumb since it's historically inaccurate and adding minorities to a game based on regional folklore that didn't have minorities is stupid also. I think these are both far LESS important than abusive practices in the industry. If that's white knighting, then whatever, it sounds like you don't understand the point I was making and are hearing what you want to.
I love the idea of female characters, I'd have bought the game day one probably, even pre-ordered it. Until they started talking down to us, and said that this is historically accurate and whoever disagrees is uneducated. I couldn't give a damn about historic accuracy in games, was Wolfenstein historically accurate?
My last name is literally...literally...censored.... Fuck this game, I'll wait 6 months till it comes out on the games with gold for Xbox and then download it for free.